Was Henry Ford a jerk and racist ?? See video

If you actually aimed it at a Jew and then proceeded ??
Assuming he don’t move ??
Well, Charles Lindbergh was a NAZI sympathizer, but it doesn’t take anything away from his accomplishments.
Moreover, I trust his own words about his WWII views more than I trust what Joel Greenberg tells me his views were. He said the Germans had a legitimate complaint against the Versailles Treaty, which they certainly did. He said the German Luftwaffe was ahead of our Air Force, and it was. He said the American press was lying to the American people about conditions in Germany, Europe, and Russia, and they certainly were. And he said publicly that he was opposed to our going to war against Germany, since Germany posed no threat to the United States, and that was certainly true. But his one unforgivable sin was, he named the Jew. And that, no Gentile must ever do, no matter how true and important. it's like uttering the name of the Lord. Death penalty for blasphemy. Lindbergh told a crowd in Des Moines at an America First movement rally that the two forces in the United States pushing for war against Germany were the Brits and the Jews. It didn't matter that he was right. It didn't matter that he named the Brits. What mattered was that he named the Jew and like a screeching pack of carrion pickers the Jews sent up the cry, aaaaaaantiiiiisemmmite!!!!!! So the United States sided with the Jewish Khazar Bolsheviks of Russia, who murdered 66 million Russian Christians starting in 1917--long before Hitler came to power--and dwarfed the Nazis in every category of atrocity--against the Germans who were intent on stopping the murderous Bolshevik Khazars. We sided with the Jews against the Chrtistians, just as we are doing today in Ukraine. A big reason wy is all the dumb Gentiles who think the word aaaaantiiiiisemmmmmitismmm is a fucking word. Who cower like little mice anytime some Jew shrieks it out loud. People need to stop being so fucking ignorant. Have the fucking balls to name the Jew, for fuck's sake. Do you think iRosie is anytrhing but a hideous parasite filled with hatred for you? She would pay money to see your children tortured to death.

READ for the ;love of God.
Moreover, I trust his own words about his WWII views more than I trust what Joel Greenberg tells me his views were. He said the Germans had a legitimate complaint against the Versailles Treaty, which they certainly did. He said the German Luftwaffe was ahead of our Air Force, and it was. He said the American press was lying to the American people about conditions in Germany, Europe, and Russia, and they certainly were. And he said publicly that he was opposed to our going to war against Germany, since Germany posed no threat to the United States, and that was certainly true. But his one unforgivable sin was, he named the Jew. And that, no Gentile must ever do, no matter how true and important. it's like uttering the name of the Lord. Death penalty for blasphemy. Lindbergh told a crowd in Des Moines at an America First movement rally that the two forces in the United States pushing for war against Germany were the Brits and the Jews. It didn't matter that he was right. It didn't matter that he named the Brits. What mattered was that he named the Jew and like a screeching pack of carrion pickers the Jews sent up the cry, aaaaaaantiiiiisemmmite!!!!!! So the United States sided with the Jewish Khazar Bolsheviks of Russia, who murdered 66 million Russian Christians starting in 1917--long before Hitler came to power--and dwarfed the Nazis in every category of atrocity--against the Germans who were intent on stopping the murderous Bolshevik Khazars. We sided with the Jews against the Chrtistians, just as we are doing today in Ukraine. A big reason wy is all the dumb Gentiles who think the word aaaaantiiiiisemmmmmitismmm is a fucking word. Who cower like little mice anytime some Jew shrieks it out loud. People need to stop being so fucking ignorant. Have the fucking balls to name the Jew, for fuck's sake. Do you think iRosie is anytrhing but a hideous parasite filled with hatred for you? She would pay money to see your children tortured to death.

READ for the ;love of God.
Thanks for the racist 1938 German tirade.

And he said publicly that he was opposed to our going to war against Germany, since Germany posed no threat to the United States
Yet just a few months later Germany declared war on America and was sinking dozens of ships off the US coast with ease.

Your hero during the Pledge of the pro NAZI America First group he spoke for:

Moreover, I trust his own words about his WWII views more than I trust what Joel Greenberg tells me his views were. He said the Germans had a legitimate complaint against the Versailles Treaty, which they certainly did. He said the German Luftwaffe was ahead of our Air Force, and it was. He said the American press was lying to the American people about conditions in Germany, Europe, and Russia, and they certainly were. And he said publicly that he was opposed to our going to war against Germany, since Germany posed no threat to the United States, and that was certainly true. But his one unforgivable sin was, he named the Jew. And that, no Gentile must ever do, no matter how true and important. it's like uttering the name of the Lord. Death penalty for blasphemy. Lindbergh told a crowd in Des Moines at an America First movement rally that the two forces in the United States pushing for war against Germany were the Brits and the Jews. It didn't matter that he was right. It didn't matter that he named the Brits. What mattered was that he named the Jew and like a screeching pack of carrion pickers the Jews sent up the cry, aaaaaaantiiiiisemmmite!!!!!! So the United States sided with the Jewish Khazar Bolsheviks of Russia, who murdered 66 million Russian Christians starting in 1917--long before Hitler came to power--and dwarfed the Nazis in every category of atrocity--against the Germans who were intent on stopping the murderous Bolshevik Khazars. We sided with the Jews against the Chrtistians, just as we are doing today in Ukraine. A big reason wy is all the dumb Gentiles who think the word aaaaantiiiiisemmmmmitismmm is a fucking word. Who cower like little mice anytime some Jew shrieks it out loud. People need to stop being so fucking ignorant. Have the fucking balls to name the Jew, for fuck's sake. Do you think iRosie is anytrhing but a hideous parasite filled with hatred for you? She would pay money to see your children tortured to death.

