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Warren and the Divine Right of Capital: Accountable Capitalism Act

Shareholders and executives are more entitled to corporate profits than the government parasites that charter the corporations' existence.
Shareholders and executives are more entitled to corporate profits than the government parasites that charter the corporations' existence.

You're a corporate parasite.

"Classical economics divided income into two types: earned and unearned. Earned income came from productive labor combined with capital investment.

"Unearned income was considered parasitical and consisted of rent, interest and dividends.

"It was not considered as adding to GDP but as subtracting from it.

"It was money made by manipulating money much as feudal landlords made their money in what has been called a rentier economy."

Financial Parasites Have Become Neo-Feudal Landlords

You're a corporate parasite.

You're a whiney twat.

"Unearned income was considered parasitical and consisted of rent, interest and dividends.

Yeah, Marxist economics worked so much better. LOL!
Unearned income was considered parasitical and consisted of rent, interest and dividends.

Yeah, Marxist economics worked so much better. LOL!
You prefer crony capitalism, Kulak?

Financial Parasites Have Become Neo-Feudal Landlords

Today, most of the money earned by the 1% driving the income inequality gap is being made in the financialized, rentier economy but is now considered earned income.

"New methods have been devised to make money not by productive labor and investment but by manipulating financial instruments.

"One such manipulation consists of stock buybacks."

When a company uses its profits or even borrowed money to buy back its own stock, that’s money that is not being used for research and development or to expand production or to make a better product.

Expand production? Make a better product?

If they did that, they might make more money.

And then you twats would whine even more. DURR.
xpand production? Make a better product?

If they did that, they might make more money
And pay productive labor higher wages.
How would greedy little piggies (like you) get rich from that?

Again.... basic economics. I don't hire people, unless it benefits me to hire them. You don't either.

So when you say "how would you get rich from that?".... the answer is, either A: Not going to hire them. or B: Hire them and get rich.

There is no system anywhere on this planet, that has ever existed throughout all human history, where people get jobs, that do not result in the employer getting rich.

Any attempt at creating that system, has consistently resulted in the implosion of the entire country, like the Soviet Union, like Cuba, like Venezuela, like North Korea, and so on.

So your question itself..... is stupid. Dumb question. Because no one, is going to hire anyone... unless it benefits themselves to do so. And you wouldn't either.
Well first.... illegal state aid? Ireland is a sovereign state, and has the right to determine their own laws. For the EC to declare that their low tax is illegal, is dubious to me.

You realize that the Dutch still have a church tax, right? If the Dutch then said that you George, were illegally not paying the church tax, would you still be on here citing other countries claiming someone is violating a law from another country? No you wouldn't. We all know you wouldn't. You are only citing this now, because it happens to fit your partisan narrative.

If a Saudi man married your daughter, and then started beating the crap out of her, you wouldn't just accept it because the Saudis sent an official note that beatings are legal there.

But back to the main point:

Other than the dubious 'it's illegal claim'... the rest of that is dead on right, and makes my point. Apple is reacting to the tax incentives it faces. And by the way, Apple already openly said that if the tax benefit of investing in Ireland changes, they will move operations.

Again, Apple is still going to react to the incentives given. If you jack up taxes on their operations in Ireland... they are not just going to pay higher tax. They are going to move operations elsewhere. If you increase taxes here, they'll move there. If you increase taxes there, they'll move somewhere else.

There is always going to be somewhere that has a lower tax rate. Always. And business will react to that.

So you can complain about "You people are too dense to understand when rich corporations dodge their taxes, you pay the difference." but that complaint changes nothing.

Whether you believe that to be true or not, does not matter. Business will continue to react to the tax incentives given to it.

I mean again... Venezuela had the same view as you. They taxed the crap out of business, and business started leaving. They got so pissed about business leaving, they started nationalizing. Now they have almost no business left in the country, mass unemployment, and the country is in ruins.

Business can move.

