Warren wants corporations to pay more in taxes

Senator Warren has also said that all corporations don't pay taxes and there needs to be a change. Democrats have come out saying the same thing. But, when Governor Ron DeSantis takes away Disney's tax breaks in Florida, all of a sudden Warren, Democrats, Leftist media say DeSantis should not take away their tax breaks. This is known as Hypocrisy.

Warren and all other leftist Democrat have come out against Elon Musk buying Twitter and possibly silencing political speech during elections and that would be the worst thing against democracy. Yet, that is exactly what Twitter, Facebook, left wing media did against Trump in 2016 and 2020. Once again, complete hypocrites.

When you lie so much, it makes it hard to keep up with what you are supposed to say. You end up like a hypocrite.

end up LIKE a hypocrite?

no, you are objectively a hypocrite (when you are a dim, esp the elite ones)

Anyway, thanks for this because as you know cnn and co. will never tell you about the elite dims' hypocrisy.. since they are in cahoots w/ same

Your OP is a message that needs to be repeated over and over because some people (in everyday America) are ha rd-headed...

Warren wants corporations to pay more in taxes​

And I want her and her family and her crooked colleagues and their families to be barred from investing in the stock market.....
I want them GONE

This kind of thing just shows how much spare time these morons in Congress have... I mean, they can't find anything better to do? Yeh, sure some corporations pay lawyers huge $$ to get out of paying huge money to the gummit

wait... wait (I say to myself)

NUFF SAID right there!

Go corporations and corporate lawyers!

The republican "solution" is to reward them with more tax cuts for price gouging, then of course blame Biden,
for the oil companies and other corporations gouging us.

April 22 2022
People living in Hawaii are now paying over $5 a gallon for gas at the pump. My wife couldn’t believe that it now costs us nearly $60 to fill up our little family car.
A year ago, the average price was $3.91.

Meanwhile, oil companies are achieving record high profits. At a recent congressional hearing, in the wake of sanctions imposed by the U.S. and allies against the import of Russian oil, six oil companies admitted that they made over $75 billion in profits in the past year, the oil industry cushioned by over $30 billion in government subsidies.

Despite the burdens endured by U.S. taxpayers, these companies have no plans to stop payments of dividends to their shareholders. They will continue to engage in stock buybacks that enrich shareholders and company executives.

According to a new report from government watchdog Accountable.US, top oil and gas companies took "full advantage" of last year's sky-high prices and record profits. Fourteen firms rewarded shareholders with more than $35 billion in stock buybacks and dividend bumps.

Like paying bank robbers, NOT to rob banks.
You are about as clueless as a dodo bird. The root cause of oil companies making record profits isn't because of high gas prices because of tax cuts. In fact, tax cuts brought in record amounts of income to the federal government. The reason for high gas prices is called supply and demand. Biden reduced the ability for gasoline because of drilling restrictions by U.S. companies. Then, we started buying oil from OPEC, Russia, Venezuela, Brazil...When the war in the Ukraine broke out, OPEC and Russia raised prices as did others. Biden made several calls to OPEC to drill more oil to lower prices and they laughed at Biden. Biden's policies are the reason for the gas prices. Even Democrats are crossing over on this one including the media. So, because of Biden, we are now paying more for oil which means gas prices are higher and thus more profits for oil companies. If it's costing oil companies more money to get the oil, why would you throw more taxes on them? They would just pass those increased on to you and I in the cost at the pump. That would then increase oil company's profits even more. Then, you loonies would increase taxes on oil companies even more which would be passed on at the pump and the companies would make even more money. What is it with you liberals and taxations and company and people making money?
Taxing those corporations that signed on to support BLM is a great idea. Many of the big corporations aren't American owned anyway, and much prefer to build up Red China's economy, so taxing them is a great idea too, since they loved off-shoring our tax base, and in many cases at American taxpayers' expense as well, via USAID corporat welfare programs, like those that built the maquilas in Mexico and Central America so Ford and other big companies could ship themselves their own stuff and pretend it was 'free trade n stuff' from Mexico. Jack up the tariffs to make up the losses and get our own money back.
You are about as clueless as a dodo bird. The root cause of oil companies making record profits isn't because of high gas prices because of tax cuts. In fact, tax cuts brought in record amounts of income to the federal government. The reason for high gas prices is called supply and demand. Biden reduced the ability for gasoline because of drilling restrictions by U.S. companies. Then, we started buying oil from OPEC, Russia, Venezuela, Brazil...When the war in the Ukraine broke out, OPEC and Russia raised prices as did others. Biden made several calls to OPEC to drill more oil to lower prices and they laughed at Biden. Biden's policies are the reason for the gas prices. Even Democrats are crossing over on this one including the media. So, because of Biden, we are now paying more for oil which means gas prices are higher and thus more profits for oil companies. If it's costing oil companies more money to get the oil, why would you throw more taxes on them? They would just pass those increased on to you and I in the cost at the pump. That would then increase oil company's profits even more. Then, you loonies would increase taxes on oil companies even more which would be passed on at the pump and the companies would make even more money. What is it with you liberals and taxations and company and people making money?
They're stupid.

