War on Christmas

Merry Merry Christmas to All Those Who Celebrate Christmas... Merry Merry Christmas...
Especially since it is widely known that Jesus was not born anywhere around the 25th of December. The holiday is a farce and I am a Christian. The only reason we have Christimas as a holiday is because the Christians wanted the Pagans to join their religion and took Yule and made it into Christmas. That is the short easy explanation.

Jesus was born on March 19, 4 B.C.

The Chinese astonomers reported a supernova on that day that was visible in the daylight.....the star of Bethlehem.

Roman Records also show that our calender is off by about 4 years.
Sure it would be a waste of your time? cause your not goin to change my mind, nor the minds of more than 150 million other federally forced Christians in the USA, MORON:eek:

Thanks for admitting that the facts won't change your mind. You and your "federally forced christians" (whatever that means) can go on whining about being persecuted when in fact, you're only being asked to follow the same rules that everyone else has to follow. What makes you think you are so special that the rules don't apply to you?

I've seen it a hundred times before - a whiney christian like White Lion complains that their rights are being taken away but when ALL of the facts that White Lion and his links conveniently omit are seen, it is obvious that there is NO persecution going on. His crap is nothing but propaganda.
Blah blah blah Holidays Merry Christmas Happy Channukah Happy Solstice Happy Kwanzaa etc etc etc.

Really. It's not a war on Christmas. It's a war on who can play the biggest victims over seasonal greetings.

That is exactly it.
WTH does a Wal-Mart greeter have to do with the war on Christmasthe original subject???

The WalMart greeters were part of the original whine-fest by Bill O'Reilly and others - they claimed that WalMart greeters were forbidden from saying Merry Christmas, an assertion that was proven to be 100% false.

We have Wal_Mart greeters 24-7, 12 months a year, ive never seen a Wal-Mart greeter in court suing(a form of legal war) a Faith based org over the 10 Commandments, Christmas Tree, or Nativity Scene???
Fact of the matter asswipe all the links i provided you with were all accounts from different sources, in which i happen to know most of are credible, weather or not you preconceive is no real consequence to me.

I proved on the one story I cited that critical details were left out that show that there should have been no complaint. The family that put up their display were in violation of the homeowner association rules that everyone had to follow.

Your only purpose here is to confuse and throw off the original subject of the WAR on Christmas. And its not only a War on Christmas but a hell of legal persecution on Christians and Christain organizations, dont come in here with your BS jive talking rationals, you may impress some of these sheeplies here but i know what you really are, your an ANTI-CHRIST type. Its even in your blasphemous spewings, you stinken turd your a waste of good time...Besides anyone that would get offended?? over someone nicely greeting them with Merry Christmas is nut bag period, i mean like hands down nutter...

I'm not an "anti-christ type" :cuckoo: or anti christian or anti-religion. I am anti-idiot and that is why I have a problem with you.
Your full of the same turd juice as that Anti-Christ YWN666

Wait....let me guess........you were on the Harvard debate team?
Your masterful way of crafting your argument and addressing all of the points is just astounding!!!! :cuckoo:

Merry Merry Christmas to all those who Celebrate Christmas,, Merry Merry Christmas
And a happy new year.

Good tidings, and peace on earth.

When the argument is lost, slander become the tool of the loser.

Your public shitfit is killing your own credibility, Bub.

Black is Black and White is White and 2 + 2 has always equaled 4, there's no room for gray areas nor fence ridin, them days is over, your either a, Holy Ghost filled, Bible reading, Jesus praying Christian or your not, why waste your time?... I call it like it is, the only public shitfit credibility going here as you say, is your apathetic apostate, anti-christ(YWN666) rhetoric. Oh and im never the loser in Christ Jesus, while i may stumble, i will not fall in Christ.... Bub?:eek: THE END
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Jesus was born on March 19, 4 B.C.

The Chinese astonomers reported a supernova on that day that was visible in the daylight.....the star of Bethlehem.