Did you learn nothing from France's wealth tax? France imposed a large wealth tax, and hundreds of businesses packed up and left the country. The flight was so bad, they had to repeal the wealth tax.

So all your blaw blaw blaw about how terrible it is, doesn't matter. Business *WILL* react to tax incentives. You jack up taxes, and they'll move someplace else.
Well first.... illegal state aid? Ireland is a sovereign state, and has the right to determine their own laws. For the EC to declare that their low tax is illegal, is dubious to me
Is that because you believe shareholders (parasites) and executives are more entitled to corporate profits than the governments that charter the corporations' existence?

EU illegal State aid case against Apple in Ireland - Wikipedia

"The issue was Apple's variation of the 'double Irish' tax system, which, from 2004–2014, Apple used to shield €110.8 billion[5][12] of non–US profits from tax.[13]

"Apple did not use the standard two separate Irish companies, as Google and other Irish-based US multinationals employ with their 'double Irish' tax systems, but instead received two rulings from the Irish Revenue Commissioners (in 1991, and again updated in 2007), that it could use a single Irish company, split into 'two branches'.

"These were private rulings to Apple, not given to other Irish-based US multinationals, and thus charged as illegal Irish state aid by the Commission.[11]"

Shareholders and executives are more entitled to corporate profits than the government parasites that charter the corporations' existence.
Shareholders and executives are more entitled to corporate profits than the government parasites that charter the corporations' existence.

You're a corporate parasite.

"Classical economics divided income into two types: earned and unearned. Earned income came from productive labor combined with capital investment.

"Unearned income was considered parasitical and consisted of rent, interest and dividends.

"It was not considered as adding to GDP but as subtracting from it.

"It was money made by manipulating money much as feudal landlords made their money in what has been called a rentier economy."

Financial Parasites Have Become Neo-Feudal Landlords

You're a corporate parasite.

You're a whiney twat.

"Unearned income was considered parasitical and consisted of rent, interest and dividends.

Yeah, Marxist economics worked so much better. LOL!
Unearned income was considered parasitical and consisted of rent, interest and dividends.

Yeah, Marxist economics worked so much better. LOL!
You prefer crony capitalism, Kulak?

Financial Parasites Have Become Neo-Feudal Landlords

Today, most of the money earned by the 1% driving the income inequality gap is being made in the financialized, rentier economy but is now considered earned income.

"New methods have been devised to make money not by productive labor and investment but by manipulating financial instruments.

"One such manipulation consists of stock buybacks."

Again, this is because of people's choices.

Don't borrow.

I had a guy here from Bangladesh. He bought a car on payments, looked at how many he was paying in interest on the first bill, got ticked off, saved up cash, and paid off the car in two months.

He's right now saving up money, to pay for his house in cash.

I myself, have no debt anywhere. None. No car note. No house note. No credit cards. No loans. Nothing. If you look at my credit report, it has zero..... as in nothing on it. No payment histories... no outstanding balances.... no open lines of credit.

Today, most of the money earned by the 1% driving the income inequality gap is being made in the financialized, rentier economy

You get mad at that, but the reality is, it's not their fault. It's not the big banks fault. The fault is with the public. Stop being slave to payments. Stop going grocery shopping with a $2 off coupon, and charging it on a 10% interest credit card, and thinking you are being smart.

I don't care about income inequality. I think income inequality is good. Nothing is more morally wrong, than paying everyone the same, when people don't work the same.

But I don't like the banks at all. You want to cut the banks down to size? STOP BORROWING MONEY. That's on you. I'm doing my part. You do yours, by not borrowing, and convince everyone to live a life free of payments. It's a better way to live.
That doesn't support your claim.

Hey, George, quick question here:

Have you talked anyone into supporting your political philosophy?
That doesn't support your claim.

Hey, George, quick question here:

Have you talked anyone into supporting your political philosophy?
Katrina was the match and capitalism is the fuel that destroyed New Orleans; blaming "government" makes as much sense as blaming WMDs for the capitalist looting of Iraq.

