Warrior v Robot: A Capitalism Debate (UNICEF)


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a geopolitical capitalism debate between the two fictional philosophical cartoon characters Saber Rider (a horse-riding swordsman in a futuristic universe) and Cyclonus (a wolfish first-knight robot from an A.I. planet called Cybertron) regarding the applications of charity in the modern age of capitalism-consciousness.

The debate references the modern social value of charity-oriented international organizations such as UNICEF which rely on serious financial considerations in this new age of high commercial traffic.

What is the modern American cultural value, for example, of the holiday-programming Hallmark Channel (TV) in terms of fortune-socialization imagination (since America is officially the world's 'capitalism captain')?



SABER-RIDER: The holiday season in America reminds us of charity.
CYCLONUS: The value of UNICEF represents interests in charity.
SABER-RIDER: It's challenging coordinating capitalism with charity.
CYCLONUS: That's why humans have established the World Bank.
SABER-RIDER: TrumpUSA is symbolic of commercial vanities.
CYCLONUS: Can consumerism be oriented towards imagination?
SABER-RIDER: Well, Toys 'R Us is popular among children.
CYCLONUS: Capitalism creates much piracy!
SABER-RIDER: However, there's also networking (e.g., Wall Street).
CYCLONUS: I worry that UNICEF will be treated 'financially.'
SABER-RIDER: Financial-thinking can be practical...
CYCLONUS: Pragmatism in capitalism usually means profits!
SABER-RIDER: Profit-sharing has emerged as a practical 'policy.'
CYCLONUS: Do people trust giant corporations such as Microsoft?
SABER-RIDER: Perhaps there're bridges between capitalism and democracy!
CYCLONUS: I suppose that could be true...UNESCO is teamwork-minded.
SABER-RIDER: Yes, funding for UNESCO can create 'dialogic mentality.'
CYCLONUS: You're a horse-riding swordsman, and I'm a robot.
SABER-RIDER: Yes, we think differently about social strength...
CYCLONUS: It seems that capitalism is a competitive system by definition!
SABER-RIDER: That's why profit-sharing makes for excellent debates.
CYCLONUS: Perhaps Microsoft praise can impact UNICEF/UNESCO idealism.
SABER-RIDER: Yes, we have to think in terms of networking-benefits.
CYCLONUS: Maybe profit-sharing between governments promotes charity.
SABER-RIDER: During Christmas, all Earthlings think about treasures.


{Saber Rider & Cylconus}


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