Was Henry Ford a jerk and racist ?? See video

How does Henry Ford's radical concept of an assembly line and an affordable method of transportation translate to a rant about Jews?
Probably about Ford's issue with the Protocols. Which would likely scare the shit out of most Jews even if it is true.
There were Jewish neighborhoods in every midwestern city after the 1880's; 2.8 million Jews immigrated, enough to fill entire ghettos came over, 94% of them Eastern Europeans,mostly poor. The German Jews, mostly wealthy bankers and professionals, despised them, and it was years before they would share a synagogue with Slav Jews. Even as late as the 1990's German Jews would discriminate against Polish Jews.

See the book 740 Park; it has a story about the first Jew allowed to buy an apartment there, then voting to bar an eastern European Jew from moving into the building. lol
The German/Western Jews were assimilated, Sephardic Jews--the ones who could claim some faint ancestry in Palestine. The Eastern Jews--the Ashkenazim--were the remnants of the Khazars, whose empire lay roughly in present-day Ukraine and which the Kievan Rus destroyed in 1065 A.D. The Khazars were a Turkic/Mongol people (i.e., non-Semitic) who converted to Judaism in the 7th Century A.D. (including cutting the ends of their dicks off). (The Khazar ruler, after reading parts of Deuteronomy and Leviticus, reportedly exclaimed, "Dashing babies' heads against the rocks!?! Now here is a God I can fucking worship!!" and commanded all his people to immediately mutilate their genitals.)

All the stories and references in movies and shit about Jews not being allowed into country clubs are based on reality, except it wasn't WASPs giving the cold shoulder to the brash, obnoxious trouble-making shetlers, it was the Western Jews. The history has been altered in movies in order to depict WASPs in a negative light because of course it has been. The Khazars are horrid people. The typical Israeli Jew is descended from the Khazars. He has no ancestral claim on Palestine. The Palestinians and pre-1948 Jews living in Palestine are the only Semitic peoples in the region. Perversely, if you object to the treatment of the Palestinians by the Israelis, you will be called an antisemite!! LOL
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The German/Western Jews were assimilated, Sephardic Jews--the ones who could claim some faint ancestry in Palestine. The Eastern Jews--the Ashkenazim--were the remnants of the Khazars, whose empire lay roughly in present-day Ukraine and which the Kievan Rus destroyed in 1065 A.D. The Khazars were a Turkic/Mongol people (i.e., non-Semitic) who converted to Judaism in the 7th Century A.D. (including cutting the ends of their dicks off). (The Khazar ruler, after reading parts of Deuteronomy and Leviticus, reportedly exclaimed, "Dashing babies' heads against the rocks!?! Now here is a God I can fucking worship!!" and commanded all his people to immediately mutilate their genitals.)

All the stories and references in movies and shit about Jews not being allowed into country clubs are based on reality, except it wasn't WASPs giving the cold shoulder to the brash, obnoxious trouble-making shetlers, it was the Western Jews. The history has been altered in movies in order to depict WASPs in a negative light because of course it has been. The Khazars are horrid people. The typical Israeli Jew is descended from the Khazars. He has no ancestral claim on Palestine. The Palestinians and pre-1948 Jews living in Palestine are the only Semitic peoples in the region. Perversely, if you object to the treatment of the Palestinians by the Israelis, you will be called an antisemite!! LOL
You just railroaded my thread with fake science
How does Henry Ford's radical concept of an assembly line and an affordable method of transportation translate to a rant about Jews?
how does adolf's recipe for Hasenpfeffer translate into Auschwitz,-----you JERK. Henry Ford was one
of yours
the Judeans were a pariah tribe rejected by the "children of Israel". Judas Iscariot was the only Judean among Jesus' 13 disciples. Jesus himself was a Galilean. Was Jesus a Jew?
your sunday school teacher screwed your mind---and GAWD only knows what else-------back to the jelly bean jar
Well, Charles Lindbergh was a NAZI sympathizer, but it doesn’t take anything away from his accomplishments.
good point----Josef and Magda Goebbels were
catholics in good-standing and Charles Lindbergh
carried a copy of the "New Testament" in his
transatlantic plane flight
Was the car created for transportation or as a Jew flattening machine ??

The irony of Henry Ford's sniveling is he is exactly the stereotype of the 'crooked greedy Jew' he purported to be warning us all about. The turnover in his factories has through the roof, and he his 'Service Dept.' was under the command of a gangster. They would raid their own employees' houses to search them for 'subversive literature', make sure there was no booze, etc. and other requirements to keep their jobs, megalomaniac control freak stuff that typifies the capitalist systems from the Gilded Age; it's easy to see why he and others like him admired Hitler so much, as they weren't much different in outlook toward their workers.

Ford also cheated his business partners remorselessly, and he wouldn't have ever gotten started without their money and help, so he was a crook to boot.
Ford like Adolf more than he hated any particular jews-----he despised a FICTIONAL JEW-----some character called the "INTERNATIONAL JEW" ----
a figment of his imagination
lol some Jewish banking and trading families were indeed 'international'; that was one of the reasons they got protection from kings and the higher nobility, their international business and banking connections. But so did Lombards, Italians, Swedes, etc., and by the way there were also riots and violence directed against them as well at various periods, but of course the Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox racist Jews need to feel 'special' and since most goy aren't considered real people their history ignores 'everybody else' and they run around as if they were singled out and the only Oppressed On Earth, feeding their children scary goy stories for centuries. They still peddle mythical rubbish that DA Inquisition was all about da evul xians persecuting Da Joos' when in fact they were a small minority of cases.
They left that part out of the Jimmy Stewart movie.

Most of the 'sympathizers' were early on, and didn't remain sympathizers, but please keep pretending they jumped up and down demanding Jews be tossed into ovens and stuff, otherwise some Rabbi might make a stern face and wag his finger at you or something.

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