Was Biden on Drugs for the State of the Union?

Oh, that shit is no mistake.

Neo-cons in the DNC are using the commies in their own uni-party in a brilliant Hegelian dialectic, to push forward an authoritarian agenda. . . to get the population to beg to destroy constitution principles.

Subway Soldiers are a Sign of Liberal Treachery and Leftist Incompetence​

Dante' here, is a classic example. He purposely throws bombs, derails and trolls. . . but as soon as the state would adopt a social credit type system that would strip liberty, black bloc folks like him would be among the first to lose their freedom.

Too stooopid for his own good.

Who cares?

Crime in the NYC subway system is down/...facts matter
Who cares?

Crime in the NYC subway system is down/...facts matter

Thanks for proving my point.

Yep, one NYC subway shooting in 2023 and the NG is searching people for guns. But Trump's a fascist.

It used to be that the NYPD could do all this on their own. Then came the two morons, both Democrats, Di Blasio and Adams and here we are.
This is more communist that fascist.

If it were Dirigisme or corporatism, they would be using private contractors like KBR or Academi.

But it is a distinction with out much of a difference. :sigh2:
Major crimes in the New York City transit system dropped nearly 3% from 2022 to 2023, with five killings last year, down from 10 the year prior, according to police. Overall, violent crime in the subway system is rare, with train cars and stations being generally as safe as any other public place.
Dr. Jill and Hunter had Joe on "feel good" time. The White House is a pharmacist's dream these days. There must be bowls of uppers and downers, fentanyl and all the powdered substances abound. With the 10% no rolled dollar bills. Rolled 100-dollar bills for all. Heroin is a must for anyone there. The point is if he has to be prepared than he should not be President.
He was completely juiced up on drugs. His eyes were jet black. He was a global embarrassment during the speech.

Well, if gateway pundit says he was then that's definitive proof that he wasn't.
He was completely juiced up on drugs. His eyes were jet black. He was a global embarrassment during the speech.

President Biden has completely broken the MAGA movement. MAGAs were programmed to expect a listless Biden for the SOTU speech and instead they saw someone with vim and vigor. They are now in desperation mode lost and confused.
He was completely juiced up on drugs. His eyes were jet black. He was a global embarrassment during the speech.

That wasn't a state of the union, it was a campaign rally. You know, it's interesting how the left accuses Trump of being a bully, when their own raises his voice every time he's challenged, calls challengers names like "fat guy" and challenges them to push-ups and fights. Heck Biden yells all the time. That's the mentality of a Kindergartener. An immature one at that. For those who read people well, every time Biden yells it's code for he has something to hide.

But the lowest depths of the entire speech was demonstrated by Biden's handlers giving him a button to display in the event Laken Riley's name was brought up, only so he could pronounce her name wrong.

Are Magadonians on Drugs after Biden's of the Union?​

They all have been acting so desperately after the nation saw President Biden engage the low class elements of the GOP. He did not look or act like a senile old man. Quite the contray == equals worry, worry, worry Magadonia.
Most of us Republicans are workers and have nothing to do with illegal drugs. But you know that, don't you who endures the false information the deep staters of the DNC furnish. Biden's theatric finger wagging screech fest was the designer's delight for those who view theater as truth when it's likely the opposite. Your narrative is who you are, not your loyal opposition who aren't negated by your prissy distortion.
President Biden has completely broken the MAGA movement. MAGAs were programmed to expect a listless Biden for the SOTU speech and instead they saw someone with vim and vigor. They are now in desperation mode lost and confused.
Only in one way, doll. Biden likes to fill his own pockets rather than to improve others. Did you miss out on his extortion of ten million samolinos from a foreign country for himself and his son? We didn't.
He was completely juiced up on drugs. His eyes were jet black. He was a global embarrassment during the speech.

I know I was on drugs when the SOTU speech was going on,

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