War on Christmas

Okay, now it's just going in circles. Point of the matter is that both sides are guilty of the same thing in this whole debate, but not all of both sides just some. Also a majority of the "happy holidays" is really just corporate pandering to try to increase sales and isn't even out of respect for anyone.
Okay, now it's just going in circles. Point of the matter is that both sides are guilty of the same thing in this whole debate, but not all of both sides just some. Also a majority of the "happy holidays" is really just corporate pandering to try to increase sales and isn't even out of respect for anyone.

no it's not going in circles,, you atheists haven't deviated from yer message.

this holiday does not belong to christians

christians are selfish

christians are exclusive of others feelings

bla bla bla bla bla bla

I'm just not buying it,, and it's making you nuts! :lol::lol::lol:
you lost this argument a long long time ago cause in essence what you are saying is that we should avoid all things Christian lest they offend someone,, and at the same time Christians should be very tolerant and inclusive of everyone else, all feelings in this matter should be considered except the Christians feelings. These celebrations of Christmas should exclude Christians.. You guys are not fooling anbody with your not so subtle nuances! :lol: To date I haven't heard a single utterance in protest of Happy Hanauka or Rhamadan or Happy winter time.. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

anyhoooo Have a very Merry Merry Christmas...btw I have a sister in law who practices Buddhism.. she dosen't have a problem with Merry Christmas, she even rubs shoulders and elbows with her and we don't make her sick or shuddery.. :lol::lol::lol:

Saying Happy Holidays when in public is not shunning all things Christian. Go to Church and be a Christian. Show some spaciousness with others and only say Merry Christmas to people you already know are Christian.

I have no problem saying Merry Christmas to you. I personally have no problem with people saying Merry Christmas to me. I also have no problem saying Happy Holidays.

I never said Christians make me sick. You are the one who said that. Perhaps, what makes YOU sick is arguing about Christmas. Isn't Christmas a holy day? Does Christ care if you say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas out in public?

Wouldn't Christ want you to treat others as kindly and respectfully as you wish to be treated?

My dear, it sounds like YOU are the one with the charge about the greeting.
yes, that's the ticket,, blame it all on O'Reilly,, if it's not Boooosh it's O'Reilly! :lol:

He's the one beating the drum on this. No one else is getting upset about the use of "Happy Holidays". I can remember Happy Holidays from my childhood in the sixty's. This is a phony issue.
Saying Happy Holidays when in public is not shunning all things Christian. Go to Church and be a Christian. Show some spaciousness with others and only say Merry Christmas to people you already know are Christian.

I have no problem saying Merry Christmas to you. I personally have no problem with people saying Merry Christmas to me. I also have no problem saying Happy Holidays.

I never said Christians make me sick. You are the one who said that. Perhaps, what makes YOU sick is arguing about Christmas. Isn't Christmas a holy day? Does Christ care if you say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas out in public?

Wouldn't Christ want you to treat others as kindly and respectfully as you wish to be treated? you think Merry Christmas is being unkind.. Doya???

My dear, it sounds like YOU are the one with the charge about the greeting.

Your message is,,,, "Do Not Say Merry Christmas"""" You May Offend Someone"""""" a truly sad person would be offended by such a warm friendly greeting... soooo soooo sad..
no it's not going in circles,, you atheists haven't deviated from yer message.

this holiday does not belong to christians

christians are selfish

christians are exclusive of others feelings

bla bla bla bla bla bla

I'm just not buying it,, and it's making you nuts! :lol::lol::lol:

What I think is nuts is not having the common decency when out in public to presume that people aren't Christians and to be sensitive when you use the greeting.

What's wrong with increasing sensitivity to others?

If I knew you and saw you in the street I would wish you a Merry Christmas with no problem. What would you say to me?
He's the one beating the drum on this. No one else is getting upset about the use of "Happy Holidays". I can remember Happy Holidays from my childhood in the sixty's. This is a phony issue.

i double dog dare ya to google war on Christmas,, find all the little towns and big cities that are fighting this culture war,, then come right back here with yer disingenious it's O'reilly's fault and I will :lol::lol:
Your message is,,,, "Do Not Say Merry Christmas"""" You May Offend Someone"""""" a truly sad person would be offended by such a warm friendly greeting... soooo soooo sad..

You are the one who said that YOU would not drop Merry Christmas and do not care if you are offending atheists.

How 'warm and friendly' is that?
What I think is nuts is not having the common decency when out in public to presume that people aren't Christians and to be sensitive when you use the greeting.

What's wrong with increasing sensitivity to others?

If I knew you and saw you in the street I would wish you a Merry Christmas with no problem. What would you say to me?

