War on Men continues - Thousands of men in Michigan alone forced to pay for kids they didn't father

Did you guys create all these myths or just breathe a little more life into them?

Liberals create myths like this all the time. It's always the man's fault when a woman refuses abortion and has a child and so the man has to pay.
Did you guys create all these myths or just breathe a little more life into them?

Liberals create myths like this all the time. It's always the man's fault when a woman refuses abortion and has a child and so the man has to pay.

Some radical woman believe that men are enslaving woman by just having sex with them. You'd almost think that they wish for the extinction of our species and are doing this for that reason.

There is some pretty radical crap within college text. Not exactly the above, but getting there...See the above on the internet.
I'm not so sure about that. The father has no say in whether the kid is born or aborted so i think the mother should be responsible for the kid unless the father asks to help out.
If you create it, you should pay for it...

It's not that simple. When a woman becomes prego, she should tell the father and if he says he wants the kid aborted and the mother refuses, then the man should have no responsibility for the kid. THINK

Nope, the man and woman have a responsibility to discuss what their beliefs are about pregnancy, abortion and child rearing before she becomes pregnant.

Also, if he doesn't want to risk having kids, then he shouldn't have sex with someone who he doesn't even know well enough to know what her beliefs and values are especially since all men know that a woman has more power in that decision afterward then men do.

After the fact is much to late to complain.

If you don't like it then get laws changed and make sure both parties sign an agreement before sex on what they want in case of an accidental pregnancy.
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I'm not so sure about that. The father has no say in whether the kid is born or aborted so i think the mother should be responsible for the kid unless the father asks to help out.
If you create it, you should pay for it...

It's not that simple. When a woman becomes prego, she should tell the father and if he says he wants the kid aborted and the mother refuses, then the man should have no responsibility for the kid. THINK

Nope, the man and woman have a responsibility to discuss their beliefs are about pregnancy, abortion and child rearing.

before she becomes pregnant.

Also, if he doesn't want to risk having kids, then he shouldn't have sex with someone who he doesn't even know well enough to know what her beliefs and values are especially since all men know that a woman has more power in that decision afterward then men do.

After the fact is much to late to complain.

If you don't like it then get laws changed and make sure both parties sign an agreement before sex on what they want in case of an accidental pregnancy.

And a really good lawyer.
To me, if it can be done, that man should sue the woman for her dishonesty because that is what started the whole mess.

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. Actually lying isn't the only thing that she is guilty of. She was pretty much trying to steal from him, so instead of suing her, she should be charged if that is possible.
Regardless; I fully support paying for the kids' upbringing if it is the blokes'. men KNOW that one 'episode" CAN produce a child....so if it's theirs then they should pay...regardless of "trickery" etc etc etc.

But when not one's own?? There should be fraud charges pending!!!!

I'm not so sure about that. The father has no say in whether the kid is born or aborted so i think the mother should be responsible for the kid unless the father asks to help out.
If you create it, you should pay for it...

It's not that simple. When a woman becomes prego, she should tell the father and if he says he wants the kid aborted and the mother refuses, then the man should have no responsibility for the kid. THINK

This is somewhat misogynistic, but more importantly, it's nonsensical in terms of public policy.

As much as some fathers hate paying the ex every month, the $ belongs to the child and should be paid. If the child's not well cared for, then the solution is to step up and fight for custody, or report to child services.

Failing to pay child support is not acceptable; whatever discussions did or did not take place between the sex partners prior to pregnancy, the one thing we know for sure is that the child didn't ask to be born and doesn't deserve to grow up unsupported.
Women love to falsely accuse a man of fathering their kids figuring he has more money than the real father. Happens every day and feminists encourage it.

Refreshing News State tells Detroit man Pay for child that isn t yours or go to jail

jan 24 2015
Carnell Alexander is a wanted man. The reason? He refuses to pay child support for a child that is proven to not be his. As a result, a warrant has been issued for his arrest.

Alexander says he learned about the paternity case against him during a traffic stop in Detroit in the early 90s. The officer told him he is a deadbeat dad, there was a warrant out for his arrest.
“I knew I didn’t have a child, so I was kind of blown back,” said Alexander during an interview in October.
He would later learn this happened because his ex needed help caring for her kids.
“I put him down as father to get assistance,” she told 7 Action News.
She didn’t realize that would start a paternity case. The state would want to get reimbursement for welfare benefits from the child’s dad.

By the time Carnell learned about the paternity case, judges told him it was too late. Legally he owes the state more than $30 thousand for assistance paid to care for a child.

Carnell refuses to pay. As a result, the warrant was issued for his arrest. He plans to turn himself in on Friday.
“I will go to jail if I have to because I am tired of the mishandling of the case,” said Carnell.
“It’s not right,” said Murray Davis of the National Family Justice Association.

Davis says there are thousands of men in Carnell Alexander’s shoes because Michigan doesn’t have paternity fraud laws that protect men.

When there is evidence a woman mistakenly or purposefully declares the wrong man as husband, it doesn’t necessarily impact paternity obligations.
Davis did a study a few years back that looked at how many of the men who are declared fathers by default in Wayne County are indeed the father. He says DNA tests found 79% of the time they are not.

problem is. you gotta prove yourself innocent

buddy of mine went through that
DNA testing and court costs should be paid by the mother in case of negative results. That'd stop some of that fraud.

