War on Christmas

as if anybody cares if she sees Christians as good.. roflmao

Merry Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates Christmas,, Merry Merry Christmas...
as if anybody cares if she sees Christians as good.. roflmao

Merry Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates Christmas,, Merry Merry Christmas...

If you don't care then good for you, but don't whine when people don't like christian idols as well. The whole two way street thing again.
If you don't care then good for you, but don't whine when people don't like christian idols as well. The whole two way street thing again.

I don't whine.. I just say Merry Merry Christmas to all who celebrate Christmass.. Merry Merry Christmas,, the rest of ya celebrate whatever ya want,,
Given the make up of our country, seems the assumption would be Merry Christmas. However if someone is wearing a Star of David necklace or tie tack, a different wish I would make. Same if one is wearing a headscarf, or a badge that said, "I celebrate the winter solstice." If known, I'd wish them greetings for their celebration, but the assumption that they are celebrating Christmas seems rational.
Given the make up of our country, seems the assumption would be Merry Christmas. However if someone is wearing a Star of David necklace or tie tack, a different wish I would make. Same if one is wearing a headscarf, or a badge that said, "I celebrate the winter solstice." If known, I'd wish them greetings for their celebration, but the assumption that they are celebrating Christmas seems rational.

Jewish people don't care one wit that you say Merry Christmas, it's the atheists that are raising the stink a roo...
Given the make up of our country, seems the assumption would be Merry Christmas. However if someone is wearing a Star of David necklace or tie tack, a different wish I would make. Same if one is wearing a headscarf, or a badge that said, "I celebrate the winter solstice." If known, I'd wish them greetings for their celebration, but the assumption that they are celebrating Christmas seems rational.

The 'make' of our country is that we are a plurality. We should not assume everyone is Christian unless wearing a Star of David or a turban.

Assumptions are not necessarily rational. They can just be laziness. They open one up to the possibility of acting like an ass. Ass U me.
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The 'make' of our country is that we are a plurality. We should not assume everyone is Christian unless wearing a Star of David or a turban.

Assumptions open one up to the possibility of acting like an ass. Ass U me.

Clever but flawed.
I don't whine.. I just say Merry Merry Christmas to all who celebrate Christmass.. Merry Merry Christmas,, the rest of ya celebrate whatever ya want,,

Don't Christians wish others their specific greetings?
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Jewish people don't care one wit that you say Merry Christmas, it's the atheists that are raising the stink a roo...

How do you know? Have you polled all Jews? Have you polled all atheists?

What's your problem with atheists?
If you are a Christian who is offended by the inclusion of others at this time of year by the use of the salutation "Happy Holidays", did it ever occur to you that New Year is also a federal holiday and it is only one week after Christmas and so that the term Happy Holidays is an appropriate greeting even among Christians as it could be referring to both Christmas and New Year? No need to say Merry Christnas and Happy New Year, Happy Holidays gets it done.
Given the make up of our country, seems the assumption would be Merry Christmas. However if someone is wearing a Star of David necklace or tie tack, a different wish I would make. Same if one is wearing a headscarf, or a badge that said, "I celebrate the winter solstice." If known, I'd wish them greetings for their celebration, but the assumption that they are celebrating Christmas seems rational.

Cool ... then you would never offend me, I wear a pentacle to show I am one of the many ... many ... many pagan religions. Although that is a problem in some ways because many pagans celebrate xmas, I honestly don't care really, I just reply with a "hello", the holiday belongs to those who want to celebrate it, those of us who don't (even the atheists) need to chill a bit on greetings sometimes, but I still believe it's more the corporations pandering to someone they see as a minority and not that most actually care that much.
I'd wish anyone a 'Happy & safe 4th of July", though there are some that say it's a celebration of the birth of the worst nation on earth.

I'd wish all a "Happy Thanksgiving", though some see it as a celebration of empire.

There are always those who don't agree with the majority and they do have a right to disagree. I don't have a problem with that sign in Washington state, I think there could have been a better placement, but that's only my opinion.
Faced with the annual dilemma of what to do during the Christmas season, American Jews increasingly are creating new annual celebrations that meld Jewish culture with a Christian winter holy day.

From serving dinners at homeless shelters to prowling "MatzahBall" singles events to noshing Chinese food at a Jewish comedy revue, Jews are "proclaiming their identity by creating new cultural traditions" for Christmas, according to Rabbi Joshua Plaut.

Plaut, executive director of the Center for Jewish History in New York, is analyzing the reactions for a doctoral dissertation he hopes to publish as a "non-judgmental" book about how Jews handle Christmas.

"American Jews are part of the majority culture every day of the year, but on Christmas Eve they suddenly become excluded," Plaut says. "They're not invited to the big Christmas party."

The Jewish response is born of two major impulses: the desire to fit in and the need to take a Jewish stand, Plaut says.

If you meet someone for the first time during the holidays would you wish them Merry Christmas before you knew if that person celebrated Christmas? Wouldn't Happy Holidays be more appropriate? I don't know of anybody who does not celebrate New Year. My wife works with someone from China and even though the Chinese celebrate the Chinese New Year they also celebrate the Gregorian New Year.
I'd wish anyone a 'Happy & safe 4th of July", though there are some that say it's a celebration of the birth of the worst nation on earth.

I'd wish all a "Happy Thanksgiving", though some see it as a celebration of empire.

There are always those who don't agree with the majority and they do have a right to disagree. I don't have a problem with that sign in Washington state, I think there could have been a better placement, but that's only my opinion.

:clap2: Brilliant.
If you meet someone for the first time during the holidays would you wish them Merry Christmas before you knew if that person celebrated Christmas? Wouldn't Happy Holidays be more appropriate? I don't know of anybody who does not celebrate New Year. My wife works with someone from China and even though the Chinese celebrate the Chinese New Year they also celebrate the Gregorian New Year.

However at the same time, why get upset just because a greeting isn't something you like? If you don't celebrate then why not just answer with a simple "Hello" instead of getting upset at all?
Christmas used to be a miserable time of the year for me. I've lost so many loved ones, and I'm estranged from most of my family.

What my wife and I started to do was attend Buddhist retreats over the Christmas holiday.

We'd be off in a remote area, snowed in, and attending to the present moment.

Now our Buddhist community has a Christmas party. Many of our sangha are Jews and Buddhists--they participate with us.

It's very gentle and loving. We play games, sing, eat great food and enjoy each other.

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