Warning: Repeat Violent Criminal Released Early in Baltimore Kills Young Woman


Solution: Start hanging violent offenders like this in the public square.

It makes prison safer for those that should do time there, cuts out a lot of courts and lawyers and

need for prison space and guards.

Hanging for: Violent murder, rapes, and robberies. Oh, and pedos, too.

Cuts 1/3 of resources necessary for the criminal justice system.
yup if sentenced to death one should receive one appeal and when that is done executed. 5 years max till executed. And make all executions public.
Fixed it.

Using the word “black” there just plays into racist claims that blacks are somehow morally and ethically inferior to other races, that they can't help being subhuman criminal shit. There are plenty of good black people, who don't deserve this association, and there are plenty of subhuman criminal pieces of shit that are not black.

Human beings are human beings, regardless of skin color.

Likewise, subhuman criminal shit is subhuman criminal shit, regardless of skin color.

Conflating the two unrelated traits puts you in JoeB131 territory.
Do not "fix" my posts, dumb ass - I meant exactly what I wrote.
What you choose to "conflate" is your problem.
Using "blacks" in that sentence indicates that the state DOES NOT "criminalize" non-criminal blacks.
Let’s reopen Alcatraz, and fill the surrounding water with lots of sharks.

We barely have to renovate. Let them live in squalor.

Solution: Start hanging violent offenders like this in the public square.
That's a good idea for modern America Dook!

Do it on Sundays after church when the women and children will be in their best clothes to watch a public hanging!
That's a good idea for modern America Dook!

Do it on Sundays after church when the women and children will be in their best clothes to watch a public hanging!
Your heart bleeds for rapists and murderers
You always bray a lot with extremist comments Bob, but you never offer anything in the way of solutions.
Shoot people dead and dump the dead American in a landfill, and then Blay-a-lot over your successful solution!
Keep the cards and letters coming at least!

Says a useful idiot from Canaduh, a pathetic relic of a nation that was founded in cowardice and shame, in sucking the dick of the same tyrant whose ass we Americans kicked in order to gain our independence and sovereignty.

No American of any worth gives a shit what a worthless, pathetic, compliant cretin such as yourself thinks about anything to do with our country.
Mr.Braylock has a solution: a bullet in the back of his head and dump the dead American into a landfill.

Do you have a better idea as to how to deal with violent subhuman creatures that murder human beings?

Too bad we can't just send them all top Canaduh; let the wander on your streets, and kill your people.
Ask any modern first world country how!

You mean like Canaduh?

You want us Americans to look to Canaduh as an example of how we should run our country?





Let’s reopen Alcatraz, and fill the surrounding water with lots of sharks.
We barely have to renovate. Let them live in squalor.

Maybe just an abandoned island, somewhere, surrounded by shark-infested waters, and far enough away from any other land to offer no realistic chance of anyone escaping from that island using any resources available there. No actual human beings ever to set foot on that island. Drop convicted violent subhuman criminal shit by parachute to that island, along with enough provisions, on a regular basis, to support about half of the current population of that island. Let them fight with and kill each other over the limited provisions that are enough for half of them to survive. Video from satellite feds made available to the public, so that anyone can see what happens to those that fall into such behavior as to get send there.
You mean like Canaduh?

You want us Americans to look to Canaduh as an example of how we should run our country?
Your gifs are just more Braying Bob.
Because every ass loves his own Blay.

We have a topic here that needs your support Bob. The bullet and the land fill idea for Americans hasn't been widely accepted yet.
Your gifs are just more Braying Bob.
Because every ass loves his own Blay.
We have a topic here that needs your support Bob. The bullet and the land fill idea for Americans hasn't been widely accepted yet.

As I said, no American of any worth gives a shit what you think.

You have neither the standing nor nearly the intellectual capacity to have anything worthwhile to add to any discussion of anything to do with American governance.

Your pathetic attempts to insult me are pretty much the zenith of your participation.
As I said, no American of any worth gives a shit what you think.

You have neither the standing nor nearly the intellectual capacity to have anything worthwhile to add to any discussion of anything to do with American governance.

Your pathetic attempts to insult me are pretty much the zenith of your participation.
You should try to ignore me Bob.
But be aware that I won't ignore you.
Spend more taxpayer's money on more and bigger prisons?

Or turn to social solutions. Ask any modern first world country how!

You ignoratnt OX. No other country has 50 million Black and Brown street vermin out killing and robbing! Japan, Taiwan, Aust, NZ etc are closed Islands. China and ME don't put up with BS and have closed borders. Go back to your Igloo until you can make a sensible post.
You ignoratnt OX. No other country has 50 million Black and Brown street vermin out killing and robbing! Japan, Taiwan, Aust, NZ etc are closed Islands. China and ME don't put up with BS and have closed borders. Go back to your Igloo until you can make a sensible post.
50 million street vermin in America?
Continuing on those grounds is out of bounds for me as a Canadian.
One bad example among millions.

The millions of paroles can't be stopped on account of no attempts being made in America to reduce incarceration rates that soar to the top in the world.

Solution; Improve the functioning of parole boards. (instead of whining and crying over spilt milk)
Solution: Build more prisons, death penalty, limit appeals.
Did you know a lot of prisons can barely keep enough staff to keep things running? Let alone safe. We have too many inmates and not enough officers. Not enough facilities. Something has to change.
More prisons, longer sentences, better treatment, higher pay for prison staff.
Let’s reopen Alcatraz, and fill the surrounding water with lots of sharks.

We barely have to renovate. Let them live in squalor.
I like the prison ship idea. Use some of those vacation cruise ships.

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