Trouble is, some over active teenybopperdoublebreastedbedthrashers really don't know who the daddy is so they pick the dick they liked the most.

story about my buddy mentioned earlier

my friend and his brother had a party

my friend got a girl upstairs in his bed that evening.He passed out drunk unable to perform but in the morning banged her and sent her on her way. He came downstairs acting all cocky and bragging to his brother and another guy who were fixing breakfast.

The brother and the other guy laughed hysterically at him because during the night she had sneaked downstairs and banged the brother and the other dude. My buddy got sloppy 3rds.

Anyway she got pregnant and pointed the finger at my friend , he thinks b/c he was the only one that had a job at the time.

He had to pay for the blood test which turned out negative. It was over $200 in 1980 dollars. He said the law at the time allowed for her to point the finger at only one guy.
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Did you guys create all these myths or just breathe a little more life into them?

Liberals create myths like this all the time. It's always the man's fault when a woman refuses abortion and has a child and so the man has to pay.

Crazy idea. Grow some balls and take responsibility for your children instead of being a coward and trying to have your child killed because you're selfish. It should be obvious why these women turn around and want nothing to do with you.
I had joint custody of my kids in Michigan. I paid child support even though their mother made a lot more than me. It was the deal that gave me custody, was it "fair"? In some ways probably not and in others yes. Boiled down to people over money.
I would guess that one of four children are attributed to the wrong man as father.

Be nice to your women, guys, and if they cross you, crush them.

Same same for you women, be nice to your guys.

If someone can't play nice, move to a different sand box.

And if children are involved, always ask the judge to restrict the domicile of the children to the District until age 18.
Trouble with that is, the "district" is so big.

My ex moved my kid without telling me; judge ruled I had no case because the move was 5 miles less than what it would have to have been for me to be notified.

Of course, he told me in the elevator to come back when the kid was a year older, and he would give the kid's wishes more consideration and award me the custody.

She didn't last that long; I got the kid in less than a year; she didn't want the kid, she just wanted to fuck me over.

Well I agree with you that a father should always be involved.


I'm not so sure about that. The father has no say in whether the kid is born or aborted so i think the mother should be responsible for the kid unless the father asks to help out.
Women should be responsible for what goes into their vaginas, and for what comes out.

Then they will be equal.

In this day of highly efficient birth control, there is no excuse for a woman having a baby she cannot support.

Women's movement wanted men obsolete and ball-less, obsolete and ball-less men should have no obligation for the children women have by them.

Women can't have their cake and eat it too.
I'm not so sure about that. The father has no say in whether the kid is born or aborted so i think the mother should be responsible for the kid unless the father asks to help out.
If you create it, you should pay for it...

It's not that simple. When a woman becomes prego, she should tell the father and if he says he wants the kid aborted and the mother refuses, then the man should have no responsibility for the kid. THINK

This is somewhat misogynistic, but more importantly, it's nonsensical in terms of public policy.

As much as some fathers hate paying the ex every month, the $ belongs to the child and should be paid. If the child's not well cared for, then the solution is to step up and fight for custody, or report to child services.

Failing to pay child support is not acceptable; whatever discussions did or did not take place between the sex partners prior to pregnancy, the one thing we know for sure is that the child didn't ask to be born and doesn't deserve to grow up unsupported.
Not taking care of the children you father should not be acceptable, but it is.

We have run the father's out of the homes, on the way to a dependent welfare state.

That is the way it is now, the sperm donor has little if any responsibility.

Pathetic, but, planned.

As much as some fathers hate paying the ex every month, the $ belongs to the child and should be paid. If the child's not well cared for, then the solution is to step up and fight for custody, or report to child services.

You ignorant jackass. The money is paid to the mother, not the child. The money is supposed to be spent on the kid but seldom is. The sluts spend the money on themselves and let the kid starve.

You live in a dream world.
Until he can decide in the abortion process, I disagree.

Yup - the father is partially responsible for the pregnancy but the birth is entirely up to the mother. And if she chooses birth over abortion the man is stuck with child support for 18 years.

As long as men have to pay child support they should have a say in the abortion decision.
Did you guys create all these myths or just breathe a little more life into them?

Liberals create myths like this all the time. It's always the man's fault when a woman refuses abortion and has a child and so the man has to pay.

Some radical woman believe that men are enslaving woman by just having sex with them. You'd almost think that they wish for the extinction of our species and are doing this for that reason.

There is some pretty radical crap within college text. Not exactly the above, but getting there...See the above on the internet.

Which radical women?

Well I agree with you that a father should always be involved.


I'm not so sure about that. The father has no say in whether the kid is born or aborted so i think the mother should be responsible for the kid unless the father asks to help out.
Women should be responsible for what goes into their vaginas, and for what comes out.

Then they will be equal.

In this day of highly efficient birth control, there is no excuse for a woman having a baby she cannot support.

Women's movement wanted men obsolete and ball-less, obsolete and ball-less men should have no obligation for the children women have by them.

Women can't have their cake and eat it too.

Men and Women are both responsible for sex.

Men and Women and both responsible for anything that results from sex.

Men can choose not to have sex.

Women can choose not to have sex.

Both Men and Women know that sex can lead to pregnancy, both know women get to decide what to do, both enter sex knowing.

That is why making responsible partner choices before sex is wise for men and women.

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