Was Henry Ford a jerk and racist ?? See video

the writings of the idiot do not take into account the HISTORY of jews ruled by the FILTH OF JUSTINIAN LAW (you can google JUSTINIAN LAW---in all its stench)

Of course Rosie never points out the privileges Jews got from the Roman govt., like being exempt from taking oaths and from military service, their 'Temple state' status, essentially granting them local rule, and the fact their own racism and self-delusions that ibnduced led to their revolts and getting their asses handed to them and losing their temple scam robbing their fellow Jews, all self-inflicted like every other 'disaster' and oppression they suffered.
Of course Rosie never points out the privileges Jews got from the Roman govt., like being exempt from taking oaths and from military service, their 'Temple state' status, essentially granting them local rule, and the fact their own racism and self-delusions that ibnduced led to their revolts and getting their asses handed to them and losing their temple scam robbing their fellow Jews, all self-inflicted like every other 'disaster' and oppression they suffered.
like being crucified by the tens of thousands. Your sunday school teacher engaged in displacement----she displaced the filth and stink of the roman church activities on DA JOOOOS. Speaking of asses----lots of ASS ACTIVITIES in the roman church
like being crucified by the tens of thousands. Your sunday school teacher engaged in displacement----she displaced the filth and stink of the roman church activities on DA JOOOOS. Speaking of asses----lots of ASS ACTIVITIES in the roman church

Cuz Da Evul Romans only persecuted poor hapless Jews, and nobody else. Those Roman goys refused to acknowledge your racial superiority and put down your revolts the same way they put down all the other revolts, adding insult to injury, being treated the same as lesser peoples, right?
Cuz Da Evul Romans only persecuted poor hapless Jews, and nobody else. Those Roman goys refused to acknowledge your racial superiority and put down your revolts the same way they put down all the other revolts, adding insult to injury, being treated the same as lesser peoples, right?
your grasp of history is a combination of Disney, jelly beans and flying reindeer
OH!!! it's the mysteries of the Talmud that plague your teensy mind

lol you think the Talmud is all 'mysterious n stuff' do you? It's a lot of circular reasoning masquerading as 'seious thought', a Jewish version of Jack Handy's 'Deep Thoughts'.


Of course Rosie never points out the privileges Jews got from the Roman govt., like being exempt from taking oaths and from military service, their 'Temple state' status, essentially granting them local rule, and the fact their own racism and self-delusions that ibnduced led to their revolts and getting their asses handed to them and losing their temple scam robbing their fellow Jews, all self-inflicted like every other 'disaster' and oppression they suffered.
exempt from taking oaths? no military service?
how many jelly beans do you get for parroting this
sunday school gutter trash?
exempt from taking oaths? no military service?
how many jelly beans do you get for parroting this
sunday school gutter trash?

Yes, we already established a long time ago you don't know squat about Jewish history, or any other history for that matter. You're just afraid some of the less educated Evangelicals will finally figure out ' all Jews are not alike' and they aren't kissing God's ass by assuming they are all 'people of the Covenants', and then the cash flow will stop.
lol all people need to know is in the Old Testament. You keep trying to make it otherwise; it's funny reading your spastic bigoted rants about 'Evul Catlicks n stuff'.
you know the "Old Testament" and its bigoted
rants about "evul catlicks"? I missed that part

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