Senator Warren has also said that all corporations don't pay taxes and there needs to be a change. Democrats have come out saying the same thing. But, when Governor Ron DeSantis takes away Disney's tax breaks in Florida, all of a sudden Warren, Democrats, Leftist media say DeSantis should not take away their tax breaks. This is known as Hypocrisy.

Warren and all other leftist Democrat have come out against Elon Musk buying Twitter and possibly silencing political speech during elections and that would be the worst thing against democracy. Yet, that is exactly what Twitter, Facebook, left wing media did against Trump in 2016 and 2020. Once again, complete hypocrites.

When you lie so much, it makes it hard to keep up with what you are supposed to say. You end up like a hypocrite.

She's really saying we are going to be paying for 'their ill gotten gains'.
I thought we are supposed to learn for history and bad mistakes? Maybe that's why Democrats want to enslave Republicans.
Democrats want to create a permanent dependent underclass of people who will look to gov't for everything they need and want.

We keep getting in the way of that and it's not popular.
They thought they owned the black vote, then moved to the Latino vote. Equity in education and people become educated and figure out how you been screwing them all these years.
Money seems to grow on trees for them...It's what happens when one tries to reason with emotions. They end up as their religion, climate change or population control to fill the void of following God. They become destructive trying to figure out ways to accomplish these things.
They don't respect the citizens. They're arrogant and entitled. They think we're stupid.
Warren doesn't know jackshit about Economics.

Corporations really don't really pay taxes. They just collect revenue from consumers and pass on to the government.

The filthy Federal government collects about a trillion a year in that despicable Corporate tax.

Every cent of that trillion comes from the revenue of the corporation's goods and services.

In other word a corporate tax is a tax on consumers. Might as well be called a sales tax.

Liberals like this Warren squaw don't know jackshit about Economics just like they don't know anything about History, Biology, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.
Warren doesn't know jackshit about Economics.

Corporations really don't really pay taxes. They just collect revenue from consumers and pass on to the government.

The filthy Federal government collects about a trillion a year in that despicable Corporate tax.

Every cent of that trillion comes from the revenue of the corporation's goods and services.

In other word a corporate tax is a tax on consumers. Might as well be called a sales tax.

Liberals like this Warren squaw don't know jackshit about Economics just like they don't know anything about History, Biology, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.
You are right! It is a sales tax! Good grief! And Pocahontas want's more from us! Currently, it's 23% sales tax.
You are about as clueless as a dodo bird.
That makes you an imbecile.
The root cause of oil companies making record profits isn't because of high gas prices because of tax cuts.
Never stated oil companies record profits were because of tax cuts.

'Meanwhile, oil companies are achieving record high profits. At a recent congressional hearing, in the wake of sanctions imposed by the U.S. and allies against the import of Russian oil, six oil companies admitted that they made over $75 billion in profits in the past year, the oil industry cushioned by over $30 billion in government subsidies".

That's what you got of out the statement?
You're an idiot.

The point was, why do they need a government subsidy?
In fact, tax cuts brought in record amounts of income to the federal government.
You're FOS, republicans have been claiming that, for 42 years now.

