Warming and cooling is a natural cycle.

Anyone notice that it is winter and that there is almost no snow in the NE? How about the fact that the NE is experiencing one of it's warmest winters ever?
Yes, a typical El Nino pattern made warmer by the GHGs in our atmosphere.

The El Nino pattern only releases EXISTING heat from ocean thermal currents.
That is correct. That energy accumulated for many years and was unaccounted for in global temperature calculations. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Kinda falls into the "no pause" camp of scenarios, doesn't it.
Anyone notice that it is winter and that there is almost no snow in the NE? How about the fact that the NE is experiencing one of it's warmest winters ever?

El Niño, besides, whenever there is a LOT of snow, the AGW kooks blow it off as simply weather.

What about the Olympics that were held in Vancouver, and they had problems keeping the games going because of lack of snow? That was a couple of years ago.

What about it? It's a natural occurrence. Climate changes, it always has.
No, ignoramous, it is not a natural cycle. There are no known natural forcing that can account for the rapid increase of 1 degree C in the last 150 years.

Look, we all get it. You are an AGW adherent and will never learn. I won't waste my time trying to educate you. Fortunately, you are in the minority.
Really? Is that why 195 nations just signed onto a Climate Treaty, and Congress gave the President what he asked for to implement our part of the treaty?
Except that the Sun went from a relative minimum in the late 18th century to relative maximum ending about 1960 or so..

Temperature looks nothing like any step response. A step response would show a gradually decreasing rate of warming. Instead, the warming is strong and constant.

Hence, your theory fails. It failed decades ago. It's failing harder now.
El Niño, besides, whenever there is a LOT of snow, the AGW kooks blow it off as simply weather.

What about the Olympics that were held in Vancouver, and they had problems keeping the games going because of lack of snow? That was a couple of years ago.

What about it? It's a natural occurrence. Climate changes, it always has.
No, ignoramous, it is not a natural cycle. There are no known natural forcing that can account for the rapid increase of 1 degree C in the last 150 years.

Look, we all get it. You are an AGW adherent and will never learn. I won't waste my time trying to educate you. Fortunately, you are in the minority.
Really? Is that why 195 nations just signed onto a Climate Treaty, and Congress gave the President what he asked for to implement our part of the treaty?

Nations, numb nuts. You understand the difference between a nation signing a treaty and people believing? Surely even you can understand right?
Why yes. Enough of the people who count accept the evidence and agree to address the problem. And the people who don't count refuse to accept reality are regarded as somewhat retarded.
Except that the Sun went from a relative minimum in the late 18th century to relative maximum ending about 1960 or so..

Temperature looks nothing like any step response. A step response would show a gradually decreasing rate of warming. Instead, the warming is strong and constant.

Hence, your theory fails. It failed decades ago. It's failing harder now.

There you are again with the juvenile expectations that outputs from complex systems have to match the shape and timing of the major input drivers. Hardly ever so.. Any amount of higher order integration (storage) or delay or simply higher order coefficients in the system transfer response can make ANY SHAPE out of a step function.

Tell me the climate system is simple 1st order linear relationship.. Go ahead --- make my day...
There you are again with the juvenile expectations that outputs from complex systems have to match the shape and timing of the major input drivers. Hardly ever so.. Any amount of higher order integration (storage) or delay or simply higher order coefficients in the system transfer response can make ANY SHAPE out of a step function.

So what higher order processes are capable of hiding heat on a global scale?

You're essentially invoking magic, and then declaring that because climate scientists can't absolutely rule out magic, the mainstream theory must be wrong.

Tell me the climate system is simple 1st order linear relationship.. Go ahead --- make my day...

The problem is that you won't quantify what kind of system the climate system is, so everyone is left guessing.

You need to quantify the precise model of the climate, according to your systems theory. You then need to explain the physical mechanisms that cause it to behave that way, and show that the real world data matches your predictions of how the physical mechanisms should act under your theory. You need to demonstrate that climate has behaved according to your model in the past. And you need to make predictions based on your model, and have those predictions come true over and over.

Once you do all that, you'll have the same amount of credibility as climate scientists.
There you are again with the juvenile expectations that outputs from complex systems have to match the shape and timing of the major input drivers. Hardly ever so.. Any amount of higher order integration (storage) or delay or simply higher order coefficients in the system transfer response can make ANY SHAPE out of a step function.

So what higher order processes are capable of hiding heat on a global scale?

You're essentially invoking magic, and then declaring that because climate scientists can't absolutely rule out magic, the mainstream theory must be wrong.

Tell me the climate system is simple 1st order linear relationship.. Go ahead --- make my day...

The problem is that you won't quantify what kind of system the climate system is, so everyone is left guessing.

You need to quantify the precise model of the climate, according to your systems theory. You then need to explain the physical mechanisms that cause it to behave that way, and show that the real world data matches your predictions of how the physical mechanisms should act under your theory. You need to demonstrate that climate has behaved according to your model in the past. And you need to make predictions based on your model, and have those predictions come true over and over.

Once you do all that, you'll have the same amount of credibility as climate scientists.

Hell -- it's not magic.. It's all over the literature. About short-term and long term climate sensitivity variables. Some going out CENTURIES before peaking in their effects. About the feedback terms that ADD those higher order coefficients to the System Transfer Function. About the storage mechanisms implied in the long cycles of ocean conveyors and storage of oceans... The math is all there. These clowns have been playing with CO2 as the master control knob for all those processes..

Perhaps I will someday go work with climate modeling. But your clowns have gotten little right and have continually embarrased themselves with rookie mistakes in proclaiming predictions of doom..
Hell -- it's not magic.. It's all over the literature. About short-term and long term climate sensitivity variables. Some going out CENTURIES before peaking in their effects.

So where does the heat hide?

