Warning: Graphic: It's been 50 years since AP photographer Nick Ut captured image of 9-year-old girl running naked from a napalm attack during Vietnam

The US DID use chemical warfare thats just a fact.
They did not

Your claim is a lie as has been proven in THIS thread.

Maybe you missed it fool but you were owned and desperately changed the subject because you were proven wrong

THAT is a fact
I have posted this before. Read it this time.


This page from President Eisenhower's Memoires, Mandate for Change, page 372, shows that he believed Ho Chi Minh would have won any free election in Vietnam in 1954. This is certainly why the U.S. did not permit such an election, though the Geneva Convention of 1954 required it.

"the mass of the population supported the enemy. With such a feeling prevalent, it was inevitable that the French should find it impossible to retain the loyalty of their Vietnamese troops."

One more time you post it and gthen you LIE about it

There was never any act of permiting or not permiting elections by the US
I am confident that you never knew what President Eisenhower said about the popularity of Ho Chi Minh,

Selection from Eisenhower's Memoires

and the specifications of the Geneva Agreement of 1954


until I posted them here.

The War in Vietnam was even more unnecessary than Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Ukraine is right next to Russia. Russia has been invaded through Ukraine. Vietnam is on the other side of the earth. What happens there has never been important to our security.
One man's opinion even Ike's is irrelevant

The Geneva specifications arer irrelevant

Necessity is not the issue thrrats to secutiry are not the issue

The war we fought was miorally jusfified
I have posted this before. Read it this time.


This page from President Eisenhower's Memoires, Mandate for Change, page 372, shows that he believed Ho Chi Minh would have won any free election in Vietnam in 1954. This is certainly why the U.S. did not permit such an election, though the Geneva Convention of 1954 required it.

"the mass of the population supported the enemy. With such a feeling prevalent, it was inevitable that the French should find it impossible to retain the loyalty of their Vietnamese troops."

The mass did not support the enemy.

If they HAD then it would have been unnecessary for the communisgt to routinely and consistently torture and murder people to gain their support
The mass did not support the enemy.

If they HAD then it would have been unnecessary for the communisgt to routinely and consistently torture and murder people to gain their support
Right wing dictators the United States supported, like the Shah of Iran, tortured and murdered people to stay in power.

You think that because Communism was unpopular in Eastern Europe it was unpopular everywhere. For decades Communism was popular in Russia. It is popular in China, Vietnam, and Cuba. It can generally be said that when Communism was imposed by a conquering army is was unpopular. When it resulted from a successful insurrection it was popular.

If the American way of life had been popular in Afghanistan it wold have been easy for the best financed and best military to defeat the Taliban. Instead the Taliban resisted the U.S. military for twenty years and quickly and almost effortlessly took power when the U.S. military withdrew.
One man's opinion even Ike's is irrelevant

The Geneva specifications arer irrelevant

Necessity is not the issue thrrats to secutiry are not the issue

The war we fought was miorally jusfified
President Eisenhower's opinion, unlike yours, was not based on what he wanted to believe. It was based on consultations he had will advisors, who like him, would have preferred other beliefs.

The Geneva Agreement of 1954 is relevant. If we had signed and honored it we would have avoided the War in Vietnam. Vietnam is unimportant to our economy and security. In the spring of 1979 Communist Vietnam stood up to an invasion by Communist China and defeated it. Currently Communist Vietnam is one of our trading partners.
They did not

Your claim is a lie as has been proven in THIS thread.

Maybe you missed it fool but you were owned and desperately changed the subject because you were proven wrong

THAT is a fact
Agent Orange contained Dioxin a dangerous chemical, so it was chemical warfare you ignorant idiot, that is why it's not used anymore.
Right wing dictators the United States supported, like the Shah of Iran, tortured and murdered people to stay in power.

You think that because Communism was unpopular in Eastern Europe it was unpopular everywhere. For decades Communism was popular in Russia. It is popular in China, Vietnam, and Cuba. It can generally be said that when Communism was imposed by a conquering army is was unpopular. When it resulted from a successful insurrection it was popular.

