War - Protecting Our Freedoms


Aug 23, 2015
I continue to see an astounding number of statists in our country who proclaim that the soldiers fighting overseas are doing so in the name of freedom. With nearly 800 new laws being written into the books each year, I’d say that it’s our own government who is responsible for restricting our freedoms. While our own government continues their push for greater control and governance over the population, the majority of you will blame some cave dwelling Pakis for your plight. Y’all need to wake up and stop playing party politics. Essentially, it’s the elites vs. everyone else. It’s comical that millions of working class people feel that a billionaire running for office shares the same hardships and struggles as those just barely getting by. Lets be honest, the American elites, as well as foreign diplomats who have great control over domestic affairs in America are the ones dictating your life. They could care less about you or the men and women they send overseas to fight unjust wars.
The lure of getting to blow shit up legally and be paid to do it is pretty powerful. You are going to have to come up with a sexier argument than evil elites, bad billionaires, yada yada yada.
The lure of getting to blow shit up legally and be paid to do it is pretty powerful. You are going to have to come up with a sexier argument than evil elites, bad billionaires, yada yada yada.
Back to my first point, you’re a statist......
I continue to see an astounding number of statists in our country who proclaim that the soldiers fighting overseas are doing so in the name of freedom. With nearly 800 new laws being written into the books each year, I’d say that it’s our own government who is responsible for restricting our freedoms. While our own government continues their push for greater control and governance over the population, the majority of you will blame some cave dwelling Pakis for your plight. Y’all need to wake up and stop playing party politics. Essentially, it’s the elites vs. everyone else. It’s comical that millions of working class people feel that a billionaire running for office shares the same hardships and struggles as those just barely getting by. Lets be honest, the American elites, as well as foreign diplomats who have great control over domestic affairs in America are the ones dictating your life. They could care less about you or the men and women they send overseas to fight unjust wars.

Excellent thoughts. But I'm afraid the thread will be moved at best or closed at worst. It's not a "current event".

You should put this in Politics or have it moved.

Welcome aboard. Good to see lucidity on the board.
I continue to see an astounding number of statists in our country who proclaim that the soldiers fighting overseas are doing so in the name of freedom. With nearly 800 new laws being written into the books each year, I’d say that it’s our own government who is responsible for restricting our freedoms. While our own government continues their push for greater control and governance over the population, the majority of you will blame some cave dwelling Pakis for your plight. Y’all need to wake up and stop playing party politics. Essentially, it’s the elites vs. everyone else. It’s comical that millions of working class people feel that a billionaire running for office shares the same hardships and struggles as those just barely getting by. Lets be honest, the American elites, as well as foreign diplomats who have great control over domestic affairs in America are the ones dictating your life. They could care less about you or the men and women they send overseas to fight unjust wars.

What do you suggest should be done to rectify this?
The lure of getting to blow shit up legally and be paid to do it is pretty powerful. You are going to have to come up with a sexier argument than evil elites, bad billionaires, yada yada yada.

No one is attacking us, but Israel and SA did in 2001. After all we are the global power and no one would dare but our citizens.
I continue to see an astounding number of statists in our country who proclaim that the soldiers fighting overseas are doing so in the name of freedom. With nearly 800 new laws being written into the books each year, I’d say that it’s our own government who is responsible for restricting our freedoms. While our own government continues their push for greater control and governance over the population, the majority of you will blame some cave dwelling Pakis for your plight. Y’all need to wake up and stop playing party politics. Essentially, it’s the elites vs. everyone else. It’s comical that millions of working class people feel that a billionaire running for office shares the same hardships and struggles as those just barely getting by. Lets be honest, the American elites, as well as foreign diplomats who have great control over domestic affairs in America are the ones dictating your life. They could care less about you or the men and women they send overseas to fight unjust wars.

Some of that is true - and why Donald Trump is President.
The lure of getting to blow shit up legally and be paid to do it is pretty powerful. You are going to have to come up with a sexier argument than evil elites, bad billionaires, yada yada yada.

I spent 20 years in the Navy, and I can tell you that there are very few sailors that join just so they can "blow shit up legally and be paid to do it".

Besides, even if you want to join, the odds are against you. Only 30 percent of the country who are 18 to 35 are qualified to be in the military. 70 percent don't qualify for a variety of reasons.