About the feedback terms that ADD those higher order coefficients to the System Transfer Function. About the storage mechanisms implied in the long cycles of ocean conveyors and storage of oceans... The math is all there. These clowns have been playing with CO2 as the master control knob for all those processes..

Okay. We're getting a little substance. You're saying the heat hides in the oceans.

Wait. That's also what mainstream climate science says. All the things you say to look at are exactly what mainstream climate science looks at in great detail.

Apparently, we're just haggling now.

Perhaps I will someday go work with climate modeling.

I'm sure you can curve-fit and mathturbate with the best of the pseudoscience crowd.

But your clowns have gotten little right and have continually embarrased themselves with rookie mistakes in proclaiming predictions of doom..

As the predictions of the real science have been so good, you should feel embarrassed to have made that statement.
our climate is not controlled or effected by the things that man does. It is controlled mostly by the sun. It has been that way ever since the fireball cooled, coalesced and became the earth.

AGW is a lie perpetuated by the Democrat Party in this country and socialists all over the world. The purpose of which is to bleed money and power from the world's top countries, especially the USA.

NOAA Website on Climate: Earth’s Hottest Period Occurred Before Man Existed
The Demorats use to call it Global warming ,when that did not work ,the morons changed it to climate change, pathetic losers.
If there so worried may-be Air force One should be moth balled, Obama can use a hot air balloon for his travels. :banana:
our climate is not controlled or effected by the things that man does. It is controlled mostly by the sun. It has been that way ever since the fireball cooled, coalesced and became the earth.

AGW is a lie perpetuated by the Democrat Party in this country and socialists all over the world. The purpose of which is to bleed money and power from the world's top countries, especially the USA.

NOAA Website on Climate: Earth’s Hottest Period Occurred Before Man Existed
The Demorats use to call it Global warming ,when that did not work ,the morons changed it to climate change, pathetic losers.
If there so worried may-be Air force One should be moth balled, Obama can use a hot air balloon for his travels. :banana:
Perhaps you can make even more stupid statements that this. You really should try. And we can laugh at another ignorant redneck that flaps his silly yap, and demonstrates to the whole world his depth of ignorance.

The present warming is not more natural than 120 ppm of the 400 ppm of CO2 in our atmosphere is normal. That CO2 was put there by man.
our climate is not controlled or effected by the things that man does. It is controlled mostly by the sun. It has been that way ever since the fireball cooled, coalesced and became the earth.

AGW is a lie perpetuated by the Democrat Party in this country and socialists all over the world. The purpose of which is to bleed money and power from the world's top countries, especially the USA.

NOAA Website on Climate: Earth’s Hottest Period Occurred Before Man Existed
The Demorats use to call it Global warming ,when that did not work ,the morons changed it to climate change, pathetic losers.
If there so worried may-be Air force One should be moth balled, Obama can use a hot air balloon for his travels. :banana:
Perhaps you can make even more stupid statements that this. You really should try. And we can laugh at another ignorant redneck that flaps his silly yap, and demonstrates to the whole world his depth of ignorance.

The present warming is not more natural than 120 ppm of the 400 ppm of CO2 in our atmosphere is normal. That CO2 was put there by man.

Extremely likely that CO2 levels breached 350ppm during this interglacial period without any help from man.
You're just repeating the litany of claims based on polished spin given to the public for the cause..
Anyone notice that it is winter and that there is almost no snow in the NE? How about the fact that the NE is experiencing one of it's warmest winters ever?

It's called average weather.
our climate is not controlled or effected by the things that man does. It is controlled mostly by the sun. It has been that way ever since the fireball cooled, coalesced and became the earth.

AGW is a lie perpetuated by the Democrat Party in this country and socialists all over the world. The purpose of which is to bleed money and power from the world's top countries, especially the USA.

NOAA Website on Climate: Earth’s Hottest Period Occurred Before Man Existed
The Demorats use to call it Global warming ,when that did not work ,the morons changed it to climate change, pathetic losers.
If there so worried may-be Air force One should be moth balled, Obama can use a hot air balloon for his travels. :banana:
Perhaps you can make even more stupid statements that this. You really should try. And we can laugh at another ignorant redneck that flaps his silly yap, and demonstrates to the whole world his depth of ignorance.

The present warming is not more natural than 120 ppm of the 400 ppm of CO2 in our atmosphere is normal. That CO2 was put there by man.

Extremely likely that CO2 levels breached 350ppm during this interglacial period without any help from man.
You're just repeating the litany of claims based on polished spin given to the public for the cause..
You made the statement, back it up with some evidence from real scientists. Can you?
Down To Earth Climate Change - Resources

For most folks, global climate change is one of those issues we hear about constantly in the news but have a hard time really understanding because the scientific concepts are complex and information presented is often contradictory. One article might say climate change absolutely the result of human activity and the next may argue that it a natural process that has occured many times throughtout Earth's long history. But scientists are in agreement, the global climate is rapidly warming and the causes are rooted in human activity. Some of clearest evidence that global climate change is indeed occuring today and is being caused by human activity comes from carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. Take a look at the graph below, which shows atmospheric carbon dioxide levels for the past 400,000 years:

As you can see, atmospheric carbon dioxide does naturally fluctuate, but it's never been has high as it is today. Carbon dioxide levels are much higher than they would naturally be if we were not burning so much fossil fuel (like oil, gas and coal). And what scientists have shown by studying hundreds of thousands of years of geological data is that temperature increases in when carbon dioxide increases, so the current spike in carbon dioxide is sure to result in a rapid increase in global temperature. For an excellent and detailed explanation of the global climate system, check out NASA's climate change website by clicking the NASA logo to the left.

I sure as hell don't see 350 ppm anywhere on this graph. Mr. Flacaltenn, please present your evidence for your statement.

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