War between the Senate and House !!

Will now there be a war between the senate and house??

Will there be a war of men against women??

Who has the power?

Trump won the more powerful senate with the mid term election

He now has a lot power over the house

Before the senate acts on trump they will investigate the investigators and when they do they will see the big blackmail crime by mueller

The senate is designed to be more powerful than the house

The senators must have more experience with a min age of 32 and not 28 by the house

Trump will start locking up crooked congress people these next 2 years and show the public that they are the traitors of America

The executive is designed to have more power than the senate and the lowest power the house

President must be 35 senators 32 representatives 28

The senators that trump increased on his side has to vote 2 thirds to stop trump

So trump can do anything he wants if he has 1 third of the senate

So during these 2 years he should go full speed showing how crooked half the congress is and the media and educators

And this would result in him getting elected again and then he will make a logic ability test for voters and keep it and let the senate stop him with 2 thirds vote

Trump has got McCain Flake Corker Alexander RINOS leaving the senate so trump with the increase in republicans with the mid term and the decrease in RINOS Shows that trump has increased his power

So impeach all you want to house

Trump will stop the crooks

Trump won the more powerful senate with the mid term election

He now has a lot power over the house

Before the senate acts on trump they will investigate the investigators and when they do they will see the big blackmail crime by mueller

The senate is designed to be more powerful than the house

The senators must have more experience with a min age of 32 and not 28 by the house

Trump will start locking up crooked congress people these next 2 years and show the public that they are the traitors of America

The executive is designed to have more power than the senate and the lowest power the house

President must be 35 senators 32 representatives 28

The senators that trump increased on his side has to vote 2 thirds to stop trump

So trump can do anything he wants if he has 1 third of the senate

So during these 2 years he should go full speed showing how crooked half the congress is and the media and educators

And this would result in him getting elected again and then he will make a logic ability test for voters and keep it and let the senate stop him with 2 thirds vote

Trump has got McCain Flake Corker Alexander RINOS leaving the senate so trump with the increase in republicans with the mid term and the decrease in RINOS Shows that trump has increased his power

So impeach all you want to house

Trump will stop the crooks
The Senate is usually considered to be the more elite and prestigious of the two houses of Congress but not necessarily more powerful. Each has it's own powers and responsibilities.

In the senate a filibuster can stop a vote on any bill. Only the House of Representatives can write the funding and appropriations bills that are necessary to run the Federal government. Only the House of Representatives can impeach a government official, and only the Senate can convict them. And no bill can become law without passing both chambers.

The constitution did a good job of dividing up powers between three branches of government.

Also understand why Andrew Jackson got his way over congress and the court

That shows where the power lies

Trump can simply declare a national emergency of a broken govt he can bring the money himself to make the changes to stop a crooked broken system

Him with the power of white men

Him with the increased power of the senate where he needs only 1 third to stop any of his acts
Will now there be a war between the senate and house??

Will there be a war of men against women??

Who has the power?

Trump won the more powerful senate with the mid term election

He now has a lot power over the house

Before the senate acts on trump they will investigate the investigators and when they do they will see the big blackmail crime by mueller

The senate is designed to be more powerful than the house

The senators must have more experience with a min age of 32 and not 28 by the house

Trump will start locking up crooked congress people these next 2 years and show the public that they are the traitors of America

The executive is designed to have more power than the senate and the lowest power the house

President must be 35 senators 32 representatives 28

The senators that trump increased on his side has to vote 2 thirds to stop trump

So trump can do anything he wants if he has 1 third of the senate

So during these 2 years he should go full speed showing how crooked half the congress is and the media and educators

And this would result in him getting elected again and then he will make a logic ability test for voters and keep it and let the senate stop him with 2 thirds vote

Trump has got McCain Flake Corker Alexander RINOS leaving the senate so trump with the increase in republicans with the mid term and the decrease in RINOS Shows that trump has increased his power

So impeach all you want to house

Trump will stop the crooks

Trump won the more powerful senate with the mid term election

He now has a lot power over the house

Before the senate acts on trump they will investigate the investigators and when they do they will see the big blackmail crime by mueller

The senate is designed to be more powerful than the house

The senators must have more experience with a min age of 32 and not 28 by the house

Trump will start locking up crooked congress people these next 2 years and show the public that they are the traitors of America