And, even though 30 percent of this country is eligible to join the military, only 1 percent of the country's population actually do.
I continue to see an astounding number of statists in our country who proclaim that the soldiers fighting overseas are doing so in the name of freedom. With nearly 800 new laws being written into the books each year, I’d say that it’s our own government who is responsible for restricting our freedoms. While our own government continues their push for greater control and governance over the population, the majority of you will blame some cave dwelling Pakis for your plight. Y’all need to wake up and stop playing party politics. Essentially, it’s the elites vs. everyone else. It’s comical that millions of working class people feel that a billionaire running for office shares the same hardships and struggles as those just barely getting by. Lets be honest, the American elites, as well as foreign diplomats who have great control over domestic affairs in America are the ones dictating your life. They could care less about you or the men and women they send overseas to fight unjust wars.

Excellent thoughts. But I'm afraid the thread will be moved at best or closed at worst. It's not a "current event".

You should put this in Politics or have it moved.

Welcome aboard. Good to see lucidity on the board.

Seems odd how these 'wars of choice' that a Republican, G. W. Bush, has as an eternal legacy of FAILURE for, do not equate as a 'current event' as these wars continue, to this day. IMO that is about as current as it gets.
Sure, Bush's wars are (each) pushing two decades in duration but none the less they continue & are CURRENT.

AFA the two 'Bush wars,' I opposed both & I have never wavered on being against both wars. These two wars have costs TRILLION$, many lives including thousands of US lives, loss of respect for the US around the planet, and the list of what has been lost is a long one.

If the time, effort, money, and goodwill that has been squandered on these cluster fuck wars & that continues to be wasted, would have been put to a better use, the US could have put all of that time, effort, money, goodwill, and the lives lost into building up our own nation & our own collective 'back yard.'

It is a shame America fell for such a loser as G. W.; that was bad enuff but then Bush talked the nation into multiple, decades loooooooooooooong wars, and to top it all off, he gave the planet the worst financial disaster since The Great Depression.

G. W. was likely the worst, or at a minimum one of the worst 'leadership' choices any election ever offered.
But then we have what we have now & he is a Republican too. Oh shit ...........
I'm as sick of the endless engagements as anyone else. I think that we should have the biggest, baddest, meanest military on the planet - BUT - it should be HERE, protecting the homeland.

On the flip side I have to laugh at all the leftist virtue signaling about "fascism", "dictators" or "concentration camps" as they condemn the military for freeing people of those very things. The cognitive dissonance never ends.
I'm as sick of the endless engagements as anyone else. I think that we should have the biggest, baddest, meanest military on the planet - BUT - it should be HERE, protecting the homeland.

On the flip side I have to laugh at all the leftist virtue signaling about "fascism", "dictators" or "concentration camps" as they condemn the military for freeing people of those very things. The cognitive dissonance never ends.

In all honesty, the last time the US had successfully “freed” any foreign citizens from a violent dictatorship was nearly 75 years ago. Even then, the US successfully relocated and protected the very war criminals (Klaus Barbie) they were trying to eradicate in the first place.
The Catholic journal, Islamochristiana, established in 1975, also wished to develop dissonance between irresolvable fairy-tale religions. What else would suffice? Deep State Puppetmasters don't have to do the dirty work. Voyeurists who hover over the battlefield, Chinese star chess was a game that used real people. Screw and boycott Chinese arrogance, theologians, politicians, clowns, shamans and other psychopaths.
The lure of getting to blow shit up legally and be paid to do it is pretty powerful. You are going to have to come up with a sexier argument than evil elites, bad billionaires, yada yada yada.

I spent 20 years in the Navy, and I can tell you that there are very few sailors that join just so they can "blow shit up legally and be paid to do it".

Besides, even if you want to join, the odds are against you. Only 30 percent of the country who are 18 to 35 are qualified to be in the military. 70 percent don't qualify for a variety of reasons.

And, even though 30 percent of this country is eligible to join the military, only 1 percent of the country's population actually do.

Of course not in the Navy. They are looking for better sex than they got from the Indian at the YMCA.
I continue to see an astounding number of statists in our country who proclaim that the soldiers fighting overseas are doing so in the name of freedom. With nearly 800 new laws being written into the books each year, I’d say that it’s our own government who is responsible for restricting our freedoms. While our own government continues their push for greater control and governance over the population, the majority of you will blame some cave dwelling Pakis for your plight. Y’all need to wake up and stop playing party politics. Essentially, it’s the elites vs. everyone else. It’s comical that millions of working class people feel that a billionaire running for office shares the same hardships and struggles as those just barely getting by. Lets be honest, the American elites, as well as foreign diplomats who have great control over domestic affairs in America are the ones dictating your life. They could care less about you or the men and women they send overseas to fight unjust wars.