READ for the ;love of God.
using the word "JEW" is a tad offensive .
Was the car created for transportation or as a Jew flattening machine ??

Anyone ever studied the history of basketball in the U.S.?

Back in the 20s and 30s it wasn't blacks who were coveted as basketball players.

It was Jews.


Because basketball is the sport of inner city youths and back then most of the inner city basketball players were Jews.
Apparently his car was never attended to move folks with ease but for an entirely different purpose

Anyways how did he become so hateful yet so brilliant

If you entire knowledge of Ford exists as a cartoon you are just stumbling around in the dark
Anyone ever studied the history of basketball in the U.S.?

Back in the 20s and 30s it wasn't blacks who were coveted as basketball players.

It was Jews.


Because basketball is the sport of inner city youths and back then most of the inner city basketball players were Jews.
Philadelphia Hebrews ???
The German/Western Jews were assimilated, Sephardic Jews--the ones who could claim some faint ancestry in Palestine. The Eastern Jews--the Ashkenazim--were the remnants of the Khazars, whose empire lay roughly in present-day Ukraine and which the Kievan Rus destroyed in 1065 A.D. The Khazars were a Turkic/Mongol people (i.e., non-Semitic) who converted to Judaism in the 7th Century A.D. (including cutting the ends of their dicks off). (The Khazar ruler, after reading parts of Deuteronomy and Leviticus, reportedly exclaimed, "Dashing babies' heads against the rocks!?! Now here is a God I can fucking worship!!" and commanded all his people to immediately mutilate their genitals.)

All the stories and references in movies and shit about Jews not being allowed into country clubs are based on reality, except it wasn't WASPs giving the cold shoulder to the brash, obnoxious trouble-making shetlers, it was the Western Jews. The history has been altered in movies in order to depict WASPs in a negative light because of course it has been. The Khazars are horrid people. The typical Israeli Jew is descended from the Khazars. He has no ancestral claim on Palestine. The Palestinians and pre-1948 Jews living in Palestine are the only Semitic peoples in the region. Perversely, if you object to the treatment of the Palestinians by the Israelis, you will be called an antisemite!! LOL
The White Jews came from lots of Jewish women who were raped by Russians.
FDR refusing to admit a ship full of Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi tyranny and sending them back to die trumps Ford's "protocols".

The U.S. had immigration quotas after 1920 up to 1965, and for good reason; FDR and others allowed Jews to exceed their quotas from their respective countries from time to time, o that claim is just a load of crap. There were several hundred other countries at the time, but nobody snivels about them not taking in millions of European and Asian refugees during a global Depression.

The U.S. has never been under any special obligation to be the world's refugee dumping ground, despite what the media tells you. The FDR bashing is just more ridiculous right wing bullshit. I would say already having several million Jews here since the 1880's means we obviusly did way more than our share compared to the rest of the world. We don't see Israel taking in millions of Arab or African refugees. Neither does Red China, Russia, or anybody else.
Many Jews in eastern Europe came in the 11th Century and early 12th Century, after once again backing the wrong sides in assorted civil wars, and many more again in 16th Century after their Muslim allies were defeated in Spain; it was the Jewish equivalent of the Oklahoma Land Rush as the Polish Catholic aristocrats conquered a big slice of territory and wanted to replace the Protestant Orthodox Slavs, selling land to Jews fairly cheap.
The White Jews came from lots of Jewish women who were raped by Russians.
Anyone ever studied the history of basketball in the U.S.?

Back in the 20s and 30s it wasn't blacks who were coveted as basketball players.

It was Jews.


Because basketball is the sport of inner city youths and back then most of the inner city basketball players were Jews.
and what were the inner city black youffs playing
Many Jews in eastern Europe came in the 11th Century and early 12th Century, after once again backing the wrong sides in assorted civil wars,
another way of saying that: "after once again being the source of strife and bloodshed" -- you make it sound as if the Jewish role was something like a gambler at a horse race, when, in fact, anyone who has seen the non-stop effort by Jews to instigate a race war in this country knows better. Just look at the racial hatred Hollywood puts out.
and many more again in 16th Century after their Muslim allies were defeated in Spain;
After the pharisee Jews betrayed the Christian majority by secretly abetting the Muslim invasion
it was the Jewish equivalent of the Oklahoma Land Rush as the Polish Catholic aristocrats conquered a big slice of territory and wanted to replace the Protestant Orthodox Slavs,
"Protestant Orthodox"? No such thing.
selling land to Jews fairly cheap.
The Polish aristocracy turned a blind eye toward Khazar depredations against the Polish people--tax farming, liquor monopoly,
The irony of Henry Ford's sniveling is he is exactly the stereotype of the 'crooked greedy Jew' he purported to be warning us all about. The turnover in his factories has through the roof, and he his 'Service Dept.' was under the command of a gangster. They would raid their own employees' houses to search them for 'subversive literature', make sure there was no booze, etc. and other requirements to keep their jobs, megalomaniac control freak stuff that typifies the capitalist systems from the Gilded Age; it's easy to see why he and others like him admired Hitler so much, as they weren't much different in outlook toward their workers.

Ford also cheated his business partners remorselessly, and he wouldn't have ever gotten started without their money and help, so he was a crook to boot.

Well, there's what you say and then there's what the man himself says:

The International Jew

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