I would say Merry Christmas back and you would probably be the sad bitter little person who was offended at my political incorrectness! and I would feel sorry for you.. there is nothing evil or unfriendly about Merry Christmas,, it isn't and never was meant to offend anybody it's sad that some people are so rigid and bitter that they are offended by Christians..
i double dog dare ya to google war on Christmas,, find all the little towns and big cities that are fighting this culture war,, then come right back here with yer disingenious it's O'reilly's fault and I will :lol::lol:

You are a fan of O'Reilly. He stoke divisiveness and you agree with him.
You are the one who said that YOU would not drop Merry Christmas and do not care if you are offending atheists.

How 'warm and friendly' is that?

so here's the million dollar question,, if I say Merry Christmas and it offends atheists,, then why if they say Happy Holiday and it offends me do they get the sympathy... are my feelings just as important as theirs are??? or not???:lol:
I would say Merry Christmas back and you would probably be the sad bitter little person who was offended at my political incorrectness! and I would feel sorry for you.. there is nothing evil or unfriendly about Merry Christmas,, it isn't and never was meant to offend anybody it's sad that some people are so rigid and bitter that they are offended by Christians..

I see. You are in effect saying that the greeting 'Merry Christmas' means more to you than respectful human relationships with others.

That is an aggressive, and not warm, Christmas greeting that I think Christ himself would disapprove of.
no it's not going in circles,, you atheists haven't deviated from yer message.

this holiday does not belong to christians

christians are selfish

christians are exclusive of others feelings

bla bla bla bla bla bla

I'm just not buying it,, and it's making you nuts! :lol::lol::lol:

LOL ... I can't stop laughing at this one ... it's just such a funny reply. You do realize that I am not atheist ... right? You also realize that I was not choosing sides in any of this, right? You are one of the loud mouths that make it so easy for people to hate christians. Look up the history for once, and no, it's not driving me nuts if you don't believe, but I am finding it funny.
so here's the million dollar question,, if I say Merry Christmas and it offends atheists,, then why if they say Happy Holiday and it offends me do they get the sympathy... are my feelings just as important as theirs are??? or not???:lol:

Not on this topic, at least not anymore. You ignore all other sides who have actually agreed with you, and even attempted to insult us just because we don't ascribe to you particular flavor of ideals, so you really can't expect anyone TO care.
You are a fan of O'Reilly. He stoke divisiveness and you agree with him.

methinks you are getting a little bit angry cause I won't fall in line and march in lock step to yer anti Christian message.. poor person.. do the challenge or not???
so here's the million dollar question,, if I say Merry Christmas and it offends atheists,, then why if they say Happy Holiday and it offends me do they get the sympathy... are my feelings just as important as theirs are??? or not???:lol:

Look at your own double standard. I told you that I would have NO problems wishing you a Merry Christmas and I asked you, knowing that I am Buddhist, what you would say to me?

What you said is that you would say Merry Christmas to me and if I was offended, tough. Why would it not occur to you to say 'enjoy the winter holidays"?

Why would my feelings be none of your concern?

I would be very happy with Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All.

Isn't that a Christmas sentiment?

Notice how angry you are? Why not try something that wishes peace and well being to all, inclusively?
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I see. You are in effect saying that the greeting 'Merry Christmas' means more to you than respectful human relationships with others.

That is an aggressive, and not warm, Christmas greeting that I think Christ himself would disapprove of.

so if you refuse me my Merry Christmas you are being warm and respectful of my humaness??? O'Rally?
LOL ... I can't stop laughing at this one ... it's just such a funny reply. You do realize that I am not atheist ... right? You also realize that I was not choosing sides in any of this, right? You are one of the loud mouths that make it so easy for people to hate christians. Look up the history for once, and no, it's not driving me nuts if you don't believe, but I am finding it funny.

you have never asked me my beliefs either have you??? and I think I've already told you no one gives a hoot that you hate Christians..
Not on this topic, at least not anymore. You ignore all other sides who have actually agreed with you, and even attempted to insult us just because we don't ascribe to you particular flavor of ideals, so you really can't expect anyone TO care.

see, I knew that,,, it's always been about not giving a hoot what a Christian wants.. that is supposed to make you guys all warm and inclusive innit???:lol::lol::lol:
Look at your own double standard. I told you that I would have NO problems wishing you a Merry Christmas and I asked you, knowing that I am Buddhist, what you would say to me?

What you said is that you would say Merry Christmas to me and if I was offended, tough. Why would it not occur to you to say 'enjoy the winter holidays"?

Why would my feelings be none of your concern?

I would be very happy with Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All.

Isn't that a Christmas sentiment?

Notice how angry you are? Why not try something that wishes peace and well being to all, inclusively?

why would a sane person be offended by the very gentle well meaning "Merry Christmas"? I think you are very combative.

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