The latest claim.

In a March 31, 2016, interview with Bob Woodward and Robert Costa of The Washington Post, Trump said he could pay down the national debt, then about $19 trillion, “over a period of eight years” by renegotiating trade deals and spurring economic growth.

After he took office, Trump predicted that economic growth created by the 2017 tax cut, combined with the proceeds from the tariffs he imposed on a wide range of goods from numerous countries, would help eliminate the budget deficit and let the U.S. begin to pay down its debt. On July 27, 2018, he told Sean Hannity of Fox News: “We have $21 trillion in debt. When this [the 2017 tax cut] really kicks in, we’ll start paying off that debt like it’s water.”

By early 2019, the national debt had climbed to $22 trillion.
By the end of 2019, the debt had risen to $23.2 trillion.
Dec. 31, 2020, the national debt had jumped to $27.75 trillion, up 39% from $19.95 trillion when Trump was sworn in.

Only a fraction of the 2.9% economic growth in 2018 came from the tax cuts, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service. Instead of investing profits into their own capital investment, companies bought back a record $806 billion in shares in 2018, sending stock prices further upward.

The reason for high gas prices is called supply and demand. Biden reduced the ability for gasoline because of drilling restrictions by U.S. companies.

The oil companies didn't have any drilling restrictions.

“In the United States, 90% of onshore oil production takes place on land that isn’t owned by the federal government. And of the remaining 10% that occurs on federal land, the oil and gas industry has millions of acres leased,"
“They have 9,000 permits to drill now. They could be drilling right now, yesterday, last week, last year. They have 9,000 to drill onshore that are already approved.”

Republicans blame Biden for what oil companies are NOT doing.
Then, we started buying oil from OPEC, Russia, Venezuela, Brazil...When the war in the Ukraine broke out, OPEC and Russia raised prices as did others. Biden made several calls to OPEC to drill more oil to lower prices and they laughed at Biden.
April 13 2020
The 13 nations in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) reached agreement with Russia, Mexico, the United States and seven other major oil producers Sunday to cut production by a combined 9.7 million barrels a day in May and June.
The cuts, if implemented, would reduce global oil supply by about 13 percent.

Trump, who has long criticized OPEC for raising U.S. gas prices, tweeted Sunday that "the big oil deal with OPEC plus" will "save hundreds of thousands of energy jobs in the United States," and he thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin and Saudi King Salman. As part of the deal, the U.S. agreed to cut 300,000 barrels a day, making up for Mexico's shortfall, The Wall Street Journal reports, though "it couldn't be determined whether that was in addition to other U.S. cuts, or how the U.S. cuts would be implemented."
Biden's policies are the reason for the gas prices.
The US government only controls 10% of ALL oil production in the US, republicans whine about that 10%, instead of the 90% the US government doesn't control.
Even Democrats are crossing over on this one including the media. So, because of Biden, we are now paying more for oil which means gas prices are higher and thus more profits for oil companies.
Biden, you claimed, "got laughed at" by OPEC, so now Biden controls them?
If it's costing oil companies more money to get the oil, why would you throw more taxes on them?
Exxon Mobil made $23 billion in profit for 2021.

Chevron also experienced its most profitable year since 2014, with the company reporting in January that it made $15.6 billion in revenue for 2021.

BP reported it made $12.85 billion in 2021, with $4.1 billion being made in the fourth financial quarter. Reuters reported the quarterly profit was the largest the company has had since 2013.

Shell made significant profits in 2021, earning $19.29 billion for the year, up from $4.85 billion in 2020. In the final financial quarter of 2021, the company earned $6.4 billion, Shell’s highest quarterly profit since 2014.

Price gouging.

They would just pass those increased on to you and I in the cost at the pump. That would then increase oil company's profits even more. Then, you loonies would increase taxes on oil companies even more which would be passed on at the pump and the companies would make even more money.
Right, the decades old, "corporate taxes get passed on, straight to the consumer".

Some would but passing too much tax on to the consumer and they would lose profits.
What is it with you liberals and taxations and company and people making money?
What is it with republicans giving highly profitable companies tax payer money?

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