Warning: Graphic: It's been 50 years since AP photographer Nick Ut captured image of 9-year-old girl running naked from a napalm attack during Vietnam


You guys are not posting facts you are posting opinions and in your case out right LIES

Minh was no liberator he was a communist enslasver


Or is regurgitating propaganda all your piss brain can handle?

I am stating facts BOY deal with it

Your revisionist bullshit is DISPROVEN
You are too far gone to see reason, i have posted historical facts like the Geneva conference on the future unification of Vietnam, that's not my opinion you clown it's a recorded historical fact.
You are too far gone to see reason, i have posted historical facts like the Geneva conference on the future unification of Vietnam, that's not my opinion you clown it's a recorded historical fact.
You have lied and posted opinons. EXCLUSIVELY

That conference is irrelevant

It does not support your revisionist BULLSHIT about liberation

You are uneducated and you do not know a damn thing about that war
You are too far gone to see reason, i have posted historical facts like the Geneva conference on the future unification of Vietnam, that's not my opinion you clown it's a recorded historical fact.
I have been posting a lot of facts too. I am surprised that there are still people who think intervening in Vietnam was a good idea.
I have been posting a lot of facts too. I am surprised that there are still people who think intervening in Vietnam was a good idea.
Actually i don't think they do think it was a good idea, but as we have seen on Ukraine they just can't admit they or their Government are wrong, it really puzzles me why they are like that, only explanation i can think of is when they wake up to the fact everything they have thought all their lives was based on lies, so its easier to continue with the charade.
Actually i don't think they do think it was a good idea, but as we have seen on Ukraine they just can't admit they or their Government are wrong, it really puzzles me why they are like that, only explanation i can think of is when they wake up to the fact everything they have thought all their lives was based on lies, so its easier to continue with the charade.
Initially I supported the War in Vietnam too. As I learned more about the War I cam to oppose the War.
No it is not

It is clear you are ignorant when you spout bullshit like liberation and chemical warfare
I am confident that you never knew what President Eisenhower said about the popularity of Ho Chi Minh,

Selection from Eisenhower's Memoires

and the specifications of the Geneva Agreement of 1954


until I posted them here.

The War in Vietnam was even more unnecessary than Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Ukraine is right next to Russia. Russia has been invaded through Ukraine. Vietnam is on the other side of the earth. What happens there has never been important to our security.
I don't know how many times people need telling, the South was liberated to unify the whole Country, that that border on the 17th paralell and the DMZ was suposed to be temporary, once the Stooges in the South and their American handlers sabotaged the deal in Genever Minh had no choice but to go to war and liberate the Country.

Why was Vietnam split into two?

After World War II and the collapse of Vietnam's monarchy, France attempted to re-establish its colonial rule but was ultimately defeated in the First Indo-China War. The Geneva Accords in 1954 partitioned the country temporarily in two with a promise of democratic elections in 1956 to reunite the country.
The Republic of Vietnam wasn't liberated. It was invaded and conquered by a modern, armor heavy combined arms army totally supplied, trained and advised by the Soviet Union AT NO COST TO the People's Republic of Vietnam. The North Vietnamese didn't pay the Soviets a dime for that army, or for the support both economic and military the Soviets and to a lesser extent the PRC gave them and the guerilla army that preceded it that was destroyed in the Tet Offensive. Minh made the same choice Kim Il Sung made in June of 1950. To use the material and training supplied by the Soviet Union to invade a neighbor who was no threat to him and his nation. Putin's Russia has made the same choice in its invasions of Georgia, Ukraine and Chechnya.
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Can you read or are you being deliberately bloody dumb? i pointed out the facts about the Genveva deal and other posters have done the same and the status of Vietnam at the time, yet you continue with your retarded narrative.
The Geneva deal was imposed on the RVN and the PRVN by outside forces. The RVN had far less than responsibility to obey it the PRVN had to obey the Paris Peace Accords that it signed voluntarily to end the Vietnam War. The war was over and the PRVN and RVN were at peace when the PRVN launched an illegal and unprovoked invasion of the RVN and conquered it.
We should not have signed a treaty with a South Vietnamese government that lacked popular support.
The North Vietnamese government had no more popular support, it was a communist led dictatorship installed and enforced at the points of Soviet and Chinese bayonets.
The US DID use chemical warfare thats just a fact.
Other than CS tear gas, the US used NO chemical weapons in Vietnam. Agent Orange was an Herbicide and at the time was believed harmless to people. It was Roundup on steroids and used widely all over the world. From Wikki: "Agent Orange was produced in the United States from the late 1940s and was used in industrial agriculture, and was also sprayed along railroads and power lines to control undergrowth in forests. "
Other than CS tear gas, the US used NO chemical weapons in Vietnam. Agent Orange was an Herbicide and at the time was believed harmless to people. It was Roundup on steroids and used widely all over the world. From Wikki: "Agent Orange was produced in the United States from the late 1940s and was used in industrial agriculture, and was also sprayed along railroads and power lines to control undergrowth in forests. "
So was Zyklon B we know how that worked out.
The North Vietnamese government had no more popular support, it was a communist led dictatorship installed and enforced at the points of Soviet and Chinese bayonets.
I have posted this before. Read it this time.


