War on Christmas

I think we should celebrate Merry Xmas this year by roasting Bill O'Reilly and serving him on a platter with an apple in his mouth. Makes quite a mental picture, no?
I think we should celebrate Merry Xmas this year by roasting Bill O'Reilly and serving him on a platter with an apple in his mouth. Makes quite a mental picture, no?

I'd rather eat Heidi Klum.
The fat in Bill O'Really's head would probably start a fire on the BBQ.
I didn't say you equated Coke to a religion. I was saying that your analogy was a poor one because Coke and religion and not comparable in the context of the example you cited.

First of all, your religious freedom ends where the freedom of others begins. Your religious freedom does NOT include having your religion promoted by the government. Your example is not relevant since you are talking about a citizen bringing a sign into a government building. You as a taxpayer have the right to stand in the middle of the Capitol Rotunda and say Jesus is god all you like. It is the GOVERNMENT that can't do that. That is the distinction.

Now is it my turn to insult your critical thinking skills? Or maybe you'd like to discuss this like adults?

Again you fail to understand the nature of the argument presented and as again I will point out to you the difference between the Separation Clause, and the "shall make no laws" . As I have pointed out in several posts to you and provided Court Cases to support that argument and you have not this will be the last time I will present this too you. I have not denied once that the Govt. is forbidden to establish a religion , however I do submit that Govt. is also forbidden to establish laws to the free exercise thereof. If posting a sign that say's Merry Christmas is considered the free exercise of religion then to prevent that is constitutionally forbidden. AS for my freedoms ending where yours begin that argument is a non starter because my freedoms are the very same ones that you enjoy and therefor do not end at any point where yours begin under the constitution. That argument is a weak at best, if you deny me my Freedoms under the constitution then of course you and I if I were doing the same thing would be in violation of the law. However, simply because a state,city, and Federal Govt. allows for the celebration of a Christian holiday does not deny you the right to Free Exercise of religion nor is it establishing a state religion. There is nothing at all preventing you as a citizen from petitioning your representative to establish a holiday to celebrate whatever faith or non faith you happen to believe in.

As for the perceived insult, I was under the impression we were discussing this as adults and was not aware that making a recommendation as to someones critical thinking skills would be taken as an insult. However, if that was taken that way then you have my apologies. In the future I suggest that if you wish to engage me in debate that rather than dismiss arguments out of turn without facts to back them up as "nonsense" then do not be surprised that the response would be to criticize your critical thinking skills.
Will I be wasting my time with you if I refute each one individually?

The majority of the links dealt with religious displays on government property, so those arguments are false right off the bat. The rest I can read through but I won't waste my time if you will just deny all of my explanations.:cuckoo:
Sure it would be a waste of your time? cause your not goin to change my mind, nor the minds of more than 150 million other federally forced Christians in the USA, MORON:eek:
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Sure it would be a waste of your time? cause your not goin to change my mind, nor the minds of more than 150 million other federally forced Christians in the USA, MORON:eek:

When the times comes that they try to force their religion into our houses many will probably die at my hands before I go down at least. *grin* Boy am I bright and sunny today.
Blah blah blah Holidays Merry Christmas Happy Channukah Happy Solstice Happy Kwanzaa etc etc etc.

Really. It's not a war on Christmas. It's a war on who can play the biggest victims over seasonal greetings.
Blah blah blah Holidays Merry Christmas Happy Channukah Happy Solstice Happy Kwanzaa etc etc etc.

Really. It's not a war on Christmas. It's a war on who can play the biggest victims over seasonal greetings.

But ... but ... it's a war on atheism .... isn't it? :eek:
Originally Posted by YWN666 View Post
Bullshit. That is NOT my position and never has been.
I repeatedly said that greeters in stores were given the discretion to decide which greeting to use if they knew that a specific customer celebrated a certain holiday. That's why I told someone here to announce that they celebrated christmas when they walked in the store so the greeter could avoid his temper tantrum by wishing him a Happy Holiday.
The Happy Holiday greeting was to be used only if the greeter did not know anything about the customer. I NEVER said that Merry Christmas should not be allowed. I said it shouldn't be the only greeting used just to satisfy a few selfish christians.

That has been my position since the very beginning, Bub. Where have you been?
WTH does a Wal-Mart greeter have to do with the war on Christmasthe original subject??? We have Wal_Mart greeters 24-7, 12 months a year, ive never seen a Wal-Mart greeter in court suing(a form of legal war) a Faith based org over the 10 Commandments, Christmas Tree, or Nativity Scene???
Fact of the matter asswipe all the links i provided you with were all accounts from different sources, in which i happen to know most of are credible, weather or not you preconceive is no real consequence to me. Your only purpose here is to confuse and throw off the original subject of the WAR on Christmas. And its not only a War on Christmas but a hell of legal persecution on Christians and Christain organizations, dont come in here with your BS jive talking rationals, you may impress some of these sheeplies here but i know what you really are, your an ANTI-CHRIST type. Its even in your blasphemous spewings, you stinken turd your a waste of good time...Besides anyone that would get offended?? over someone nicely greeting them with Merry Christmas is nut bag period, i mean like hands down nutter...
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Ooooh ...

If you are going to get into a debate, why not pick a side first, so at least the correct people can actually respond.
Blah blah blah Holidays Merry Christmas Happy Channukah Happy Solstice Happy Kwanzaa etc etc etc.

Really. It's not a war on Christmas. It's a war on who can play the biggest victims over seasonal greetings.
Yep. And why anyone would wish someone a happy what-they-do-not-celebrate smacks of hatred. It's a shame people use Jesus to score cheap points.
Yep. And why anyone would wish someone a happy what-they-do-not-celebrate smacks of hatred. It's a shame people use Jesus to score cheap points.

Especially since it is widely known that Jesus was not born anywhere around the 25th of December. The holiday is a farce and I am a Christian. The only reason we have Christimas as a holiday is because the Christians wanted the Pagans to join their religion and took Yule and made it into Christmas. That is the short easy explanation.

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