War on smog slowing down China Growth?

U.S. emissions are near 20-year lows yet Obama and his EPA minions have instituted a war on hydrocarbons in this country.

Go figger.

So if there hadn't been a war on hydrocarbons we'd be like China now. The twenty year lows on emissions were accomplished by much wailing and gnashing of teeth by conservatives that put profits before public health. You better get onto the chinese forums and talk some sense into those anti smog progressives over there.
U.S. emissions are near 20-year lows yet Obama and his EPA minions have instituted a war on hydrocarbons in this country.

Go figger.

So if there hadn't been a war on hydrocarbons we'd be like China now. The twenty year lows on emissions were accomplished by much wailing and gnashing of teeth by conservatives that put profits before public health. You better get onto the chinese forums and talk some sense into those anti smog progressives over there.

The reduction in emissions was brought about by advances in hydraulic fracturing, and increased production and usage of natural gas. All accomplished by private enterprise- not your Socialist in Chief Obama.

Without profits we wouldn't have shit.
U.S. emissions are near 20-year lows yet Obama and his EPA minions have instituted a war on hydrocarbons in this country.

Go figger.

So if there hadn't been a war on hydrocarbons we'd be like China now. The twenty year lows on emissions were accomplished by much wailing and gnashing of teeth by conservatives that put profits before public health. You better get onto the chinese forums and talk some sense into those anti smog progressives over there.
40 years actually, Nixon launched the clean air act.
Granny says, "Dat's right - Chinese people gettin' fed up with air pollution...

China police seal off city center after smog protesters put masks on statues
Tue, Dec 13, 2016 - An environmental protest in China at the weekend was aggressively put down, with a heavy police presence continuing for days to prevent further demonstrations in an unusually heavy-handed response.
The protests started after Chengdu was shrouded in thick smog, with some residents placing pollution masks on statues. An unknown number of people were taken away by police, with security forces in riot gear seen in the city’s downtown shopping area. Toxic clouds of smog are regular features of China’s major cities, with some studies showing pollution has caused about 1 million premature deaths a year. Chinese leaders have declared a “war on pollution,” but many state-owned companies are leaders in smog-producing industries such as steel, coal and power. Authorities have been worried for years that the deadly air could spark protest.

A film last year focusing on the country’s pollution and its effect on humans was quickly censored after being watched hundreds of millions of times online. Tianfu Square, in the heart of the city, was still closed yesterday, with police cars parked in the middle and officers at the edges preventing people from entering. Police ordered copy shops to record details of anyone seeking to photocopy flyers complaining about the smog. Anyone placing large orders of face masks should also be reported, the notice said.

Police rarely allow protests in China, but small-scale demonstrations are usually dispersed quickly and without mass detentions. The response in Chengdu was severe given the size, although exact numbers for the protest are unknown. Some residents reported being stopped and questioned by police simply for wearing pollution masks in the same neighborhood as the demonstration, according to social media posts, with at least a dozen being detained. People quickly took to social media, calling for more action and posting photographs of themselves with signs saying “let me breathe.” “We won’t put up with this. Take to the streets. We are all guilty of producing a world like this.” wrote one commenter, according to Radio Free Asia.

Police detained one man for sharing photographs that were purported to show a huge crowd protesting the smog, but was actually taken in 2012. Chengdu, the capital of southwestern Sichuan Province, lacks many of the heavy industries that cause the capital Beijing to issues “red alerts” for pollution. However, the air is far from safe. Levels of PM2.5, fine particulate matter that penetrates deep into the lungs, was more than six times the WHO recommended yearly average in the first half of this year, according to data compiled by Greenpeace.

China police seal off city center after smog protesters put masks on statues - Taipei Times
With a 55 years old female retirement age and a 60 year old male retirement age, China's still more left wing than say Sweden.
With a 55 years old female retirement age and a 60 year old male retirement age, China's still more left wing than say Sweden.

China is uber capitalist trying to beat the capitalist competition all over the world and
doing so. Plus, saving over half of their tiny incomes for retirement since there are very very limited libcommie social welfare programs. Wie can never learn. It is the very symbol of liberalism,
I've seen this opined in op-ed pieces and no data given, anyone got data?

Hardly. China is not doing much, if anything, about its horrible smog problem.

China's slow down is due to the fact that much of its growth was fueled by a centrally planned debt binge. Such growth is inherently unsustainable.
I've seen this opined in op-ed pieces and no data given, anyone got data?

Hardly. China is not doing much, if anything, about its horrible smog problem.

China's slow down is due to the fact that much of its growth was fueled by a centrally planned debt binge. Such growth is inherently unsustainable.

But much of that debt funded capital flight from China so its best and brightest can head off to Australia, Canada or New Zealand.

This is one of those cases where I ask myself what, if anything, were the decision makers thinking? Followed by is China going to start shrinking fast?
I've seen this opined in op-ed pieces and no data given, anyone got data?

Hardly. China is not doing much, if anything, about its horrible smog problem.

China's slow down is due to the fact that much of its growth was fueled by a centrally planned debt binge. Such growth is inherently unsustainable.

But much of that debt funded capital flight from China so its best and brightest can head off to Australia, Canada or New Zealand.

This is one of those cases where I ask myself what, if anything, were the decision makers thinking? Followed by is China going to start shrinking fast?

The decision makers are trained to think that central planning works.

IMO, China is a ticking time bomb. Add the demographic collapse that the one child policy has launched to the debt bomb, and it's going to get very ugly. I wouldn't put it past the Communist Party to use a series of Famines to counteract peasant revolts.
I've seen this opined in op-ed pieces and no data given, anyone got data?

Hardly. China is not doing much, if anything, about its horrible smog problem.

China's slow down is due to the fact that much of its growth was fueled by a centrally planned debt binge. Such growth is inherently unsustainable.

don't be silly China has shown 36 years straight of 8% growth. Probably would have been 12% without so much govt meddling.

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