War on Christmas

The War on Christmas is just a small part of the bigger war you need to be focusing on:

The War on Whites.

Nobody would give a crap if only Hispanics celebrated the birth of Jesus. But the Jews who run our society associate Christianity with the fevered religion of their white European tormentors. Chirping "Merry Christmas" is just a shade off barking "Heil Hitler." So, naturally, they want to get rid of it.

*points up* Willow, these are the people you should really be working on. They make your side look bad to even us who take neither side.
then you don't know, you don't know, you don't know, you don't know, you don't know.. the buddhists I know don't display the animosity I've witnessed from SkyDancer,, she's not there yet..

Merry Christmas WillowTree--

I wish you peace on earth and goodwill to all.
then you don't know, you don't know, you don't know, you don't know, you don't know.. the buddhists I know don't display the animosity I've witnessed from SkyDancer,, she's not there yet..

Never has SkyDancer done such a thing. Many of his posts have actually defended you more than you want, is that why you are angry? Because us "non-believers" are defending you instead of behaving how you expected?

Happy Christmas.
you don't radiate the teachings of the DaliLama,, I just gotta say that.. keep studying.

You are absolutely right. I'm no Dalai Lama.

Thank you for encouraging me as a Buddhist. I will keep practicing.
It is a historical fact that many of the symbols western societies have come to associate with Christmas were taken from non-christian traditions that pre-date the birth of Jesus. Specifically, symbols such as decorated trees, mistletoe, holly wreaths and yule logs all have non-Christian origins. Therefore, substituting the term "Christmas" with the term "Holiday" is more accurate for those who celebrate the secular aspects of this holiday. From a historical context, "Christmas" only recently adopted these long-standing winter traditions into its own identity. Therefore, many non-Christians argue that the most accurate description of this season is the "holiday" season, not the "Christmas" season (a label which only describes the religious celebration of Christ's birth).
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It is a historical fact that many of the symbols western societies have come to associate with Christmas were taken from non-christian traditions that pre-date the birth of Jesus. Specifically, symbols such as decorated trees, mistletoe, holly wreaths and yule logs all have non-Christian origins. Therefore, substituting the term "Christmas" with the term "Holiday" is more accurate for those who celebrate the secular aspects of this holiday. From a historical context, "Christmas" only recently adopted these long-standing winter traditions into its own identity. Therefore, many non-Christians argue that the most accurate description of this season is the "holiday" season, not the "Christmas" season (a label which only describes the religious celebration of Christ's birth).
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Your point? I think nearly everyone agrees with this, including the time of year.
poor sad little atheists,, they expect Christians to respect their little feelings but they offer no respect in return,, why is it that they mirror the liberal philosopy in that respect?? doyathink??? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Merry Merry Christmas to all who Celebrate Christmas..
At least you are trainable.


Happy Ramadan! Methinks it is also that time of year.

You know what I find funny? Most illegal immigrants are more polite that your average white Christian. They never attempt to offend me by speaking spanish to me unless they first find out if I speak it.

Your point? I think nearly everyone agrees with this, including the time of year.
This is the point:

Therefore, many non-Christians argue that the most accurate description of this season is the "holiday" season, not the "Christmas" season
Your point? I think nearly everyone agrees with this, including the time of year.

There are still some who for some reason do not want to admit it, on both sides really. SkyDancer was replying to Willow this particular time.

I would like to add as a quick side note to Willow, you do realize that the Willow Tree has great significance to many pagan religions, a few even consider it a god.
Never has SkyDancer done such a thing. Many of his posts have actually defended you more than you want, is that why you are angry? Because us "non-believers" are defending you instead of behaving how you expected?

Happy Christmas.

I don't know why youse guys insist on my being angry,, you need to recognize yer own anger,,, some day maybe you will reach that "state of happiness" but as long as you let Merry Christmas and Christians but a tweak in yer beak it ain't never gonna happen.. live and let live.. :lol:
This is the point:

Therefore, many non-Christians argue that the most accurate description of this season is the "holiday" season, not the "Christmas" season

Contrary, Christians chose to usurp the time of year and the symbols. This is a predominately Christian country, so the assumption of 'Merry Christmas' with no contrary points is fair.
At least you are trainable.


Happy Ramadan! Methinks it is also that time of year.

You know what I find funny? Most illegal immigrants are more polite that your average white Christian. They never attempt to offend me by speaking spanish to me unless they first find out if I speak it.


That is an odd observation, but I find that it's true of most American raised regardless of skin color or religion. When I was working in Tucson so long ago there were a lot of Mexican immigrants, they were the best workers and I never had to deal with a complaint about them. They were legal, but suspect your observation probably fits as well.
It is a historical fact that many of the symbols western societies have come to associate with Christmas were taken from non-christian traditions that pre-date the birth of Jesus. Specifically, symbols such as decorated trees, mistletoe, holly wreaths and yule logs all have non-Christian origins. Therefore, substituting the term "Christmas" with the term "Holiday" is more accurate for those who celebrate the secular aspects of this holiday. From a historical context, "Christmas" only recently adopted these long-standing winter traditions into its own identity. Therefore, many non-Christians argue that the most accurate description of this season is the "holiday" season, not the "Christmas" season (a label which only describes the religious celebration of Christ's birth).
Wikipedia:Contact us - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

well so what??? if the clebration of Christmas makes Christians happy who are you to deny them that??? not a buddhist surely! Haapiness is what Buddhism is all about.
At least you are trainable.


Happy Ramadan! Methinks it is also that time of year.

You know what I find funny? Most illegal immigrants are more polite that your average white Christian. They never attempt to offend me by speaking spanish to me unless they first find out if I speak it.


so? is it all about you???
This is the point:

Therefore, many non-Christians argue that the most accurate description of this season is the "holiday" season, not the "Christmas" season

but Christians celebrat Christmas,, it's what makes them Happy
I don't know why youse guys insist on my being angry,, you need to recognize yer own anger,,, some day maybe you will reach that "state of happiness" but as long as you let Merry Christmas and Christians but a tweak in yer beak it ain't never gonna happen.. live and let live.. :lol:

you are angry because you are unwilling to recognize facts and even gracefully accept any niceness from the 'non-christians' who have clearly taken your side to an extent, just because we also say it's fair for those who don't celebrate should be allowed to say something different. As for the rest of your post, clearly you still have not read one thing we have posted.
Contrary, Christians chose to usurp the time of year and the symbols. This is a predominately Christian country, so the assumption of 'Merry Christmas' with no contrary points is fair.

Let me ask you this. You know I am a Buddhist. I wish you a Merry Christmas. What do you wish for me?

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