The executive is designed to have more power than the senate and the lowest power the house

President must be 35 senators 32 representatives 28

The senators that trump increased on his side has to vote 2 thirds to stop trump

So trump can do anything he wants if he has 1 third of the senate

So during these 2 years he should go full speed showing how crooked half the congress is and the media and educators

And this would result in him getting elected again and then he will make a logic ability test for voters and keep it and let the senate stop him with 2 thirds vote

Trump has got McCain Flake Corker Alexander RINOS leaving the senate so trump with the increase in republicans with the mid term and the decrease in RINOS Shows that trump has increased his power

So impeach all you want to house

Trump will stop the crooks
The Senate is usually considered to be the more elite and prestigious of the two houses of Congress but not necessarily more powerful. Each has it's own powers and responsibilities.

In the senate a filibuster can stop a vote on any bill. Only the House of Representatives can write the funding and appropriations bills that are necessary to run the Federal government. Only the House of Representatives can impeach a government official, and only the Senate can convict them. And no bill can become law without passing both chambers.

The constitution did a good job of dividing up powers between three branches of government.

Also understand why Andrew Jackson got his way over congress and the court

That shows where the power lies

Trump can simply declare a national emergency of a broken govt he can bring the money himself to make the changes to stop a crooked broken system

Him with the power of white men

Him with the increased power of the senate where he needs only 1 third to stop any of his acts

King Andy sure did; defied the constitution and the US Supreme Kangaroo Court. Blew up the entire illusion of what america claimed about itself.
Trump will declare a broken govt with crooked democrats brainwashing the unwise

He will make a wisdom test for voters like the founders did

He will lock up the crooked deep state

He has the men to make this stick
Trump will declare a broken govt with crooked democrats brainwashing the unwise

He will make a wisdom test for voters like the founders did

He will lock up the crooked deep state

He has the men to make this stick
No wonder Don wants to wall america into a police state. Stick it up your white fragility ass.
Trump will declare a broken govt with crooked democrats brainwashing the unwise

He will make a wisdom test for voters like the founders did

He will lock up the crooked deep state

He has the men to make this stick
What do they call it in your country?

America will always be at war with itself until it no longer exists.
Nope trump will bring a wisdom test for voters
Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft, he couldn't pass one.

After only the wise votes like the founders no more crooked congress from loons in s looney bin voting

Trump is America's last chance

The unwise voters must be stopped to save the nation

He will have the military to set up changjng the voting system

Laws then will come from only the wise not brainwashed low logic voters who elects crooks
America will always be at war with itself until it no longer exists.
Nope trump will bring a wisdom test for voters
Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft, he couldn't pass one.

After only the wise votes like the founders no more crooked congress from loons in s looney bin voting

Trump is America's last chance

The unwise voters must be stopped to save the nation

He will have the military to set up changjng the voting system

Laws then will come from only the wise not brainwashed low logic voters who elects crooks
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ......... Police state.
America will always be at war with itself until it no longer exists.
Nope trump will bring a wisdom test for voters
Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft, he couldn't pass one.

After only the wise votes like the founders no more crooked congress from loons in s looney bin voting

Trump is America's last chance

The unwise voters must be stopped to save the nation

He will have the military to set up changjng the voting system

Laws then will come from only the wise not brainwashed low logic voters who elects crooks

You do realize that when you support taking the vote from stupid people you are advocating disenfranchising yourself, don't you?
Trump declares a broken govt and calls out the military to make wisdom tests for voters maybe only 5 % of the nation can vote

Those 5 % then changes the congress totally and they keep watch better to keep crooks out of the govt
America will always be at war with itself until it no longer exists.
Nope trump will bring a wisdom test for voters
Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft, he couldn't pass one.

After only the wise votes like the founders no more crooked congress from loons in s looney bin voting

Trump is America's last chance

The unwise voters must be stopped to save the nation

He will have the military to set up changjng the voting system

Laws then will come from only the wise not brainwashed low logic voters who elects crooks

You do realize that when you support taking the vote from stupid people you are advocating disenfranchising yourself, don't you?

All people with logic knows that higher logics must be obeyed

Same with eyesight. A low eyesight person knows he has to obey one that can see better

Only a real moron would disagree not to obey a higher logic person
Will now there be a war between the senate and house??