"Profits Over People

"Clearly, in the minds of the billionaires who rule this country, war and profits come before relief for ordinary people faced with the most difficult of situations.

"Partially due to the huge amount of resources devoted to the Iraq war, state and local governments have implemented vicious budget cuts that have caused, amongst other things, less money to be devoted to dealing with natural disasters.

"Recent years have seen a marked increase in the number of hurricanes and other major natural disasters, some of which the probably the result of climate change.

"Of course, it would have been impossible to prevent all the damage done by Katrina, but much of it was preventable.

"New Orleans has a record of flooding during hurricanes. The city is built below sea level, and it is kept from constant flooding by a system of levees and pumps.

"The levees are set up to withstand some level three hurricanes, but Katrina was a level four hurricane. There is plenty of technology to create levees that withstand even level five hurricanes."

Hurricane Katrina: A Disaster Worsened by Capitalism | Socialist Alternative
So...you prove capitalism is evil by posting a picture of police state tactics.

Yeah, not seeing a real selling point for increased government control here.

So, if your job here is selling people (Ha! See what I did there?) on the joys of all-powerful government, Imma be real with you, Chief -- it ain't workin'.
So...you prove capitalism is evil by posting a picture of police state tactics.

Yeah, not seeing a real selling point for increased government control here.
Who controls government in the US, capitalists or workers?

The Making of the American Police State

"The vast majority of the American police state remains firmly within the public sector. But this does not mean the criminal justice buildup has nothing to do with capitalism.

"At its heart, the new American repression is very much about the restoration and maintenance of ruling class power.

"American society and economy have from the start evolved through forms of racialized violence, but criminal justice was not always so politically central.

"For the better part of a century after the end of Reconstruction in the 1870s, the national incarceration rate hovered at around 100 to 110 per 100,000. But then, in the early 1970s, the incarceration rate began a precipitous and continual climb upward."

Government responds to those who control the economy.
A democratic economy will produce a government that doesn't have to rely on police state tactics.
It always has so far.

You condemn oppression by corporatists.

And you think the answer is oppression by bureaucrats.

Not when the corporatists Own them....

I hope you're not pretending Democrat politicians care about you.

Because they don't.
Government owned by crony capitalists killed those people.
Your link:

Katrina Report Blames Levees

"Robert Bea, a University of California at Berkeley engineer and Corps critic, called Strock's comments and the report signs of 'a leadership in growth.'

"'They're catching up with the 1,000 years of progress of the Dutch,' Bea said, referring to the Netherlands' long, and mostly successful, history of battling the North Sea."
That doesn't support your claim.

Hey, George, quick question here:

Have you talked anyone into supporting your political philosophy?
That doesn't support your claim.

Hey, George, quick question here:

Have you talked anyone into supporting your political philosophy?
Katrina was the match and capitalism is the fuel that destroyed New Orleans; blaming "government" makes as much sense as blaming WMDs for the capitalist looting of Iraq.

"Profits Over People

"Clearly, in the minds of the billionaires who rule this country, war and profits come before relief for ordinary people faced with the most difficult of situations.

"Partially due to the huge amount of resources devoted to the Iraq war, state and local governments have implemented vicious budget cuts that have caused, amongst other things, less money to be devoted to dealing with natural disasters.

"Recent years have seen a marked increase in the number of hurricanes and other major natural disasters, some of which the probably the result of climate change.

"Of course, it would have been impossible to prevent all the damage done by Katrina, but much of it was preventable.

"New Orleans has a record of flooding during hurricanes. The city is built below sea level, and it is kept from constant flooding by a system of levees and pumps.

"The levees are set up to withstand some level three hurricanes, but Katrina was a level four hurricane. There is plenty of technology to create levees that withstand even level five hurricanes."

Hurricane Katrina: A Disaster Worsened by Capitalism | Socialist Alternative
So...you prove capitalism is evil by posting a picture of police state tactics.

