War With Mexican Cartels


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2021
Mexican Drug cartels are getting out of hand. So much so they are kidnapping citizens for ransom, openly engaging in gunfights with police and border officials, and absolutely poisoning our citizens with fentanyl. (One of the most overdosed drugs around....heroine is safer than this stuff and heroine is really bad.)

So Lindsay Graham has introduced a bill to declare these cartels as terrorists...
Which opens the door for a whole can of worms. The "terrorists" among us. Because people are basically stupid we will have US citizens that aid and assist these drug cartels by knowing one of their associates on an individual basis and declare that "Jose isn't that bad".

So the government will seize bank accounts, property, and listen in to all private conversations of its own citizens to root out all the terrorists....no trials, no Geneva convention, no more rights.

What do you think?
Mexican Drug cartels are getting out of hand. So much so they are kidnapping citizens for ransom, openly engaging in gunfights with police and border officials, and absolutely poisoning our citizens with fentanyl. (One of the most overdosed drugs around....heroine is safer than this stuff and heroine is really bad.)

So Lindsay Graham has introduced a bill to declare these cartels as terrorists...
Which opens the door for a whole can of worms. The "terrorists" among us. Because people are basically stupid we will have US citizens that aid and assist these drug cartels by knowing one of their associates on an individual basis and declare that "Jose isn't that bad".

So the government will seize bank accounts, property, and listen in to all private conversations of its own citizens to root out all the terrorists....no trials, no Geneva convention, no more rights.

What do you think?

You only have to be concerned to what I've highlighted in bold if you're a member of a drug cartel, or a user of those drugs.

So if you're a "good guy", doesn't effect you.

If governments decriminalised drugs and addicts could buy substitutes at a fraction of the price from pharmacies/drug stores, the drug cartels wouldn't have a business, and the government would receive VAT/sales tax. Crime would reduce and tax raised can help fund rehabilitation programmes.
Lindsay Graham is the current #2 RINO(was #3) in the senate. "Because people are basically stupid...", common sense is a virtue meaning common sense cannot be learned. One either has it or does not have it. Our fed g'ment already seizes bank accounts, property & listens in to all communications(Edward Snowden/NSA). "No trials, no Geneva convention, no more rights."(GWB, patriot act). The red vs. blue divide & conquer politick'n keeps the rank & file entertained so g'ment can take over the rank & file with the greatest of ease!
The cartel bosses should be targeted for assassination IF a shipment from their organization is proven to kill US citizens. Do this a few times and the Fentanyl scourge will be drastically reduced. The cartels could engage in terror reprisals and kill lots of Americans but if they do, the military could be set loose on them and they KNOW that would destroy their flow of wealth from the north.
Lindsay Graham is the current #2 RINO(was #3) in the senate. "Because people are basically stupid...", common sense is a virtue meaning common sense cannot be learned. One either has it or does not have it. Our fed g'ment already seizes bank accounts, property & listens in to all communications(Edward Snowden/NSA). "No trials, no Geneva convention, no more rights."(GWB, patriot act). The red vs. blue divide & conquer politick'n keeps the rank & file entertained so g'ment can take over the rank & file with the greatest of ease!

There's a saying,
The right way, the wrong way, and the military way.

At this point you have someone who sells burritos off a food cart getting a terrorist label simply because they sell a burrito to a drug mule on a semi regularbasis....and they don't have any connections to fight back using the system.

This is the sort of dumb stuff that happens when the "terrorist " label is applied.

Where I am no lover of recreational narcotics and I have zero love of fentanyl. And where these cartels do present a clear and present danger to the US....
I'm not so hip on unrestricted wiretapping on US citizens. And considering the behavior of most of congress....I can see half of them getting wiretaps as a normal course of business. Joe Biden was basically using Hunter to be a salesman for access to Obama....how much worse is it now that Biden is president? Who is Kamala using to sell access to Biden?

It's a game to law enforcement....
In Tennessee they didn't care about the tractor Trailer loads of drugs coming through the state....they just wanted to intercept the cash money that was heading back to Mexico. (And they got caught doing just that) They had no stops going East but going West they had the cars, trucks, and tractor trailer rigs sniffed and searched completely and extensively....They just wanted the cash shipments.

So many abuses....too many politicians....

The military is a chainsaw when we need a scalpel.
There's a saying,
The right way, the wrong way, and the military way.

At this point you have someone who sells burritos off a food cart getting a terrorist label simply because they sell a burrito to a drug mule on a semi regularbasis....and they don't have any connections to fight back using the system.

This is the sort of dumb stuff that happens when the "terrorist " label is applied.

Where I am no lover of recreational narcotics and I have zero love of fentanyl. And where these cartels do present a clear and present danger to the US....
I'm not so hip on unrestricted wiretapping on US citizens. And considering the behavior of most of congress....I can see half of them getting wiretaps as a normal course of business. Joe Biden was basically using Hunter to be a salesman for access to Obama....how much worse is it now that Biden is president? Who is Kamala using to sell access to Biden?

It's a game to law enforcement....
In Tennessee they didn't care about the tractor Trailer loads of drugs coming through the state....they just wanted to intercept the cash money that was heading back to Mexico. (And they got caught doing just that) They had no stops going East but going West they had the cars, trucks, and tractor trailer rigs sniffed and searched completely and extensively....They just wanted the cash shipments.

So many abuses....too many politicians....

The military is a chainsaw when we need a scalpel.

