War is stupid!


Dear ScienceRocks
aha there's the rub
to start a peace movement means to start with ourselves
who do you hate and divide from the most, trump
or antigay advocates? That's who YOU would need
to make PEACE with to compel everyone else
to "give peace a chance"

imagine what you are asking of others
when you think of hugging Trump and asking
to work with Christians who don't trust LGBT
but think this is mental disorder imposed on kids!

The strength of conviction it would take you or
me to forgive and work with the people we despise
and distrust the most (with me I can't stand the Clintons
and I'm a Democrat), THAT'S what it takes to make PEACE.

it is asking a lot of others
because imagine if we had to make peace
with the people we cannot stand either. YUCK

but for peaceful solutions YES I call for unity
and ask to work with all parties and people
of ALL beliefs, even if we don't agree, we can
work on separate solutions and have multiple
answers and programs to choose from. we don't have to
agree on everything in order to offer solutions to everyone
to choose from, which to fund or which to let someone else fund.

Democratic inclusion of diversity is the solution.
i believe in this. even where I disagree with
many people and ask that we fund our own political beliefs
separately. we can still get along and have all these choices
and solve all the problems using different ways. why not???
War is stupid and humanity needs to stop fucking killing each other! War is the senseless ending of your or someone elses life. Isn't life important to you? You whine about how pro-life you're but then want to spend nearly a trillion dollars per year on killing your brothers. WTF?

Lets have peace on earth my brothers and sisters!

That is the true pro-life position! We should go to north Korea and offer kim jong un a beer and dance and be merry.

Peace is the answer!!!

If we got rid of all the stupid where would that leave you?

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