Yeah, not seeing a real selling point for increased government control here.

So, if your job here is selling people (Ha! See what I did there?) on the joys of all-powerful government, Imma be real with you, Chief -- it ain't workin'.
So...you prove capitalism is evil by posting a picture of police state tactics.

Yeah, not seeing a real selling point for increased government control here.
Who controls government in the US, capitalists or workers?

The Making of the American Police State

"The vast majority of the American police state remains firmly within the public sector. But this does not mean the criminal justice buildup has nothing to do with capitalism.

"At its heart, the new American repression is very much about the restoration and maintenance of ruling class power.

"American society and economy have from the start evolved through forms of racialized violence, but criminal justice was not always so politically central.

"For the better part of a century after the end of Reconstruction in the 1870s, the national incarceration rate hovered at around 100 to 110 per 100,000. But then, in the early 1970s, the incarceration rate began a precipitous and continual climb upward."

Government responds to those who control the economy.
A democratic economy will produce a government that doesn't have to rely on police state tactics.
It always has so far.

You condemn oppression by corporatists.

And you think the answer is oppression by bureaucrats.

Bureaucrats are corporatists.

It's funny how all the people in first world countries, are the ones with such a high standard of living, that all they do is complain about how the system is going to destroy us.......

After the Communist takeover, hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese fled to capitalist countries.
I don't remember any refugees from capitalist countries fleeing to Vietnam at the same time.

I wonder what stopped them?
That doesn't support your claim.

Hey, George, quick question here:

Have you talked anyone into supporting your political philosophy?
That doesn't support your claim.

Hey, George, quick question here:

Have you talked anyone into supporting your political philosophy?
Katrina was the match and capitalism is the fuel that destroyed New Orleans; blaming "government" makes as much sense as blaming WMDs for the capitalist looting of Iraq.

"Profits Over People

"Clearly, in the minds of the billionaires who rule this country, war and profits come before relief for ordinary people faced with the most difficult of situations.

"Partially due to the huge amount of resources devoted to the Iraq war, state and local governments have implemented vicious budget cuts that have caused, amongst other things, less money to be devoted to dealing with natural disasters.

"Recent years have seen a marked increase in the number of hurricanes and other major natural disasters, some of which the probably the result of climate change.

"Of course, it would have been impossible to prevent all the damage done by Katrina, but much of it was preventable.

"New Orleans has a record of flooding during hurricanes. The city is built below sea level, and it is kept from constant flooding by a system of levees and pumps.

"The levees are set up to withstand some level three hurricanes, but Katrina was a level four hurricane. There is plenty of technology to create levees that withstand even level five hurricanes."

Hurricane Katrina: A Disaster Worsened by Capitalism | Socialist Alternative
So...you prove capitalism is evil by posting a picture of police state tactics.

Yeah, not seeing a real selling point for increased government control here.

So, if your job here is selling people (Ha! See what I did there?) on the joys of all-powerful government, Imma be real with you, Chief -- it ain't workin'.
So...you prove capitalism is evil by posting a picture of police state tactics.

Yeah, not seeing a real selling point for increased government control here.
Who controls government in the US, capitalists or workers?

The Making of the American Police State

"The vast majority of the American police state remains firmly within the public sector. But this does not mean the criminal justice buildup has nothing to do with capitalism.

"At its heart, the new American repression is very much about the restoration and maintenance of ruling class power.

"American society and economy have from the start evolved through forms of racialized violence, but criminal justice was not always so politically central.

"For the better part of a century after the end of Reconstruction in the 1870s, the national incarceration rate hovered at around 100 to 110 per 100,000. But then, in the early 1970s, the incarceration rate began a precipitous and continual climb upward."

Government responds to those who control the economy.
A democratic economy will produce a government that doesn't have to rely on police state tactics.
It always has so far.

You condemn oppression by corporatists.

And you think the answer is oppression by bureaucrats.

