Was Adam supposed to sin in God's great plan?

Servitude is not slavery.
Servitude is working for a living.
Tell me that the MD working 100+ hours a week to pay for a house he never sees is not in servitude.

e-gads ... you do make a point - they are hourly workers, partly why they are so arrogant by the revelation - like you - and not all are jews. so sad.

* what are self employed, just curious from your perspective. what are enterprisers ... how about politicians. a rabbi ...
The cyclical nature of this physical universe ( and everything in it ) is the only constant it was endowed with. 14 billion years is a blink in the eye of GOD. Man alone cannot begin to fathom the mind of GOD.
Yet so many liars put words in his imaginary mouth.

Give me the good old days of sanity.

I hope you can see how intelligent the ancients were as compared to the mental efforts that modern preachers and theists are using with the literal reading of myths.

What is God?

Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS

Rabbi Hillel, the older contemporary of Jesus, said that when asked to sum up the whole of Jewish teaching, while he stood on one leg, said, "The Golden Rule. That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the Torah. And everything else is only commentary. Now, go and study it."

Please listen as to what is said about the literal reading of myths.

"Origen, the great second or third century Greek commentator on the Bible said that it is absolutely impossible to take these texts literally. You simply cannot do so. And he said, "God has put these sort of conundrums and paradoxes in so that we are forced to seek a deeper meaning."

Matt 7;12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

This is how early Gnostic Christians view the transition from reading myths properly to destructive literal reading and idol worship.

Which has what to do with working for a living?


It is Jesus saying that he wishes to work for a living and the masses will not do as he askes and elect him.

Read Revelation where he begs the people to hold an election and choose his ways.

I do the same for globalization and religion.

e-gads ... you do make a point - they are hourly workers, partly why they are so arrogant by the revelation - like you - and not all are jews. so sad.

* what are self employed, just curious from your perspective. what are enterprisers ... how about politicians. a rabbi ...
There are those who are destined to work for others if they don’t contain their passions, there are those who work to satiate their greed and/or avarice and there are those whose passion is to maintain and improve civilization.
The cyclical nature of this physical universe ( and everything in it ) is the only constant it was endowed with. 14 billion years is a blink in the eye of GOD. Man alone cannot begin to fathom the mind of GOD.
What exactly does that have to do with what I wrote?

There's no big crunch. There's no repeating universe. Time doesn't exist. It's just a convenient measure to mark the expansion of the universe. The universe began approximately 14 billion years ago being created out of nothing being hardwired to produce life and intelligence as the universe expanded and cooled. If that's not proof of God I don't know what is.

We do not believe in myths. Especially not our own as they were just written to put up against the bible before the advent of stupid Christian literal reading of myths.

Supernatural belief makes ones stupid.

Do not be one.

Look up the Cathars and note that their highest position was a Parfait. A perfected person.

That is basically a spin off of Chrestianity and esoteric Judaism, which was plagiarized and corrupted by supernatural belief.

If we were stupid enough believed in Yahweh as real, do you really think we would be so stupid that we would curse that genocidal maniac?

That would take one of your level.

I know all about the Cathars. They believed two different SUPERNATURAL GODS existed.

Tell it to surada . She seems to be playing along with you. Maybe she's working with you, no?
Where in scriptures do the wise speak against slavery?

They do not.

Why not?

It was what we call the social safety net.

Again... If you think the Bible justifies slavery as good then you are misreading the Bible.
Again... If you think the Bible justifies slavery as good then you are misreading the Bible.

Where in the Bible is it opposed to slavery? Where does it say God is pleased when a slave is freed?
Where in the Muslim world? I am not an expert on all Muslim countries.
Start with Sudan and then check out SA.
On the other hand, is it better to be a servant or be guarded by armed police all your life?
There are those who are destined to work for others if they don’t contain their passions, there are those who work to satiate their greed and/or avarice and there are those whose passion is to maintain and improve civilization.
Servitude is working for a living.
What's wrong with servitude?

such as escaping their master ... or turn of the century collective appeasement km / reformation(s) ...

really, indee - what are you talking about - "work for others" - when was that ever an objective - for anyone.

* it's called a job - whatever that is.

maybe interesting for a jew, the itinerant surly never had one. could that have been their undoing.
Do I really need to say it a third time

just take another drink ...


that and your dream world is all you care about.
If that's your morality, then you could end up in jail. God forgives, but he also punishes. Of course, Satan tells you God forgives.
The church turned you into a thief. What you did is like Esau selling his birth right for a bowl of stew, being remorseful asking, to be forgiven, to end up doing the same thing over again. We need to ask a bike shop for a bike, and or communicate that over the web. God's Spirit in a person, being good to a person.

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