Warren Proposes Universal Child Care Plan Funded by Wealth Tax

If anyone did any research in this thread and Warren you would see your respective state is paying for child care now for low income.
I guess you don't have to be responsible for your kids anymore. In the new America if you decide to have kids that you can't afford to take care of just let someone else foot the bill

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren proposed a universal child care plan that would limit American families’ expenses to 7 percent of income regardless of how many children they have in care -- paid for by a tax on the ultra-wealthy.

The Massachusetts senator’s plan, unveiled Tuesday on Medium.com, would make child care free for families with incomes below 200 percent of the poverty level, or less than $51,500 for a family of four. Other families would pay up to 7 percent of income, depending on how much they earn.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
you are to refer to "Warren" only as Pocahontas, mmkay?

anyway, in the wealthiest country in the history of the planet, access to affordable and high-quality child care and early education should be a right, not a privilege reserved for the rich, my friends
you need to move to a country more to your liking,,,

maybe Venezuela,,,

it cant be a right when someone else has to do it,,,thats called slavery
Just as long as regular people are not taxed for other people’s damn kids

Fuck em up, Pocahontas!
I guess you don't have to be responsible for your kids anymore. In the new America if you decide to have kids that you can't afford to take care of just let someone else foot the bill

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren proposed a universal child care plan that would limit American families’ expenses to 7 percent of income regardless of how many children they have in care -- paid for by a tax on the ultra-wealthy.

The Massachusetts senator’s plan, unveiled Tuesday on Medium.com, would make child care free for families with incomes below 200 percent of the poverty level, or less than $51,500 for a family of four. Other families would pay up to 7 percent of income, depending on how much they earn.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Warren is so predictable. Here solution to every problem is #1) raise taxes, #2) throw money at it.
I guess you don't have to be responsible for your kids anymore. In the new America if you decide to have kids that you can't afford to take care of just let someone else foot the bill

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren proposed a universal child care plan that would limit American families’ expenses to 7 percent of income regardless of how many children they have in care -- paid for by a tax on the ultra-wealthy.

The Massachusetts senator’s plan, unveiled Tuesday on Medium.com, would make child care free for families with incomes below 200 percent of the poverty level, or less than $51,500 for a family of four. Other families would pay up to 7 percent of income, depending on how much they earn.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Warren is so predictable. Here solution to every problem is #1) raise taxes, #2) throw money at it.

Why are you and everyone getting their panties in a wad Warren will never be elected.
Why are you and everyone getting their panties in a wad Warren will never be elected.

Even if she isn’t going to be POTUS, she is throwing wacky shit out there and God only knows what portion of it might stick to the Progressive Presidential Platform for 2020.
"No thanks. I’ve already paid for my own childcare and education and don’t want to pay for someone else’s. Nobody helped me pay mine.

Others health and children are not OURS to take care of. We Americans must protect our health and children by keeping government away. Democrats ruin everything. Everything single thing they touch."
I guess you don't have to be responsible for your kids anymore. In the new America if you decide to have kids that you can't afford to take care of just let someone else foot the bill

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren proposed a universal child care plan that would limit American families’ expenses to 7 percent of income regardless of how many children they have in care -- paid for by a tax on the ultra-wealthy.

The Massachusetts senator’s plan, unveiled Tuesday on Medium.com, would make child care free for families with incomes below 200 percent of the poverty level, or less than $51,500 for a family of four. Other families would pay up to 7 percent of income, depending on how much they earn.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
If you are THAT poor you can put your kids in headstart or early headstart from 6 weeks old on. My youngest has been in school since she was 2! My 2nd and 3rd kids did the same thing....they learn earlier and are FAR more advanced than the other kids...this is a solution in search of a problem.
I guess you don't have to be responsible for your kids anymore. In the new America if you decide to have kids that you can't afford to take care of just let someone else foot the bill

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren proposed a universal child care plan that would limit American families’ expenses to 7 percent of income regardless of how many children they have in care -- paid for by a tax on the ultra-wealthy.

The Massachusetts senator’s plan, unveiled Tuesday on Medium.com, would make child care free for families with incomes below 200 percent of the poverty level, or less than $51,500 for a family of four. Other families would pay up to 7 percent of income, depending on how much they earn.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Great news....for the Party Of Filth and illegal wetbacks...I suppose it makes perfect sense to incentivize lowlife pieces of shits to make more of their filthy same...Child Tax Credit and now this....WOW!
Such a scheme would never work. It would work like raising taxes in New York to take care of the poor.
Wait, a Dem's proposed solution to a problem is a tax increase? /mocking sarcasm and middle finger
Such a scheme would never work. It would work like raising taxes in New York to take care of the poor.

New York taxes and fees and tolls the crap out of the poor. Its state and local government employee vultures vs the citizens in that state.
Told my daughter years ago when she had her first child, stay home and raise your own children. The second came a year and a half so later. Any job she could get wouldn't pay for child care so she stayed home, managed the family finances using ONE income provided by her husband and raised her children the way she wanted. Always managed a decent house, good food, and all required to keep a family. No extras they couldn't afford, no stupid shit. Too many folks feel they should have whatever they want regardless of whether they can afford the extras, or not. Live within your means...
I guess you don't have to be responsible for your kids anymore. In the new America if you decide to have kids that you can't afford to take care of just let someone else foot the bill

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren proposed a universal child care plan that would limit American families’ expenses to 7 percent of income regardless of how many children they have in care -- paid for by a tax on the ultra-wealthy.

The Massachusetts senator’s plan, unveiled Tuesday on Medium.com, would make child care free for families with incomes below 200 percent of the poverty level, or less than $51,500 for a family of four. Other families would pay up to 7 percent of income, depending on how much they earn.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

If any AmeriKKKan makes the choice to have kids & they can NOT afford to support the kids, the parents should be put in prison, and the kids should become a ward of the state.
I guess you don't have to be responsible for your kids anymore. In the new America if you decide to have kids that you can't afford to take care of just let someone else foot the bill

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren proposed a universal child care plan that would limit American families’ expenses to 7 percent of income regardless of how many children they have in care -- paid for by a tax on the ultra-wealthy.

The Massachusetts senator’s plan, unveiled Tuesday on Medium.com, would make child care free for families with incomes below 200 percent of the poverty level, or less than $51,500 for a family of four. Other families would pay up to 7 percent of income, depending on how much they earn.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Is she going to cap how much daycares are going to charge? Because they need to for small group daycares, like 6 or less.

Great idea. Let’s go ahead and create a shortage of daycare providers, which is exactly what would happen under what you just suggested, tard
This will be the most interesting field yet assembled to represent the Dims. The winner no doubt will provide everything for free! It will be a literal circus watching candidates try to out do each other with free this and that.
Regardless none will disclose how it will be paid for.
"Paid family leave is an investment in the strength of our families. I’m proud to see New Jersey leading on this issue, and will continue to fight for federal legislation guaranteeing paid family leave for all American families." - Crazy Cory Booker

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