Roman Records also show that our calender is off by about 4 years.
True, its also beleived that supernovas are responsible for planetary bio genesis effect, but so far earth is the only hard evidence of this so called phenomenon... Jesus the Christ star of life, root of David, Ruler of all universal dimensions:cool:

Oh! by the way Merry Christmas to all..........
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Especially since it is widely known that Jesus was not born anywhere around the 25th of December. The holiday is a farce and I am a Christian. The only reason we have Christimas as a holiday is because the Christians wanted the Pagans to join their religion and took Yule and made it into Christmas. That is the short easy explanation.

The Christians took over Solstice--which does occur at this time. It is the darkest day of the year, and after that day the days begin getting longer and more light.

It makes sense that Christians would use that time symbolically. Jesus is the light of their faith.

To all Christians, Merry Christmas. To all pagans, Happy Solstice. To all African Americans who celebrate Kwanza, Happy Kwanza. To all Jews, whether religious or not, Happy Hannukah. To all atheists, Seasons Greetings.

To all Buddhists, every day is a day to appreciate precious human life.
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Also a good time to organize a celebration, as seasonal affective disorder makes the long nights particularly depressing and a real reason to make some cheer. :)
If Christians were more expansive and generous in their attitude toward others who are not Christian during this holiday they would generate more respect for the tradition.

Anytime you think something is 'all about you' you narrow down the field of kind regard and miss an opportunity to really advance good will and peace on earth.

Being culturally sensitive while PC--which has taken on a bad connotation--is the most respectful of all.

If you say Happy Holidays or Seasons Greetings when you don't know if someone celebrates Solstice, Christmas, Kwanza or Hannukah it is more neutral and respectful IMO.

As chloe says: Happy Festivus for the rest of us.

I'll be saying Tashi Deleg to you all in mid-February for Tibetan New Year which has rich significance to me as a Vajrayana Buddhist.
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The foolishness runs in both directions.

Christians should realize that if someone says Season's Greetings or Happy Holidays they are generally trying to be respectful of multiple religious viewpoints, not disrepectful toward any of them. Anyone Christian offended by this is foolish and not behaving in a very Christian manner.

Non-Christians need to realize that when someone tells them Merry Christmas they are expressing a sincere wish in the manner of their own religious tradition and are not intending to be disrespectful to the listener if the listener happens to be non-Christian. Any non-Christian who is offended by hearing Merry Christmas said to them is a fool.
Merry Merry Christmas to all who Celebrate Christmas, Merry Merry Christmas!
Black is Black and White is White and 2 + 2 has always equaled 4, there's no room for gray areas nor fence ridin, them days is over, your either a, Holy Ghost filled, Bible reading, Jesus praying Christian or your not, why waste your time?... I call it like it is, the only public shitfit credibility going here as you say, is your apathetic apostate, anti-christ(YWN666) rhetoric. Oh and im never the loser in Christ Jesus, while i may stumble, i will not fall in Christ.... Bub?:eek: THE END

Coming from someone who can't decide which side of most issues they sit and instead chooses to do nothing but insult people he has deemed 'unworthy' even when they agree with him .... yeah, that's rich.
If Christians were more expansive and generous in their attitude toward others who are not Christian during this holiday they would generate more respect for the tradition.

Anytime you think something is 'all about you' you narrow down the field of kind regard and miss an opportunity to really advance good will and peace on earth.

Being culturally sensitive while PC--which has taken on a bad connotation--is the most respectful of all.

If you say Happy Holidays or Seasons Greetings when you don't know if someone celebrates Solstice, Christmas, Kwanza or Hannukah it is more neutral and respectful IMO.

As chloe says: Happy Festivus for the rest of us.

I'll be saying Tashi Deleg to you all in mid-February for Tibetan New Year which has rich significance to me as a Vajrayana Buddhist.

Although I have seen many do just that, but not during holidays instead they do it the whole year. So they're not all bad. As I always say, it's the loud mouthed few that are making it hard for the rest of us to see the christians as good.

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