Bureaucrats are corporatists.
The corporation being, in their case, government itself.

Unless tightly restrained, government amasses to power to itself...and does not give it up.

The US government was originally tightly restrained. Then it slowly loosened its bonds, and now has far more power than the Founding Fathers ever intended.

Americans let it happen. It's utterly shameful.

It's funny how all the people in first world countries, are the ones with such a high standard of living, that all they do is complain about how the system is going to destroy us.......

After the Communist takeover, hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese fled to capitalist countries.
I don't remember any refugees from capitalist countries fleeing to Vietnam at the same time.

I wonder what stopped them?

Someone who advocates Communism but is too cowardly to move to a Communist nation; who advocates the destruction of the US Constitution while hiding behind its protections; who condemns the American consumerism lifestyle while living that same lifestyle.

That woman at the protest handing out pro-Castro literature is a chickenred...she'd never move to Cuba.

It's funny how all the people in first world countries, are the ones with such a high standard of living, that all they do is complain about how the system is going to destroy us.......

After the Communist takeover, hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese fled to capitalist countries.
I don't remember any refugees from capitalist countries fleeing to Vietnam at the same time.

I wonder what stopped them?

Talking to left-wingers, I'd love for them to try and point to any time ever, in all human history, where people were trying to get into a socialist country.

If socialist equality based society is so much better, they should be able to at least name one time that has ever happened.

It's funny how all the people in first world countries, are the ones with such a high standard of living, that all they do is complain about how the system is going to destroy us.......

After the Communist takeover, hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese fled to capitalist countries.
I don't remember any refugees from capitalist countries fleeing to Vietnam at the same time.

I wonder what stopped them?

Someone who advocates Communism but is too cowardly to move to a Communist nation; who advocates the destruction of the US Constitution while hiding behind its protections; who condemns the American consumerism lifestyle while living that same lifestyle.

That woman at the protest handing out pro-Castro literature is a chickenred...she'd never move to Cuba.

It's been awhile since I read about it, but if I remember right, one of the guys Stalin's government hired to assassinate Trotsky in Mexico, was promised a life Soviet Russia. After the assassination, he came to hate life in the Soviet Union.

I remember a similar story about the Vietcong, where some of the child soldiers came to regret overthrowing the South Vietnamese, because of how miserable life was under socialism.

There was a Jewish economist, I forget who, but his story was fascinating. He's grand parents, or great grand parents were part of the Lenin movement in Russia, and were supporters of Stalin in the Russian government. They were slaughtered in the purges, which is how he ended up in the US.

The bottom line is this.....

Left-wingers love to hate on the system they enjoy. They rarely go into their own system, and those that do, tend to regret it.

It's funny how all the people in first world countries, are the ones with such a high standard of living, that all they do is complain about how the system is going to destroy us.......

After the Communist takeover, hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese fled to capitalist countries.
I don't remember any refugees from capitalist countries fleeing to Vietnam at the same time.

I wonder what stopped them?

Someone who advocates Communism but is too cowardly to move to a Communist nation; who advocates the destruction of the US Constitution while hiding behind its protections; who condemns the American consumerism lifestyle while living that same lifestyle.

That woman at the protest handing out pro-Castro literature is a chickenred...she'd never move to Cuba.

It's been awhile since I read about it, but if I remember right, one of the guys Stalin's government hired to assassinate Trotsky in Mexico, was promised a life Soviet Russia. After the assassination, he came to hate life in the Soviet Union.

I remember a similar story about the Vietcong, where some of the child soldiers came to regret overthrowing the South Vietnamese, because of how miserable life was under socialism.

There was a Jewish economist, I forget who, but his story was fascinating. He's grand parents, or great grand parents were part of the Lenin movement in Russia, and were supporters of Stalin in the Russian government. They were slaughtered in the purges, which is how he ended up in the US.

The bottom line is this.....