So, your plan is to keep calling everyone you don't like a 'statist' until it stops? Good plan!

I continue to see an astounding number of statists in our country who proclaim that the soldiers fighting overseas are doing so in the name of freedom. With nearly 800 new laws being written into the books each year, I’d say that it’s our own government who is responsible for restricting our freedoms. While our own government continues their push for greater control and governance over the population, the majority of you will blame some cave dwelling Pakis for your plight. Y’all need to wake up and stop playing party politics. Essentially, it’s the elites vs. everyone else. It’s comical that millions of working class people feel that a billionaire running for office shares the same hardships and struggles as those just barely getting by. Lets be honest, the American elites, as well as foreign diplomats who have great control over domestic affairs in America are the ones dictating your life. They could care less about you or the men and women they send overseas to fight unjust wars.

Excellent thoughts. But I'm afraid the thread will be moved at best or closed at worst. It's not a "current event".

You should put this in Politics or have it moved.

Welcome aboard. Good to see lucidity on the board.

Seems odd how these 'wars of choice' that a Republican, G. W. Bush, has as an eternal legacy of FAILURE for, do not equate as a 'current event' as these wars continue, to this day. IMO that is about as current as it gets.
Sure, Bush's wars are (each) pushing two decades in duration but none the less they continue & are CURRENT.

AFA the two 'Bush wars,' I opposed both & I have never wavered on being against both wars. These two wars have costs TRILLION$, many lives including thousands of US lives, loss of respect for the US around the planet, and the list of what has been lost is a long one.

If the time, effort, money, and goodwill that has been squandered on these cluster fuck wars & that continues to be wasted, would have been put to a better use, the US could have put all of that time, effort, money, goodwill, and the lives lost into building up our own nation & our own collective 'back yard.'

It is a shame America fell for such a loser as G. W.; that was bad enuff but then Bush talked the nation into multiple, decades loooooooooooooong wars, and to top it all off, he gave the planet the worst financial disaster since The Great Depression.

G. W. was likely the worst, or at a minimum one of the worst 'leadership' choices any election ever offered.
But then we have what we have now & he is a Republican too. Oh shit ...........
Sadly, BO continued dumb fuck W’s war policies. He even dropped more bombs than the mental midget W.
I continue to see an astounding number of statists in our country who proclaim that the soldiers fighting overseas are doing so in the name of freedom. With nearly 800 new laws being written into the books each year, I’d say that it’s our own government who is responsible for restricting our freedoms. While our own government continues their push for greater control and governance over the population, the majority of you will blame some cave dwelling Pakis for your plight. Y’all need to wake up and stop playing party politics. Essentially, it’s the elites vs. everyone else. It’s comical that millions of working class people feel that a billionaire running for office shares the same hardships and struggles as those just barely getting by. Lets be honest, the American elites, as well as foreign diplomats who have great control over domestic affairs in America are the ones dictating your life. They could care less about you or the men and women they send overseas to fight unjust wars.

So, your plan is to keep calling everyone you don't like a 'statist' until it stops? Good plan!


Did I outline a plan?? Now bow to your masters, boy.
I continue to see an astounding number of statists in our country who proclaim that the soldiers fighting overseas are doing so in the name of freedom. With nearly 800 new laws being written into the books each year, I’d say that it’s our own government who is responsible for restricting our freedoms. While our own government continues their push for greater control and governance over the population, the majority of you will blame some cave dwelling Pakis for your plight. Y’all need to wake up and stop playing party politics. Essentially, it’s the elites vs. everyone else. It’s comical that millions of working class people feel that a billionaire running for office shares the same hardships and struggles as those just barely getting by. Lets be honest, the American elites, as well as foreign diplomats who have great control over domestic affairs in America are the ones dictating your life. They could care less about you or the men and women they send overseas to fight unjust wars.

So, your plan is to keep calling everyone you don't like a 'statist' until it stops? Good plan!


Did I outline a plan?? Now bow to your masters, boy.

My masters took bowing out of the job description ... it was causing too many healthcare claims.

Now, a simple genuflect is sufficient.

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