Will there be a war of men against women??

Who has the power?

Trump won the more powerful senate with the mid term election

He now has a lot power over the house

Before the senate acts on trump they will investigate the investigators and when they do they will see the big blackmail crime by mueller

The senate is designed to be more powerful than the house

The senators must have more experience with a min age of 32 and not 28 by the house

Trump will start locking up crooked congress people these next 2 years and show the public that they are the traitors of America

The executive is designed to have more power than the senate and the lowest power the house

President must be 35 senators 32 representatives 28

The senators that trump increased on his side has to vote 2 thirds to stop trump

So trump can do anything he wants if he has 1 third of the senate

So during these 2 years he should go full speed showing how crooked half the congress is and the media and educators

And this would result in him getting elected again and then he will make a logic ability test for voters and keep it and let the senate stop him with 2 thirds vote

Trump has got McCain Flake Corker Alexander RINOS leaving the senate so trump with the increase in republicans with the mid term and the decrease in RINOS Shows that trump has increased his power

So impeach all you want to house

Trump will stop the crooks

Trump won the more powerful senate with the mid term election

He now has a lot power over the house

Before the senate acts on trump they will investigate the investigators and when they do they will see the big blackmail crime by mueller

The senate is designed to be more powerful than the house

The senators must have more experience with a min age of 32 and not 28 by the house

Trump will start locking up crooked congress people these next 2 years and show the public that they are the traitors of America

The executive is designed to have more power than the senate and the lowest power the house

President must be 35 senators 32 representatives 28

The senators that trump increased on his side has to vote 2 thirds to stop trump

So trump can do anything he wants if he has 1 third of the senate

So during these 2 years he should go full speed showing how crooked half the congress is and the media and educators

And this would result in him getting elected again and then he will make a logic ability test for voters and keep it and let the senate stop him with 2 thirds vote

Trump has got McCain Flake Corker Alexander RINOS leaving the senate so trump with the increase in republicans with the mid term and the decrease in RINOS Shows that trump has increased his power

So impeach all you want to house

Trump will stop the crooks
The Senate is usually considered to be the more elite and prestigious of the two houses of Congress but not necessarily more powerful. Each has it's own powers and responsibilities.

In the senate a filibuster can stop a vote on any bill. Only the House of Representatives can write the funding and appropriations bills that are necessary to run the Federal government. Only the House of Representatives can impeach a government official, and only the Senate can convict them. And no bill can become law without passing both chambers.

The senate can remove and stop the house cannot

The senate a min of 32 years age and the house 28 and the president 35.

Clearly the senate was designed with the most power
You are not making any sense. The senate can remove and stop the house cannot??? What does the minimum age have to do with the power wielded by each house?
The House is offering 1.3 billion and the Trump side wants 5.6 billion for da border...Let Trump borrow from rich guys and then pay them back.
Trump can go ahead and build the wall with his executive power

Then wages will rise and the people will see all along the deep state was corrupt to the core
But will popcorn continue to rise at a theater near you?

Popcorn only rises when there is a hole cut in the bottom of the carton.
Use some logic

Senate has the power over the house and many ways to prove this. Like the min age requirement

The senate is the only way a president can be stopped. The house does not have that power

The house members can only serve 2 years before facing the voters again. Much weaker than the senate

Also the pay difference

Wake the heck up to REALITY !!
America will always be at war with itself until it no longer exists.
Nope trump will bring a wisdom test for voters
Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft, he couldn't pass one.

After only the wise votes like the founders no more crooked congress from loons in s looney bin voting

Trump is America's last chance

The unwise voters must be stopped to save the nation

He will have the military to set up changjng the voting system

Laws then will come from only the wise not brainwashed low logic voters who elects crooks
I'd be willing to bet that sounded better in Russian
America will always be at war with itself until it no longer exists.
Nope trump will bring a wisdom test for voters
Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft, he couldn't pass one.

After only the wise votes like the founders no more crooked congress from loons in s looney bin voting

Trump is America's last chance

The unwise voters must be stopped to save the nation

He will have the military to set up changjng the voting system

Laws then will come from only the wise not brainwashed low logic voters who elects crooks
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ......... Police state.

A democracy of wise voters are coming back which stops liberalism world wide

Back to the correct system of the wise founders

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