War on Christmas

so if you refuse me my Merry Christmas you are being warm and respectful of my humaness??? O'Rally?
I said 'Merry Christmas' to you. Now, try saying, 'I wish you Peace and Love' to me. Notice how it feels.
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*eye roll* Blinders are glued to your head.

well am I to believe what you just said or not???? I believe you said a Christians feelings didn't count anymore.. but yet you expect Christians to be sensitive to your feelings, now talk about yer double standards.
IMO, Ann Coulter addressed this subject to a tee when she claimed that wishing liberals a Merry Christmas was like telling them fuck you.

And that is exactly what I hear now when people like Willow say Merry Christmas to people that she has no clue as to their beliefs.

IMO, Ann Coulter addressed this subject to a tee when she claimed that wishing liberals a Merry Christmas was like telling them fuck you.

And that is exactly what I hear now when people like Willow say Merry Christmas to people that she has no clue as to their beliefs.



I am trying to teach Willow how to be respectful to non-Christians and she is in effect saying 'fuck you' to me.
Look at your own double standard. I told you that I would have NO problems wishing you a Merry Christmas and I asked you, knowing that I am Buddhist, what you would say to me?

What you said is that you would say Merry Christmas to me and if I was offended, tough. Why would it not occur to you to say 'enjoy the winter holidays"? cause I'm celebrating Christmas

Why would my feelings be none of your concern? My Merry Christmas is so benign a greeting it's unfathomable that it would cause you grief

I would be very happy with Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All. But Merry Christmas (aka the birth of Christ) offends you..
Isn't that a Christmas sentiment?

Notice how angry you are? Why not try something that wishes peace and well being to all, inclusively?
Does it make you feel all warm and fuzzy to picture me as angry?? you keep mentioning it as if yer life depends on it.. That is sad..

I'm not angry.. If my feelings don't matter, then Your's don't matter and youse can all just sit around and be offended. Me" I'm having a Merry Christmas.
Does it make you feel all warm and fuzzy to picture me as angry?? you keep mentioning it as if yer life depends on it.. That is sad..

I'm not angry.. If my feelings don't matter, then Your's don't matter and youse can all just sit around and be offended. Me" I'm having a Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas Willow Tree.

May you have a peaceful and loving time. I am complete accept that you don't care if you offend me.
well am I to believe what you just said or not???? I believe you said a Christians feelings didn't count anymore.. but yet you expect Christians to be sensitive to your feelings, now talk about yer double standards.

Um, no, I said yours because of such posts as this. Many of us non-christians (whom you can't seem to even get over your own hatred enough to read all the posts) were actually defending your right to say what you wanted, but then you attempt to insult us and .... well now I am repeating myself and I hate doing that too often. Reread all the posts, maybe then you won't act like such a hatemonger.
Merry Christmas Willow Tree. I wish you peace and love.

I completely accept that you hate me.
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you don't radiate the teachings of the DaliLama,, I just gotta say that.. keep studying.

*rae* And you complain about non-christians not knowing anything about your beliefs ... this is just stupidity. It is you who needs to read on Bhuddism more, I don't know that much about them but even I know that you are so wrong.
poor sad little atheists,, they expect Christians to respect their little feelings but they offer no respect in return,, why is it that they mirror the liberal philosopy in that respect?? doyathink??? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Merry Merry Christmas to all who Celebrate Christmas..
poor sad little atheists,, they expect Christians to respect their little feelings but they offer no respect in return,, why is it that they mirror the liberal philosopy in that respect?? doyathink??? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Merry Merry Christmas to all who Celebrate Christmas..

Merry Christmas WillowTree--
*rae* And you complain about non-christians not knowing anything about your beliefs ... this is just stupidity. It is you who needs to read on Bhuddism more, I don't know that much about them but even I know that you are so wrong.

then you don't know, you don't know, you don't know, you don't know, you don't know.. the buddhists I know don't display the animosity I've witnessed from SkyDancer,, she's not there yet..
poor sad little atheists,, they expect Christians to respect their little feelings but they offer no respect in return,, why is it that they mirror the liberal philosopy in that respect?? doyathink??? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Merry Merry Christmas to all who Celebrate Christmas..

*smirk* Bah! Humbug.
The War on Christmas is just a small part of the bigger war you need to be focusing on:

The War on Whites.

Nobody would give a crap if only Hispanics celebrated the birth of Jesus. But the Jews who run our society associate Christianity with the fevered religion of their white European tormentors. Chirping "Merry Christmas" is just a shade off barking "Heil Hitler." So, naturally, they want to get rid of it.
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no,, you're being disrespectful to Christians.. be honest.

I am wishing you a Merry Christmas, sincerely. How is that disrespectful? I asked you what you would say to me and your answer was I would wish you Merry Christmas and I don't care if its offensive to you.

I suggested you wish me a peaceful and loving season. You are unwilling to do so. Who is being disrespectful, you or me?
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