Left-wingers love to hate on the system they enjoy. They rarely go into their own system, and those that do, tend to regret it.
For American Defectors To Russia, An Unhappy History

"Essentially, nobody from the U.S. who has defected to Russia has gone on to think that's a smart decision."

It's funny how all the people in first world countries, are the ones with such a high standard of living, that all they do is complain about how the system is going to destroy us.......

After the Communist takeover, hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese fled to capitalist countries.
I don't remember any refugees from capitalist countries fleeing to Vietnam at the same time.

I wonder what stopped them?

Talking to left-wingers, I'd love for them to try and point to any time ever, in all human history, where people were trying to get into a socialist country.

If socialist equality based society is so much better, they should be able to at least name one time that has ever happened.

There were some American idiots who moved to the Soviet Union in the 20s and 30s.
They didn't do too well, IIRC.
Katrina was the match and capitalism is the fuel that destroyed New Orleans; blaming "government" makes as much sense as blaming WMDs for the capitalist looting of Iraq.

"Profits Over People

"Clearly, in the minds of the billionaires who rule this country, war and profits come before relief for ordinary people faced with the most difficult of situations.

"Partially due to the huge amount of resources devoted to the Iraq war, state and local governments have implemented vicious budget cuts that have caused, amongst other things, less money to be devoted to dealing with natural disasters.

"Recent years have seen a marked increase in the number of hurricanes and other major natural disasters, some of which the probably the result of climate change.

"Of course, it would have been impossible to prevent all the damage done by Katrina, but much of it was preventable.

"New Orleans has a record of flooding during hurricanes. The city is built below sea level, and it is kept from constant flooding by a system of levees and pumps.

"The levees are set up to withstand some level three hurricanes, but Katrina was a level four hurricane. There is plenty of technology to create levees that withstand even level five hurricanes."

Hurricane Katrina: A Disaster Worsened by Capitalism | Socialist Alternative
So...you prove capitalism is evil by posting a picture of police state tactics.

Yeah, not seeing a real selling point for increased government control here.

So, if your job here is selling people (Ha! See what I did there?) on the joys of all-powerful government, Imma be real with you, Chief -- it ain't workin'.
So...you prove capitalism is evil by posting a picture of police state tactics.

Yeah, not seeing a real selling point for increased government control here.
Who controls government in the US, capitalists or workers?

The Making of the American Police State

"The vast majority of the American police state remains firmly within the public sector. But this does not mean the criminal justice buildup has nothing to do with capitalism.

"At its heart, the new American repression is very much about the restoration and maintenance of ruling class power.

"American society and economy have from the start evolved through forms of racialized violence, but criminal justice was not always so politically central.

"For the better part of a century after the end of Reconstruction in the 1870s, the national incarceration rate hovered at around 100 to 110 per 100,000. But then, in the early 1970s, the incarceration rate began a precipitous and continual climb upward."

Government responds to those who control the economy.
A democratic economy will produce a government that doesn't have to rely on police state tactics.
It always has so far.

You condemn oppression by corporatists.

And you think the answer is oppression by bureaucrats.

Not when the corporatists Own them....

I hope you're not pretending Democrat politicians care about you.

Because they don't.

None of them care, or work for you Dave


You're a corporate parasite.

"Classical economics divided income into two types: earned and unearned. Earned income came from productive labor combined with capital investment.

"Unearned income was considered parasitical and consisted of rent, interest and dividends.

"It was not considered as adding to GDP but as subtracting from it.

"It was money made by manipulating money much as feudal landlords made their money in what has been called a rentier economy."

Financial Parasites Have Become Neo-Feudal Landlords

You're a corporate parasite.

You're a whiney twat.

"Unearned income was considered parasitical and consisted of rent, interest and dividends.

Yeah, Marxist economics worked so much better. LOL!
Unearned income was considered parasitical and consisted of rent, interest and dividends.

Yeah, Marxist economics worked so much better. LOL!
You prefer crony capitalism, Kulak?