This page from President Eisenhower's Memoires, Mandate for Change, page 372, shows that he believed Ho Chi Minh would have won any free election in Vietnam in 1954. This is certainly why the U.S. did not permit such an election, though the Geneva Convention of 1954 required it.

"Reviewing the entire episode in retrospect, I find that four questions merit consideration:
(1) Why, with the superiority in manpower and resources available, were the French unable to win?
(2) Why was the very considerable amount of material American aid not more effective in helping the French?
(3) Why, when the French were in difficulty and the interests of the Free World affected, at least indirectly, were the successive French governments unwilling to take logical and reasonable steps to bring United States' and other support to their assistance?
(4) What lessons or benefits, if any, accrued to the Free World as a result?
I am convinced that the French could not win the war because the internal political situation in Vietnam, weak and confused, badly weakened their military position. I have never talked or corresponded with a person knowledgeable in Indochinese affairs who did not agree that had elections been held as of the time of the fighting, possibly 80 per cent of the populations would have voted for the Communist Ho Chi Minh as their leader rather than Chief of State Bao Dai...

"the mass of the population supported the enemy. With such a feeling prevalent, it was inevitable that the French should find it impossible to retain the loyalty of their Vietnamese troops."

I have posted this before. Read it this time.


This page from President Eisenhower's Memoires, Mandate for Change, page 372, shows that he believed Ho Chi Minh would have won any free election in Vietnam in 1954. This is certainly why the U.S. did not permit such an election, though the Geneva Convention of 1954 required it.

"the mass of the population supported the enemy. With such a feeling prevalent, it was inevitable that the French should find it impossible to retain the loyalty of their Vietnamese troops."

Ho was a war hero, it's possible the majority of the Vietnamese people approved of him. The majority of the Vietnamese people DIDN'T support the communist government he imposed upon them. The North Vietnamese secret police were trained by the Communist Chinese secret police, the CID (Central Intelligence Department), and modernized after 1964 by the East German Stasi, which was probably the most hated and feared secret police unit of the communist world. While Ike might have been told there was wide-spread support for "Uncle Ho", what visible opposition to him could exist in a police state like the People's Republic of Viet Nam?
Ho was a war hero, it's possible the majority of the Vietnamese people approved of him. The majority of the Vietnamese people DIDN'T support the communist government he imposed upon them. The North Vietnamese secret police were trained by the Communist Chinese secret police, the CID (Central Intelligence Department), and modernized after 1964 by the East German Stasi, which was probably the most hated and feared secret police unit of the communist world. While Ike might have been told there was wide-spread support for "Uncle Ho", what visible opposition to him could exist in a police state like the People's Republic of Viet Nam?
We can only guess about the support the North Vietnamese government had. Nevertheless, Americans in South Vietnam sometimes complained that "their" Vietnamese fought harder than "our" Vietnamese.

The North Vietnamese Army is widely credited for having the best light infantry i the world. They would not have fought hard for a government they hated.
We can only guess about the support the North Vietnamese government had. Nevertheless, Americans in South Vietnam sometimes complained that "their" Vietnamese fought harder than "our" Vietnamese.

The North Vietnamese Army is widely credited for having the best light infantry i the world. They would not have fought hard for a government they hated.
You are right about light infantry, a poncho personal hygiene kit, rice ration,water bottle AK 47 with plenty of ammo and that was it.
We can only guess about the support the North Vietnamese government had. Nevertheless, Americans in South Vietnam sometimes complained that "their" Vietnamese fought harder than "our" Vietnamese.

The North Vietnamese Army is widely credited for having the best light infantry i the world. They would not have fought hard for a government they hated.
Its's not hard to motivate troops when there are political officers assigned to units with pistols to "encourage" and motivate troops and secret police holding families hostage back home. To quote Joseph Stalin in WWII, "it takes a very brave man to be a coward in my army". Remember it was veterans, political officers and their descendants from Stalin's army and their counterparts from Mao's army that equipped and trained the PAVN.

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