Targeted drone and missile strikes and hunter-killer teams will drastically reduce the appeal of being a cartel member as well as doing business with them.
If governments decriminalised drugs and addicts could buy substitutes at a fraction of the price from pharmacies/drug stores, the drug cartels wouldn't have a business, and the government would receive VAT/sales tax. Crime would reduce and tax raised can help fund rehabilitation programmes.
Government control/regulation would mean higher prices, which opens the door even wider for illegal drugs. Remember the $500 hammers?
Yes our dangerous do nothing policy with China and Mexico and the new "fast track" immigration policy through our open border has allowed the Cartels to become a dangerous threat to our country. So I guess we just shrug our shoulders now? Or what?
Considering that our leaders, who have the authority, won't do what is necessary, I don't know what we can do. 'Kick the dog' I guess (that's what I'm doing). :(
Mexican Drug cartels are getting out of hand. So much so they are kidnapping citizens for ransom, openly engaging in gunfights with police and border officials, and absolutely poisoning our citizens with fentanyl. (One of the most overdosed drugs around....heroine is safer than this stuff and heroine is really bad.)

So Lindsay Graham has introduced a bill to declare these cartels as terrorists...
Which opens the door for a whole can of worms. The "terrorists" among us. Because people are basically stupid we will have US citizens that aid and assist these drug cartels by knowing one of their associates on an individual basis and declare that "Jose isn't that bad".

So the government will seize bank accounts, property, and listen in to all private conversations of its own citizens to root out all the terrorists....no trials, no Geneva convention, no more rights.

What do you think?

Fuck the cartels, do what you will with them. But now all of a sudden Graham wants to do something about them? Where has he & rest of them been since the 80's?

Let's do something about the cartels & while we're at it let's do something & ask ourselves why in this day & age, U.S. citizens have to travel to fucking Mexico to get medical care that they can't afford in their own damn Country. Maybe Graham can explain why he & his GOP ratpack voted to take health care away from 30 million people
Considering that our leaders, who have the authority, won't do what is necessary, I don't know what we can do. 'Kick the dog' I guess (that's what I'm doing). :(
It is frustrating to me. I've been watching this train wreck developing in slow motion since Obrador took power. He was phony from the get go, pretending to be a leader of the people, driving around in a compact car. Please! It's worse than I ever imagined it would be. I think the answer could be our military supporting the Mexican military and/or police but that is also dangerous because of the depth of corruption in that country.
Why can't the USA leave these drug lords in peace? after-all, they are just trying to make a living, just like the Bush's and Biden's.
And if lib's, greens and lib demons can't get their daily rations - they might actually wake up from their fantasies. Bad move by the present US government - no?

So is it going to be a war, or a special military operation?
Why can't the USA leave these drug lords in peace? after-all, they are just trying to make a living, just like the Bush's and Biden's.
And if lib's, greens and lib demons can't get their daily rations - they might actually wake up from their fantasies. Bad move by the present US government - no?

So is it going to be a war, or a special military operation?
So far it's just a bill by Lindsey Graham. Designating rats who live in caves in Afghanistan is one thing....designating cartels as a terrorist organization in Mexico is another.
We can designate them as a clear and present danger and do plenty enough without violating people's rights. "Enemies of the State" designation and utilizing the National Guard and other military special forces is just fine and more than enough.

Drugs are dangerous on many levels. Proceeds have been used for avarice up to this point....but it won't always be that way. It's a good way to finance an army. And the current cartels are doing basically just that.
So far it's just a bill by Lindsey Graham. Designating rats who live in caves in Afghanistan is one thing....designating cartels as a terrorist organization in Mexico is another.
We can designate them as a clear and present danger and do plenty enough without violating people's rights. "Enemies of the State" designation and utilizing the National Guard and other military special forces is just fine and more than enough.

Drugs are dangerous on many levels. Proceeds have been used for avarice up to this point....but it won't always be that way. It's a good way to finance an army. And the current cartels are doing basically just that.
Drug lords, or drug cartels aren't terrorists (no political/religious motive involved) they are what they are - criminals, according to Mexican law and international law.
The USA has no legal rights to use it's military or e.g. drone strikes onto another sovereign country. Even if they act in accordance with Mexican law enforcement or the Mexican military, collateral damage is just around the corner. And we all know what that leads to - cartel criminals and their tools becoming eventually terrorists.

Drug abuse and drug smuggling needs to be combated by legal means within ones own country. The money the USA continually spends on making wars or wars on terror should be spend far more
on educational programs and law enforcement. As the drug cartel saying goes, as long there is a demand we will serve that demand.

I am aware that many US members here don't like the idea, - take an example from e.g. Singapore and e.g. China. Lot's of educational programs and severe punishment for drug abuse and drug trafficking. It works wonders. Off course never doing anything about it as such, but keep on making it a political diversion/topic fit's the agenda of certain people far more.

Just my 5 cents.
Why can't the USA leave these drug lords in peace? after-all, they are just trying to make a living, just like the Bush's and Biden's.
And if lib's, greens and lib demons can't get their daily rations - they might actually wake up from their fantasies. Bad move by the present US government - no?

So is it going to be a war, or a special military operation?
The first step should be a blockade of Mexican sea ports. Choke off the supply at the source. Cut off all foreign aid and tax remittances sent out of the country at 90%.
The first step should be a blockade of Mexican sea ports. Choke off the supply at the source. Cut off all foreign aid and tax remittances sent out of the country at 90%.
If a misbehaving child has too many toys to take from him or her, you take the child away from the toys. ;)

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