War With Mexican Cartels

Drug lords, or drug cartels aren't terrorists (no political/religious motive involved) they are what they are - criminals, according to Mexican law and international law.
The USA has no legal rights to use it's military or e.g. drone strikes onto another sovereign country. Even if they act in accordance with Mexican law enforcement or the Mexican military, collateral damage is just around the corner. And we all know what that leads to - cartel criminals and their tools becoming eventually terrorists.

Drug abuse and drug smuggling needs to be combated by legal means within ones own country. The money the USA continually spends on making wars or wars on terror should be spend far more
on educational programs and law enforcement. As the drug cartel saying goes, as long there is a demand we will serve that demand.

I am aware that many US members here don't like the idea, - take an example from e.g. Singapore and e.g. China. Lot's of educational programs and severe punishment for drug abuse and drug trafficking. It works wonders. Off course never doing anything about it as such, but keep on making it a political diversion/topic fit's the agenda of certain people far more.

Just my 5 cents.
China first legalized it and put all narcotics importers out of business by offering cheaper opium than any importer could sell it for.

Then the day came China criminalized it and every opium dealer after criminalization was executed and every addict was imprisoned and fined into complete family poverty (including children, spouses, and parents of the addict)

So today PRC has no drug trade to speak of...there are a few but considering the consequences it's not popular.

The USA doesn't have the totalitarian style of Government that could pull such a feat off. Much of this chemical dependency in the USA and elsewhere is generational in nature. Drug addicts breed more than law abiding citizens. Much of this stemming from people suffering from Bipolar disorder. This disorder causes instant addiction to narcotics. And since it's genetically hereditary the chances of children born to people with bipolar disorder are extremely likely to inherit the disorder and repeat parental behaviors.

Intentional or not it's still preying upon the weaknesses of American society. And action should be taken in some fashion.
China first legalized it and put all narcotics importers out of business by offering cheaper opium than any importer could sell it for.

Then the day came China criminalized it and every opium dealer after criminalization was executed and every addict was imprisoned and fined into complete family poverty (including children, spouses, and parents of the addict)

So today PRC has no drug trade to speak of...there are a few but considering the consequences it's not popular.

The USA doesn't have the totalitarian style of Government that could pull such a feat off. Much of this chemical dependency in the USA and elsewhere is generational in nature. Drug addicts breed more than law abiding citizens. Much of this stemming from people suffering from Bipolar disorder. This disorder causes instant addiction to narcotics. And since it's genetically hereditary the chances of children born to people with bipolar disorder are extremely likely to inherit the disorder and repeat parental behaviors.

Intentional or not it's still preying upon the weaknesses of American society. And action should be taken in some fashion.
One big problem is that so many drug addicts and users vote. Neither party wants to lose those votes.
Mexican Drug cartels are getting out of hand. So much so they are kidnapping citizens for ransom, openly engaging in gunfights with police and border officials, and absolutely poisoning our citizens with fentanyl. (One of the most overdosed drugs around....heroine is safer than this stuff and heroine is really bad.)

So Lindsay Graham has introduced a bill to declare these cartels as terrorists...
Which opens the door for a whole can of worms. The "terrorists" among us. Because people are basically stupid we will have US citizens that aid and assist these drug cartels by knowing one of their associates on an individual basis and declare that "Jose isn't that bad".

So the government will seize bank accounts, property, and listen in to all private conversations of its own citizens to root out all the terrorists....no trials, no Geneva convention, no more rights.

What do you think?

We should start bombing the shit out of them.
We should start bombing the shit out of them.
A couple of special forces teams allowed to play in an unrestricted fashion could make chopped liver out of these guys....there wouldn't be any guns, drugs, drug makers, people or money by the time these guys finished.

Making them terrorists is just a way to seize the money.
Reviving opioid overdose 'victims' doesn't help. And what better way to go out than on a 'high'.
China first legalized it and put all narcotics importers out of business by offering cheaper opium than any importer could sell it for.
Are you referring to the British opium war? if so, they and also the French forced the Qing Dynasty to allow opium trafficking. It's one of the main reasons as to why China until today doesn't have much love towards us Europeans.
Then the day came China criminalized it and every opium dealer after criminalization was executed and every addict was imprisoned and fined into complete family poverty (including children, spouses, and parents of the addict)
I wouldn't know were you got this information from; Drug traffickers are given the death penalty upon exceeding a certain quantity - just as in Singapore or e.g. Malaysia.
Drug addicts are imprisoned due to repeated offenses - were they continue to receive the e.g. cold turkey treatment. First time offenders are either place into hospitalized prison quarantine or straight into a standard prison. Depends usually onto their social status - e.g. Jackie Chan's son - hospitalized prison quarantine.

So today PRC has no drug trade to speak of...there are a few but considering the consequences it's not popular.
There is actually - usually controlled via HK and Quangzhou Chinese and African syndicates. Due to China's Africa policy - punishment towards Africans is usually performed via extradition. Westerners are known to mingle in these trafficker communities e.g. in Suzhou and Shanghai, and were relatively untouched until about 4 years ago. You are correct that drug abuse is no more a major issue in China. They are now drug abused via I phones. :cool:
The USA doesn't have the totalitarian style of Government that could pull such a feat off.
I would say that is a rather poor excuse. In regards to speediness of implementing such laws - granted.
Intentional or not it's still preying upon the weaknesses of American society. And action should be taken in some fashion.
Yes - via education programs and respective laws. Since however the USA and our Western countries have these propagated "liberal" ideas - e.g. grass is just like medicine etc.etc.
it will probably never happen. As such our politicians will simply continue to make use of "drug issues" as preferred means to distract or promote other agendas. E.g. let's declare drug syndicates as terrorist organizations and spend a US$ 1-2 trillion on it.

It's like saying; due to our democratic society we can't enforce effective laws and educational programs towards gun usage and gun- licenses - as such let's declare gun-makers outside of the USA as being terrorist organizations. no?
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You can however slow the flow with real immigration laws that are actually enforced.
We need to address consumption, not just production, transportation, and sales of drugs. The money that fuels the whole thing comes from consumption. The current war on drugs is an expensive, ineffective, joke.:auiqs.jpg:
You only have to be concerned to what I've highlighted in bold if you're a member of a drug cartel, or a user of those drugs.

So if you're a "good guy", doesn't effect you.

If governments decriminalised drugs and addicts could buy substitutes at a fraction of the price from pharmacies/drug stores, the drug cartels wouldn't have a business, and the government would receive VAT/sales tax. Crime would reduce and tax raised can help fund rehabilitation programmes.
And 400k people a year would die yearly ( either by OD Or from physical issues due to usage )

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