Was a short petite unarmed woman the most dangerous so called insurrectionist during the so called insurrection ?

In late December, the incoming vice-president, Kamala Harris, tweeted about her plans for the first hundred days of the Biden administration. She promised “to ensure Americans mask up, distribute 100M shots, and get students safely back to school”.

Among the thousands of responses was an angry tweet from a 35-year-old air force veteran in San Diego.

“No the fuck you will not!” Ashli Babbitt replied to Harris. “No masks, no you, no Biden the kid raper, no vaccines...sit your fraudulent ass down…we the ppl bitch!”

'She was deep into it': Ashli Babbitt, killed in Capitol riot, was devoted conspiracy theorist

Profile of QAnon Believer Ashli Babbitt, Who Died in Capitol Riot

Babbitt was a certified lunatic! And apparently also an idiot.
apparently Ashli Babbit a petite unarmed woman was the most dangerous person at the Jan 6 riot ! why would that conclusion be drawn ?? because she was the only person out of hundreds that was shot and killed ! dims have given no explanation on why this short 110 pd unarmed woman was picked out and killed on jan 6th and no one else was ? apparently the only person that posed a threat was a small unarmed woman ! why else would they shoot her ?
For the last 5 months, the Trump groupies have been very creative in their use of adjectives to attempt to paint Ashli Babbett as a "small/petite/harmless/defenseless female who posed no harm to anyone particularly since she was unarmed".

Yet in actuality she was a trained military air force veteran and member of the Air Force's Security Forces, her job while serving was "to protect, defend and fight. The Security Forces are responsible for missile security, defending air bases around the globe, law enforcement on those bases, combat arms and handling military working dogs."

As far as her being unarmed, she was leading a mob which had already proven itself to be violent. The disparity of force between the number of individuals making up the mob and the half a dozen or less armed protection officers for all intents and purposes, eliminated the need for Ashli to have been armed for the officers to have been able to lawfully consider her a threat and they acted accordingly. Add to this scenario the fact that she continued to ignore their commands to halt.

It is really stupid to ignore people who are pointing guns at you and telling you to stop.
apparently Ashli Babbit a petite unarmed woman was the most dangerous person at the Jan 6 riot ! why would that conclusion be drawn ?? because she was the only person out of hundreds that was shot and killed ! dims have given no explanation on why this short 110 pd unarmed woman was picked out and killed on jan 6th and no one else was ? apparently the only person that posed a threat was a small unarmed woman ! why else would they shoot her ?
apparently Ashli Babbit a petite unarmed woman was the most dangerous person at the Jan 6 riot ! why would that conclusion be drawn ?? because she was the only person out of hundreds that was shot and killed ! dims have given no explanation on why this short 110 pd unarmed woman was picked out and killed on jan 6th and no one else was ? apparently the only person that posed a threat was a small unarmed woman ! why else would they shoot her ?
Of course an explanation was given. Who else but Ashli Targetpractice tried to enter the Speaker's Lobby before all of the House members could be safely evacuated?
apparently Ashli Babbit a petite unarmed woman was the most dangerous person at the Jan 6 riot ! why would that conclusion be drawn ?? because she was the only person out of hundreds that was shot and killed ! dims have given no explanation on why this short 110 pd unarmed woman was picked out and killed on jan 6th and no one else was ? apparently the only person that posed a threat was a small unarmed woman ! why else would they shoot her ?
She should have complied.
Terrorism has consequences!
Oh? Is That why the left not only ignores the terrorism of other leftists under the guise of "social justice," but often is found actively encouraging sedition?

If you truly cared about terrorists being punished you'd support rounding up each and every person involved with the riots in the past year and putting them into gitmo. Let's hear you call for it.

could a dimocrat explain why Babbit was the only person deemed dangerous enough to use deadly force against ?
Maybe, because she was the first idiot that tried to go through the broken window, I noticed, there wasn't a second idiot that tried.

"Cared about the rioters in the past year"?

"Call for it"?


Don't have to.

More than 12,000 have been rounded up, moron.

terrorism [ ter-uh-riz-uhm ]​


1. the unlawful use of violence or threats to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or government, with the goal of furthering political, social, or ideological objectives.
2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism.
3. a terrorist method of governing or of resisting a government.

By every single definition both antifa and blm (leftist organizations) have been committing acts of terrorism for years, but they've been really open about their goals in the past year.

In just the past year at the hands of the left:

*Billions of dollars in damage has been done.
* Federal and state government buildings have been attacked, burned, defaced, and breached.
* Thousands have been injured.
* Dozens have been killed.
* "Autonomous zones" have been set up with the threat of violence against the government if they interfere.
* Roving gangs have attempted to force diners at various restaurants to raise their fists in solidarity with Marxism using intimidation and threats of violence
* People have been beaten and even one killed for daring to say, "all lives matter"
* A horse was burned alive by a leftist mob because the owner dared drive their truck on a city street.
* Neighborhoods have been destroyed, turned into rubble

All to intimidate the US government into catering to Marxists looking to over throw America.

