War on Christmas

I think the whole point is to have a light heart about this stuff. When someone is obviously brimming with joy and smiles and wishes me Merry Christmas, I smile back and wish them the same.

When someone gets all cross, and tells me that they are wishing Merry Christmas whether it offends someone or not it leaves a nasty taste in the mouth.

I don't know how I'd feel. Probably somewhat bemused the first time it happened. But if it just kept happening, I wonder how long before my bemusement gave way to something else.
well since Christians mean no one any harm with the wishing of Merry Christmas I just don't get the animosity and the insistance on Happy Holidays, that's kinda forcing a Christian to give up his tradition, unless of course we should stop and ask before speaking to someone are you jewish, buddhist,, muslim, or atheist?? That would seem rude,, it's just as easy for a non Christian to accept "Merry Christmas" in the loving spirit in which it is extended to them..

I'm starting to wonder if you read what I posted. I said I am not offended when a stranger wishes me Merry Christmas.

I find it offensive that YOU have stated that YOU DON"T CARE if you offend others and that whether they like it or not, you will wish EVERYONE a Meryy Christmas even when you know the person is NOT A CHRISTIAN. That is NOT a loving spirit.

Why is it so difficult to be kind to others, especially during Christmas?
I'm starting to wonder if you read what I posted. I said I am not offended when a stranger wishes me Merry Christmas.

I find it offensive that YOU have stated that YOU DON"T CARE if you offend others and that whether they like it or not, you will wish EVERYONE a Meryy Christmas even when you know the person is NOT A CHRISTIAN. That is NOT a loving spirit.

Why is it so difficult to be kind to others, especially during Christmas?

but,, I never said that!
I live in a small, rural county, without great diversity. Our Buddhist Gonpa is here, which is why I moved here.

I worked for a time at a Job Center. One of my co-workers, who is Christian, is a minority Christian, a strict one, and she did not celebrate Christmas. Everyone who worked with her knew this. Still, some of the co-workers continued to make her participate in Christmas activities, causing her to repeatedly have to explain her discomfort. This hurt and angered her that they did not respect her beliefs. I thought it sucked.

When I argue this topic, I remember her. I argue on behalf of her.
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I live in a small, rural county, without great diversity. Our Buddhist Gonpa is here, which is why I moved here.

I worked for a time at a Job Center. One of my co-workers, who is Christian, was a minority Christian who did not celebrate Christmas. Everyone who worked with her knew this. Still, some of the co-workers continued to make her participate in Christmas activites and this hurt and angered her that they did not respect her beliefs. I thought it sucked.

When I argue this topic, I remember her. I argue on behalf of her.

I would have done as you did. I might not agree with her denominations rationale, as I disagreed with my paternal Irish grandma, who believed the American celebration was all about money. But I'd defend their beliefs to say no to celebration.
but,, I never said that!
Go back and re-read the thread.

I may not have worded it EXACTLY word for word. I specifically asked you what you would say to me, knowing I am not a Christian when I say Merry Christmas to you.

You said you would say Merry Christmas and if I was offended,.....oh well. I could get over it or words to that effect.
I would have done as you did. I might not agree with her denominations rationale, as I disagreed with my paternal Irish grandma, who believed the American celebration was all about money. But I'd defend their beliefs to say no to celebration.

It was aggressive and uncalled for. We worked in an agency that recieved government funds with a mandate to be sensitive to employment law, I found it particularly disturbing.
Go back and re-read the thread.

I may not have worded it EXACTLY word for word. I specifically asked you what you would say to me, knowing I am not a Christian when I say Merry Christmas to you.

You said you would say Merry Christmas and if I was offended,.....oh well. I could get over it or words to that effect.

nope! didn't say that
You haven't told me exactly why the benign loving phrase "Merry Christmas" should offend anyone,, ..

You've been told over and over again that it is not about being offensive. It is about equal respect being paid to people of all beliefs but you go off spouting this same complaint ad nauseam. Is there something wrong with you?
You've been told over and over again that it is not about being offensive. It is about equal respect being paid to people of all beliefs but you go off spouting this same complaint ad nauseam. Is there something wrong with you?

so you are not offended if I say "Merry Christmas" to you?? is that correct??
I didn't say that about individuals and you know it,, it was about commerical shop keepers.

You specifically said so to me. I told you I wished you Merry Christmas and I asked you how you would greet me knowing I am Buddhist.

You said you would say Merry Christmas to me whether I liked it or not.
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You specifically said so to me. I told you I wished you Merry Christmas and I asked you how you would greet me knowing I am Buddhist.

You said you would say Merry Christmas to me whether I liked it or not.

no I did not! You said Merry Christmas did not offend you. were you lying?
#587 (permalink) Today, 03:35 PM
sky dancer

I'm not offended if someone says Merry Christmas to me. I happen to be a Buddhist by the way.

your exact words post 587

you are such a scoundrel!
Merry Christmas Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 4,118
Rep Power: 18

Originally Posted by sky dancer
What I think is nuts is not having the common decency when out in public to presume that people aren't Christians and to be sensitive when you use the greeting.

What's wrong with increasing sensitivity to others?

If I knew you and saw you in the street I would wish you a Merry Christmas with no problem. What would you say to me?

I would say Merry Christmas back and you would probably be the sad bitter little person who was offended at my political incorrectness! and I would feel sorry for you.. there is nothing evil or unfriendly about Merry Christmas,, it isn't and never was meant to offend anybody it's sad that some people are so rigid and bitter that they are offended by Christians..

your question and my answer post #629

you are being dishonest.. in your accusations,,
#587 (permalink) Today, 03:35 PM
sky dancer

I'm not offended if someone says Merry Christmas to me. I happen to be a Buddhist by the way.

your exact words post 587

you are such a scoundrel!

Read further. I said I am not offended when a perfect stranger who doesn't know I'm a Buddhist wishes me Merry Christmas.

It is a cause for concern when someone says they don't care who they offend by saying Merry Christmas.
Read further. I said I am not offended when a perfect stranger who doesn't know I'm a Buddhist wishes me Merry Christmas.

It is a cause for concern when someone says they don't care who they offend by saying Merry Christmas.

you are dishonest is what you are.. I never said that,, in either post,, you make stuff up as you go along.. not like any buddhist I know..
I told you I am a Buddhist. If you run into a Muslim, Jew or Buddhist, and that person says "Merry Christmas" what do you say?

Previously, what you said was "Merry Christmas" and if those folks are offended, too bad.

I told you I have no problem with a stranger saying Merry Christmas to me. If someone who knows I am Buddhist says it, it feels different.

And the extra added "I don't care who's offended by it" makes it worse.

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