Warren Goes On Record As Being Bought & Paid For Union Political Prostitute


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Elizabeth Warren on Janus: The system is rigged!

"The laws that have lifted the yoke of compulsory union membership off the backs of Wisconsin workers have empowered employees in the public and private sectors to walk away from big labor.

And they have done so in droves – even in the metropolitan area of the People’s Republic of Madison, where the union membership rate has sunk to 5.4 percent…

The most recent data show union membership statewide has declined from 354,882 members in 2010 to 218,233 in 2016, a decline of 38.5 percent."

Warren has officially gone on record as being a bought and paid for union political prostitute in her announced opposition to the USSC Janis-Union decision.

Warren says the decision was due to the system being 'rigged'. The Democrats would know better than anyone about RIGGING things, like primaries, but in this case Warren is just doing / saying what she was paid by the unions to do.
Democrook political whores merely service unions the same way they service billionaire sociopaths and globalist corporation.

The only difference is that now the whores will be sucking the same amount of cock for a lot less money.

Imagine if Soros and his ilk decided to fund the CPUSA instead.

The DNC would dissolve.


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