Financial Parasites Have Become Neo-Feudal Landlords

Today, most of the money earned by the 1% driving the income inequality gap is being made in the financialized, rentier economy but is now considered earned income.

"New methods have been devised to make money not by productive labor and investment but by manipulating financial instruments.

"One such manipulation consists of stock buybacks."

You prefer crony capitalism, Kulak?

Under crony capitalism, I'm free to quit my job and accept another.
Under Marxist capitalism, I'm free to quit my job and enter the gulag.

"One such manipulation consists of stock buybacks."

Allowing corporations to do what they want with their own earnings. Dreadful!!! LOL!

You commies are so funny.
"One such manipulation consists of stock buybacks."

Allowing corporations to do what they want with their own earnings. Dreadful!!! LOL!
"Why would a company buy back its own stock, stock issued in the first place supposedly to give the company money it needed for productive investment to produce goods and services?

"The answer is very simple.

"When a corporation buys its own stock (often with borrowed money), the stock usually goes up at least temporarily.

"That gives the executives of the company and activist hedge funds time to cash in their stock grants, options and garden variety stocks and make a killing."

Financial Parasites Have Become Neo-Feudal Landlords

Why would a company buy back its own stock

Why not? It's their money, their decision.

When a corporation buys its own stock (often with borrowed money), the stock usually goes up at least temporarily.

Yup. And their earnings are spread across a smaller number of shares.
It's the opposite of dilution, you moron.

"That gives the executives of the company and activist hedge funds time to cash in their stock grants, options and garden variety stocks and make a killing."

If you owned any stock, you could also sell your shares and make a killing.

After all part of the vulture capitalist’s playbook is to buy a company with borrowed money, load it down with debt, strip its assets, raid its pension fund, then take it into bankruptcy in order to destroy its union.

"Having accomplished all that and by the way added to GDP while so doing, the company can then be taken out of bankruptcy, taken private and then taken public again in order to get another infusion of cash from an Initial Public Offering (IPO) which is immediately gobbled up by the hedge fund (another name for vulture capitalist) itself.

"All of these shenanigans make money off of money, do nothing for productive investment but do add to GDP."

Financial Parasites Have Become Neo-Feudal Landlords

You're a corporate parasite.

"Classical economics divided income into two types: earned and unearned. Earned income came from productive labor combined with capital investment.

"Unearned income was considered parasitical and consisted of rent, interest and dividends.

"It was not considered as adding to GDP but as subtracting from it.

"It was money made by manipulating money much as feudal landlords made their money in what has been called a rentier economy."

Financial Parasites Have Become Neo-Feudal Landlords

You're a corporate parasite.

You're a whiney twat.

"Unearned income was considered parasitical and consisted of rent, interest and dividends.

Yeah, Marxist economics worked so much better. LOL!
Unearned income was considered parasitical and consisted of rent, interest and dividends.

Yeah, Marxist economics worked so much better. LOL!
You prefer crony capitalism, Kulak?

Financial Parasites Have Become Neo-Feudal Landlords

Today, most of the money earned by the 1% driving the income inequality gap is being made in the financialized, rentier economy but is now considered earned income.

"New methods have been devised to make money not by productive labor and investment but by manipulating financial instruments.

"One such manipulation consists of stock buybacks."

When a company uses its profits or even borrowed money to buy back its own stock, that’s money that is not being used for research and development or to expand production or to make a better product.

Expand production? Make a better product?

If they did that, they might make more money.

And then you twats would whine even more. DURR.
xpand production? Make a better product?

If they did that, they might make more money
And pay productive labor higher wages.
How would greedy little piggies (like you) get rich from that?

Or have whiney twats complain they're too big and need to be broken up / taxed even more.
Or have whiney twats complain they're too big and need to be broken up / taxed even more.
You're a corporate parasite.

You're a whiney twat.

"Unearned income was considered parasitical and consisted of rent, interest and dividends.