If the American way of life had been popular in Afghanistan it wold have been easy for the best financed and best military to defeat the Taliban. Instead the Taliban resisted the U.S. military for twenty years and quickly and almost effortlessly took power when the U.S. military withdrew.
No it was not

It is ridicukous to say it was imposed anywhere for the same reason. It is imposed by force and violance after which the people are told what to say and think.

That is not a reliable basis to claim popularity.
Agent Orange contained Dioxin a dangerous chemical, so it was chemical warfare you ignorant idiot, that is why it's not used anymore.
The air and water and dirt contain dioxin. Agent orange contained it in one part per 3 billion parts which is a TRACE amount. Dioxin poisoning hasd very specific symptoms which you cannot find in anyone exosed to agent orange. Dioxing is procued by any carbon based subtance burning which means every fire on the face of planet earth since the dawn of time has created dioxin

Mother nature is not waging chemical warfare on you.

It is not used any more because they have better weed killers. The fact is it WAS used for DECADES and was not replaced because of any health hazard

You are IGNORANT int he EXTREME and PROVEN wrong

It absiolutely was NOTY chemcial war fare you motherfucking FOOL
President Eisenhower's opinion, unlike yours, was not based on what he wanted to believe. It was based on consultations he had will advisors, who like him, would have preferred other beliefs.

The Geneva Agreement of 1954 is relevant. If we had signed and honored it we would have avoided the War in Vietnam. Vietnam is unimportant to our economy and security. In the spring of 1979 Communist Vietnam stood up to an invasion by Communist China and defeated it. Currently Communist Vietnam is one of our trading partners.
It was opinion and npothing more

It is not relevant

Ming was not justified in siezing power and attacking south vietnam
It was opinion and npothing more

It is not relevant

Ming was not justified in siezing power and attacking south vietnam
I have documented my factual assertions. All you do is repeat opinions that were discredited by the results of the War in Vietnam.
No it was not

It is ridicukous to say it was imposed anywhere for the same reason. It is imposed by force and violance after which the people are told what to say and think.

That is not a reliable basis to claim popularity.
The results of the American Revolution were imposed by force and violence.
I have documented my factual assertions. All you do is repeat opinions that were discredited by the results of the War in Vietnam.
Nothiing I have said was discredited and all you have repeated is opinoon whcih is unsupported by any evidence,
The air and water and dirt contain dioxin. Agent orange contained it in one part per 3 billion parts which is a TRACE amount. Dioxin poisoning hasd very specific symptoms which you cannot find in anyone exosed to agent orange. Dioxing is procued by any carbon based subtance burning which means every fire on the face of planet earth since the dawn of time has created dioxin

Mother nature is not waging chemical warfare on you.

It is not used any more because they have better weed killers. The fact is it WAS used for DECADES and was not replaced because of any health hazard

You are IGNORANT int he EXTREME and PROVEN wrong

It absiolutely was NOTY chemcial war fare you motherfucking FOOL
So is that why they don't use it anymore because it's harmless?
You will never convince these idiots their brains have closed down.
Their brains closed down around 1966. They keep repeating government talking points that were discredited by the subsequent course of the War in Vietnam. I am confident that most never knew of President Eisenhower's statement that as many as 80% of the Vietnamese support Ho Chi Minh. They never knew of the Geneva Agreement of 1954, which forbade the entry of foreign troops in Vietnam, said that the division of Vietnam into North Vietnam and South Vietnam was temporary, and which scheduled an election under international supervision to determine the future of Vietnam.
Their brains closed down around 1966. They keep repeating government talking points that were discredited by the subsequent course of the War in Vietnam. I am confident that most never knew of President Eisenhower's statement that as many as 80% of the Vietnamese support Ho Chi Minh. They never knew of the Geneva Agreement of 1954, which forbade the entry of foreign troops in Vietnam, said that the division of Vietnam into North Vietnam and South Vietnam was temporary, and which scheduled an election under international supervision to determine the future of Vietnam.
You are probably right, but these days there is no excuse for that level of weaponised stupidity.

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