Warning: Graphic: It's been 50 years since AP photographer Nick Ut captured image of 9-year-old girl running naked from a napalm attack during Vietnam

Their brains closed down around 1966. They keep repeating government talking points that were discredited by the subsequent course of the War in Vietnam. I am confident that most never knew of President Eisenhower's statement that as many as 80% of the Vietnamese support Ho Chi Minh. They never knew of the Geneva Agreement of 1954, which forbade the entry of foreign troops in Vietnam, said that the division of Vietnam into North Vietnam and South Vietnam was temporary, and which scheduled an election under international supervision to determine the future of Vietnam.

The government gave no one any talking points it ids a simple honest analysis of history.

Most are well aware of Ikes statement it has been published endlessly forever.

the problem is people like YOU fools think it is the only thing that matters.

You ignore the fact that you are trying to justify a violent and unjustified invasion by a communist thug

The government gave no one any talking points it ids a simple honest analysis of history.

Most are well aware of Ikes statement it has been published endlessly forever.

the problem is people like YOU fools think it is the only thing that matters.

You ignore the fact that you are trying to justify a violent and unjustified invasion by a communist thug
You are justifying a military intervention by the United States that was destructive in financial and human costs, and which served no useful purpose. All we had to do to avoid that futile and immoral war was to sign and honor the Geneva Agreement of 1954.

The United States was the brutal aggressor. We ruined a country that did not threaten us.
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You are justifying a military intervention by the United States that was destructive in financial and human costs, and which served no useful purpose. All we had to do to avoid that futile and immoral war was to sign and honor the Geneva Agreement of 1954.

The United States was the brutal aggressor. We ruined a country that did not threaten us.

Because you are impervious to reason, I will resort to ridicule.
Yes, the Vietnam war was an absolute disgrace. We had no business being there.
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Right wing dictators the United States supported, like the Shah of Iran, tortured and murdered people to stay in power.

You think that because Communism was unpopular in Eastern Europe it was unpopular everywhere. For decades Communism was popular in Russia. It is popular in China, Vietnam, and Cuba. It can generally be said that when Communism was imposed by a conquering army is was unpopular. When it resulted from a successful insurrection it was popular.

If the American way of life had been popular in Afghanistan it wold have been easy for the best financed and best military to defeat the Taliban. Instead the Taliban resisted the U.S. military for twenty years and quickly and almost effortlessly took power when the U.S. military withdrew.
When the secret police will lock you up or kill you for not finding a tyranny of some flavor popular, it has a lot of public popular support. Private support is either nil or confined to those who greatly benefit from being associated with the tyrant.
Agent Orange contained Dioxin a dangerous chemical, so it was chemical warfare you ignorant idiot, that is why it's not used anymore.
Dioxin wasn't known then as a dangerous chemical. And using herbicides, even dangerous ones, isn't chemical warfare by any sane definition.
Biden kept warning Russia not to invade Ukraine and threatened them with sanctions instead of trying to work out an agreement.
What could they have agreed upon? Russia wanted to conquer Ukraine. We and the Ukrainians did not want this to happen.
What could they have agreed upon? Russia wanted to conquer Ukraine. We and the Ukrainians did not want this to happen.
I oppose all wars where our country is not at risk. You like to pick and choose which wars to get involved in. Ukraine is no different than Vietnam.
war is bad. hatred is wrong. let's build a world without war, my bro's
War is a necessary evil. Without it evil eventually wins every time.

Hatred is the most efficient and strongest motivational force in the history of the world.

Utopian Peace is not possible, nor is it truly a worthwhile goal.

What happened to that girl was horrific, but to quote several Vietnam veterans I’ve known… “When the enemy hides itself amongst the population and the population supports the enemy, the population BECOMES the enemy and must be treated as such.”
War is a necessary evil. Without it evil eventually wins every time.

Hatred is the most efficient and strongest motivational force in the history of the world.

Utopian Peace is not possible, nor is it truly a worthwhile goal.

What happened to that girl was horrific, but to quote several Vietnam veterans I’ve known… “When the enemy hides itself amongst the population and the population supports the enemy, the population BECOMES the enemy and must be treated as such.”
Vietnam was a civil war between the north and south. We had no business being there.
Vietnam was a civil war between the north and south. We had no business being there
Absolutely correct. 100% right. However, once we did enter the conflict you have to fight to win, using whatever weapons and tactics are required. That is our duty to the troops.
I oppose all wars where our country is not at risk. You like to pick and choose which wars to get involved in. Ukraine is no different than Vietnam.
The difference between Vietnam and Ukraine us that we were more interested in fighting the Vietnamese Communists than most of the South Vietnamese were. The Ukrainians are willing to do their own fighting, but they need our weapons.
The difference between Vietnam and Ukraine us that we were more interested in fighting the Vietnamese Communists than most of the South Vietnamese were. The Ukrainians are willing to do their own fighting, but they need our weapons.
They are not a NATO country and we have no obligation to arm them.
You are justifying a military intervention by the United States that was destructive in financial and human costs, and which served no useful purpose. All we had to do to avoid that futile and immoral war was to sign and honor the Geneva Agreement of 1954.

The United States was the brutal aggressor. We ruined a country that did not threaten us.
We were not the aggressor Minh was.

To say VIetnam was an immoral war is false because it implies some other war IS moral. All wars are immoral and Vietnam no more so. All minh had to do was not sieze power and invade another country

We did not make him do that by ignoring the agreement

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