Warming of oceans due to climate change is unstoppable, say US scientists


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Warming of oceans due to climate change is unstoppable, say US scientists

Thursday 16 July 2015 18.23 BST

Seas will continue to warm for centuries even if manmade greenhouse gas emissions were frozen at today’s levels, say US government scientists


Well, matter what we do this isn't going to be stopped.
Because it is a climatic cycle. And they've made us spend how much on something that can't be stopped by man?
Warming of oceans due to climate change is unstoppable, say US scientists

Thursday 16 July 2015 18.23 BST

Seas will continue to warm for centuries even if manmade greenhouse gas emissions were frozen at today’s levels, say US government scientists


Well, matter what we do this isn't going to be stopped.

Warming of oceans due to climate change is unstoppable, say US scientists
Does that mean they'll stop their whining?
We can only hope...
If so, then there will be something new on the horizon they will try to pawn off on the gullible to continue to fill the coffers. It is never ending.
Warming of oceans due to climate change is unstoppable, say US scientists

Thursday 16 July 2015 18.23 BST

Seas will continue to warm for centuries even if manmade greenhouse gas emissions were frozen at today’s levels, say US government scientists


Well, matter what we do this isn't going to be stopped.

Warming of oceans due to climate change is unstoppable, say US scientists
Does that mean they'll stop their whining?
The article is obviously a huge lie written by scumbags.
Warming of oceans due to climate change is unstoppable, say US scientists

Thursday 16 July 2015 18.23 BST

Seas will continue to warm for centuries even if manmade greenhouse gas emissions were frozen at today’s levels, say US government scientists


Well, matter what we do this isn't going to be stopped.

Imagine that -- an admission that you can "freeze" a temperature forcing like CO2 at it's current level and get a CENTURY of increasing temperatures out of that.. Should work that way for a relative MAXIMUM solar output also -- shouldn't it??? Even if it hasn't increased for a couple decades.

But unlike CO2 -- which DOES NOT HEAT the surface, but only retards the rate of heat loss ---- The SUN can actually HEAT or COOL the oceans.. And everything else for that matter. And it can do that in MORE ways than the simple narrow bandwidth IR absorption of CO2.

Think about it a bit.. This "unstoppable" business is bit dramatic..
Because it is a climatic cycle. And they've made us spend how much on something that can't be stopped by man?

If we wish to survive, well, we're going to be spending a lot on levies, sea walls and the science of food genetics.

We'll do this or we will die out.
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Who cares? That just means that New York and the People's Republic of Kalifornia will be under water. No skin off my ass.
You are aware that scientists are now claiming that in 2030 there will be a mini Ice Age as the sun goes dormant on its cycles?
Some scientists. The roughly 400 scientists, filling a list eight and half pages long, who wrote the American Meteorological Society's "State of the Climate 2014, believe:

ABSTRACT—J. BLUNDEN AND D. S. ARNDT Most of the dozens of essential climate variables monitored each year in this report continued to follow their long-term trends in 2014, with several setting new records. Carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide—the major greenhouse gases released into Earth’s atmosphere—once again all reached record high average atmospheric concentrations for the year. Carbon dioxide increased by 1.9 ppm to reach a globally averaged value of 397.2 ppm for 2014. Altogether, 5 major and 15 minor greenhouse gases contributed 2.94 W m–2 of direct radiative forcing, which is 36% greater than their contributions just a quarter century ago. Accompanying the record-high greenhouse gas concentrations was nominally the highest annual global surface temperature in at least 135 years of modern record keeping, according to four independent observational analyses. The warmth was distributed widely around the globe's land areas, Europe observed its warmest year on record by a large margin, with close to two dozen countries breaking their previous national temperature records; many countries in Asia had annual temperatures among their 10 warmest on record; Africa reported above-average temperatures across most of the continent throughout 2014; Australia saw its third warmest year on record, following record heat there in 2013; Mexico had its warmest year on record; and Argentina and Uruguay each had their second warmest year on record. Eastern North America was the only major region to observe a below-average annual temperature. But it was the oceans that drove the record global surface temperature in 2014. Although 2014 was largely ENSO-neutral, the globally averaged sea surface temperature (SST) was the highest on record. The warmth was particularly notable in the North Pacific Ocean where SST anomalies signaled a transition from a negative to positive phase of the Pacific decadal oscillation. In the winter of 2013/14, unusually warm water in the northeast Pacific was associated with elevated ocean heat content anomalies and elevated sea level in the region. Globally, upper ocean heat content was record high for the year, reflecting the continued increase of thermal energy in the oceans, which absorb over 90% of Earth’s excess heat from greenhouse gas forcing. Owing to both ocean warming and land ice melt contributions, global mean sea level in 2014 was also record high and 67 mm greater than the 1993 annual mean, when satellite altimetry measurements began. Sea surface salinity trends over the past decade indicate that salty regions grew saltier while fresh regions became fresher, suggestive of an increased hydrological cycle over the ocean expected with global warming. As in previous years, these patterns are reflected in 2014 subsurface salinity anomalies as well. With a now decade-long trans-basin instrument array along 26°N, the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation shows a decrease in transport of –4.2 ± 2.5 Sv decade–1. Precipitation was quite variable across the globe. On balance, precipitation over the world’s oceans was above average, while below average across land surfaces. Drought continued in southeastern Brazil and the western United States. Heavy rain during April–June led to devastating floods in Canada’s Eastern Prairies. Above-normal summer monsoon rainfall was observed over the southern coast of West Africa, while drier conditions prevailed over the eastern Sahel. Generally, summer monsoon rainfall over eastern Africa was above normal, except in parts of western South Sudan and Ethiopia. The south Asian summer monsoon in India was below normal, with June record dry. Across the major tropical cyclone basins, 91 named storms were observed during 2014, above the 1981–2010 global average of 82. The Eastern/Central Pacific and South Indian Ocean basins experienced significantly above-normal activity in 2014; all other basins were either at or below normal. The 22 named storms in the Eastern/Central Pacific was the basin's most since 1992. Similar to 2013, the North Atlantic season was quieter than most years of the last two decades with respect to the number of storms, despite the absence of El Niño conditions during both years. In higher latitudes and at higher elevations, increased warming continued to be visible in the decline of glacier mass balance, increasing permafrost temperatures, and a deeper thawing layer in seasonally frozen soil. In the Arctic, the 2014 temperature over land areas was the fourth highest in the 115-year period of record and snow melt occurred 20–30 days earlier than the 1998–2010 average. The Greenland Ice Sheet experienced extensive melting in summer 2014. The extent of melting was above the 1981–2010 average for 90% of the melt season, contributing to the second lowest average summer albedo over Greenland since observations began in 2000 and a record-low albedo across the ice sheet for August. On the North Slope of Alaska, new record high temperatures at 20-m depth were measured at four of five permafrost observatories. In September, Arctic minimum sea ice extent was the sixth lowest since satellite records began in 1979. The eight lowest sea ice extents during this period have occurred in the last eight years. Conversely, in the Antarctic, sea ice extent countered its declining trend and set several new records in 2014, including record high monthly mean sea ice extent each month from April to November. On 20 September, a record large daily Antarctic sea ice extent of 20.14 × 106 km2 occurred. The 2014 Antarctic stratospheric ozone hole was 20.9 million km2 when averaged from 7 September to 13 October, the sixth smallest on record and continuing a decrease, albeit statistically insignificant, in area since 1998.
Great so we can zero out all funding for Climate change

Why? You don't think we should understand our planets climates? I think we should fund science more as we learn more and we're better off doing so. I hate you loserterians as you don't believe in science or explorations.
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Warming of oceans due to climate change is unstoppable, say US scientists

Thursday 16 July 2015 18.23 BST

Seas will continue to warm for centuries even if manmade greenhouse gas emissions were frozen at today’s levels, say US government scientists


Well, matter what we do this isn't going to be stopped.
I'm sorry I'd believe in climate change if A. There was good evidence of it. Satellites show us no warming trend for over 20 years, as a matter of fact we seem to be heading in a cooling trend.

B. if our own government was actually doing real things about it. This administration shut down the hydrogen car program after the GM bailout. Hydrogen cars produce NO emissions, it's a car run off a gas that is just a proton and an electron! Not to mention the most abundant element in the world and universe. And we've been using the same nuclear technology since the 70s, we have many more efficient ways to harness energy from nuclear sources, (including ways we could produce hydrogen as a byproduct for our hydrogen cars) but I guess the whole point is not to give us reusable and clean efficient energy. Can't have the serfs not needing us, right. Or piss off our best friends Saudi Arabia

But what about the drought in California?? How is that not evidence of climate change. Well how about that California hasn't made a new reservoir since the 70s despite having a huge population explosion, and. 75% of their rainwater goes straight into the sea. So they're not having a dust bowel like drought, but there isn't enough water to go around and the government needs to make sure you don't take a 6 minute shower
Science and exploration are probably the two most worthwhile things we humans do. Most everything else don't have benefits as they do.
Great so we can zero out all funding for Climate change

Why? You don't think we should understand our planets climates? I think we should fund science more as we learn more and we're better off doing so. I hate you loserterians as you don't believe in science or explorations.

Do us a favor, hop up and down on the planet to move it further from the Sun

How much will the oceans cool for each 10PPM reduction in CO2?

Answer with a number.

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