Yeah, Marxist economics worked so much better. LOL!
Unearned income was considered parasitical and consisted of rent, interest and dividends.

Yeah, Marxist economics worked so much better. LOL!
You prefer crony capitalism, Kulak?

Financial Parasites Have Become Neo-Feudal Landlords

Today, most of the money earned by the 1% driving the income inequality gap is being made in the financialized, rentier economy but is now considered earned income.

"New methods have been devised to make money not by productive labor and investment but by manipulating financial instruments.

"One such manipulation consists of stock buybacks."

You prefer crony capitalism, Kulak?

Under crony capitalism, I'm free to quit my job and accept another.
Under Marxist capitalism, I'm free to quit my job and enter the gulag.

"One such manipulation consists of stock buybacks."

Allowing corporations to do what they want with their own earnings. Dreadful!!! LOL!

You commies are so funny.
"One such manipulation consists of stock buybacks."

Allowing corporations to do what they want with their own earnings. Dreadful!!! LOL!
"Why would a company buy back its own stock, stock issued in the first place supposedly to give the company money it needed for productive investment to produce goods and services?

"The answer is very simple.

"When a corporation buys its own stock (often with borrowed money), the stock usually goes up at least temporarily.

"That gives the executives of the company and activist hedge funds time to cash in their stock grants, options and garden variety stocks and make a killing."

Financial Parasites Have Become Neo-Feudal Landlords

Why would a company buy back its own stock

Why not? It's their money, their decision.

When a corporation buys its own stock (often with borrowed money), the stock usually goes up at least temporarily.

Yup. And their earnings are spread across a smaller number of shares.
It's the opposite of dilution, you moron.

"That gives the executives of the company and activist hedge funds time to cash in their stock grants, options and garden variety stocks and make a killing."

If you owned any stock, you could also sell your shares and make a killing.

After all part of the vulture capitalist’s playbook is to buy a company with borrowed money, load it down with debt, strip its assets, raid its pension fund, then take it into bankruptcy in order to destroy its union.

"Having accomplished all that and by the way added to GDP while so doing, the company can then be taken out of bankruptcy, taken private and then taken public again in order to get another infusion of cash from an Initial Public Offering (IPO) which is immediately gobbled up by the hedge fund (another name for vulture capitalist) itself.

"All of these shenanigans make money off of money, do nothing for productive investment but do add to GDP."

Financial Parasites Have Become Neo-Feudal Landlords

After all part of the vulture capitalist’s playbook is to buy a company with borrowed money, load it down with debt, strip its assets, raid its pension fund, then take it into bankruptcy in order to destroy its union.

That doesn't describe any of the holdings in my portfolio.

"Having accomplished all that and by the way added to GDP while so doing,

None of the actions described in that fantasy would add to GDP.
You're a corporate parasite.

You're a whiney twat.

"Unearned income was considered parasitical and consisted of rent, interest and dividends.

Yeah, Marxist economics worked so much better. LOL!
Unearned income was considered parasitical and consisted of rent, interest and dividends.

Yeah, Marxist economics worked so much better. LOL!
You prefer crony capitalism, Kulak?

Financial Parasites Have Become Neo-Feudal Landlords

Today, most of the money earned by the 1% driving the income inequality gap is being made in the financialized, rentier economy but is now considered earned income.

"New methods have been devised to make money not by productive labor and investment but by manipulating financial instruments.

"One such manipulation consists of stock buybacks."

When a company uses its profits or even borrowed money to buy back its own stock, that’s money that is not being used for research and development or to expand production or to make a better product.

Expand production? Make a better product?

If they did that, they might make more money.

And then you twats would whine even more. DURR.
xpand production? Make a better product?

If they did that, they might make more money
And pay productive labor higher wages.
How would greedy little piggies (like you) get rich from that?

Or have whiney twats complain they're too big and need to be broken up / taxed even more.
Or have whiney twats complain they're too big and need to be broken up / taxed even more.

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