War on Christmas

you are angry because you are unwilling to recognize facts and even gracefully accept any niceness from the 'non-christians' who have clearly taken your side to an extent, just because we also say it's fair for those who don't celebrate should be allowed to say something different. As for the rest of your post, clearly you still have not read one thing we have posted.

well see? that's where yer train has run off the tracks,, go back, go back, go back go back and you will see where I've said repeatedly that I'm fine with me saying "Merry Christmas and you saying "Happy Holiday" so I don't know why you persist with the anger>>>
but Christians celebrat Christmas,, it's what makes them Happy

How many times have I wished you Merry Christmas and it still doesn't make you happy?

Do you care if others are happy? Do only Christians matter in America?
Again, making enemies from those who are not attacking you, this is not a good way to live and let live.

I don't make you do anything,, you are only my enemy if you choose to be! That's a conscious choice an individual makes,,
Let me ask you this. You know I am a Buddhist. I wish you a Merry Christmas. What do you wish for me?

I know you are a Buddhist? Peace and contentment. You, me? I think you have some work to do, you are very judgmental and not really objective.
well see? that's where yer train has run off the tracks,, go back, go back, go back go back and you will see where I've said repeatedly that I'm fine with me saying "Merry Christmas and you saying "Happy Holiday" so I don't know why you persist with the anger>>>

No, you go back and explain then why you decided to suddenly go into a tirade of insults toward me and SkyDancer when we have always agreed with you?
I know you are a Buddhist? Peace and contentment. You, me? I think you have some work to do, you are very judgmental and not really objective.

Thank you for wishing me peace and contentment. Same to you.
now I just know the Dali Lama would giggle over that one..

I don't know if the Dalai Lama would giggle, but my Buddhist teacher wants us to be authentic. I bet you got a giggle out of me telling the truth.

The image I had of you was you wearing that football helmet and shoving me in the chest over and over saying Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas you atheist piece of shit.
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Thank you for wishing me peace and contentment. Same to you.

Thanks, but wouldn't the respectful response have been to acknowledge 'my' holiday? I would Hanukkah, Kwanza, Ramadan, etc., if I knew them to be the person's holiday. Why not Christmas?
I don't know if the Dalai Lama would giggle, but my Buddhist teacher wants us to be authentic. I bet you got a giggle out of me telling the truth.

The image I had of you was you wearing that football helmet and shoving me in the chest over and over saying Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas you atheist piece of shit.

well, like I observed,, "you ain't there yet."
Thanks, but wouldn't the respectful response have been to acknowledge 'my' holiday? I would Hanukkah, Kwanza, Ramadan, etc., if I knew them to be the person's holiday. Why not Christmas?

because they are waging a "war on Christians" don't you see the forked tongues flicking???
Thanks, but wouldn't the respectful response have been to acknowledge 'my' holiday? I would Hanukkah, Kwanza, Ramadan, etc., if I knew them to be the person's holiday. Why not Christmas?

Didn't I already wish you Merry Christmas? If not, Merry Christmas. I have repeatedly said I have NO problem wishing people Merry Christmas.
well, like I observed,, "you ain't there yet."

When you start acting Christ-like you'll have earned the right to point the finger at me.

I do a fine job acknowledging my many flaws without any help from you.

You, on the other hand, seem to think you have none.

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