Leftist twits: but the unarmed "insurrection" where only an unarmed woman was shot (who cares, she was white, it was justified) is true terrorism! Proof that Trump supporters are terrorists who hate America!

Funny. Now give the definition for "insurrection".

Insurrection | Definition of Insurrection by Merriam-Webster
Yes, the very definition of BLM tactics.
Go back to posting cartoons on the other thread, pathetic troll.
apparently Ashli Babbit a petite unarmed woman was the most dangerous person at the Jan 6 riot ! why would that conclusion be drawn ?? because she was the only person out of hundreds that was shot and killed ! dims have given no explanation on why this short 110 pd unarmed woman was picked out and killed on jan 6th and no one else was ? apparently the only person that posed a threat was a small unarmed woman ! why else would they shoot her ?

Trump's mob is responsible for the death of Ashli.
apparently Ashli Babbit a petite unarmed woman was the most dangerous person at the Jan 6 riot ! why would that conclusion be drawn ?? because she was the only person out of hundreds that was shot and killed ! dims have given no explanation on why this short 110 pd unarmed woman was picked out and killed on jan 6th and no one else was ? apparently the only person that posed a threat was a small unarmed woman ! why else would they shoot her ?
There can be little question that the Capitol Police screwed-up on January 6, 2021.

In truth, they should have volley-fired into that roving pack of traitorous scum using automatic weapons... firing and re-loading as needed.

Insurrectionist filth.
Do you know what 'insurrectionist' means?
She got no more than any terrorist deserves and the others were lucky not to share her fate.
why werent the other unarmed protesters that entered the capital shot also ....apparently the only real threat came from an unarmed 110 lb woman .
apparently Ashli Babbit a petite unarmed woman was the most dangerous person at the Jan 6 riot ! why would that conclusion be drawn ?? because she was the only person out of hundreds that was shot and killed ! dims have given no explanation on why this short 110 pd unarmed woman was picked out and killed on jan 6th and no one else was ? apparently the only person that posed a threat was a small unarmed woman ! why else would they shoot her ?

Trump's mob is responsible for the death of Ashli.
who is responsible for the dozens of deaths during the blm antifa riots.
apparently Ashli Babbit a petite unarmed woman was the most dangerous person at the Jan 6 riot ! why would that conclusion be drawn ?? because she was the only person out of hundreds that was shot and killed ! dims have given no explanation on why this short 110 pd unarmed woman was picked out and killed on jan 6th and no one else was ? apparently the only person that posed a threat was a small unarmed woman ! why else would they shoot her ?
An insurrectionist was shot attempting to overthrow the government.

End of story.
should the insurrectionists that actually did overthrow the gov in Seattle and set up their own gov in the nation [Chop] been shot also ?
if its legal to shoot a woman for illegally entering a gov building the the leftist rioters this summer should get the same treatment when they attempt to burn down gov buildings again .
apparently Ashli Babbit a petite unarmed woman was the most dangerous person at the Jan 6 riot ! why would that conclusion be drawn ?? because she was the only person out of hundreds that was shot and killed ! dims have given no explanation on why this short 110 pd unarmed woman was picked out and killed on jan 6th and no one else was ? apparently the only person that posed a threat was a small unarmed woman ! why else would they shoot her ?

Seems to me that her killing is another in a line of incidents over the years that confirm that there are those in law enforcement that should be nowhere near a gun. After the many examples of such incidents I don't see need to ask, "Why else?"
Do you know what 'insurrectionist' means?
She got no more than any terrorist deserves and the others were lucky not to share her fate.
why werent the other unarmed protesters that entered the capital shot also ....apparently the only real threat came from an unarmed 110 lb woman .
Because none of them got as close to lawmakers as Ashli Targetpractice.
if its legal to shoot a woman for illegally entering a gov building the the leftist rioters this summer should get the same treatment when they attempt to burn down gov buildings again .
She wasn't shot for illegally entering a government building. But no worries, you're a conservative. No one expects you to understand.
apparently Ashli Babbit a petite unarmed woman was the most dangerous person at the Jan 6 riot ! why would that conclusion be drawn ?? because she was the only person out of hundreds that was shot and killed ! dims have given no explanation on why this short 110 pd unarmed woman was picked out and killed on jan 6th and no one else was ? apparently the only person that posed a threat was a small unarmed woman ! why else would they shoot her ?
oh hell no. If the capital police had a chain gun imo they'd have been justified in mowing down the whole lot of you guys. (-:
Coverup is what’s is happening. No way on earth that after 6 months of non disclosure that it’s just a safety or privacy things.
Cops having to resort to lethal force against armed and assaulting black criminals are identified in 6 hours
There is One Reason Only this persons identity is hidden-He is easily recognizable to Everyone

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