Was Henry Ford a jerk and racist ?? See video

Moreover, I trust his own words about his WWII views more than I trust what Joel Greenberg tells me his views were. He said the Germans had a legitimate complaint against the Versailles Treaty, which they certainly did. He said the German Luftwaffe was ahead of our Air Force, and it was. He said the American press was lying to the American people about conditions in Germany, Europe, and Russia, and they certainly were. And he said publicly that he was opposed to our going to war against Germany, since Germany posed no threat to the United States, and that was certainly true. But his one unforgivable sin was, he named the Jew. And that, no Gentile must ever do, no matter how true and important. it's like uttering the name of the Lord. Death penalty for blasphemy. Lindbergh told a crowd in Des Moines at an America First movement rally that the two forces in the United States pushing for war against Germany were the Brits and the Jews. It didn't matter that he was right. It didn't matter that he named the Brits. What mattered was that he named the Jew and like a screeching pack of carrion pickers the Jews sent up the cry, aaaaaaantiiiiisemmmite!!!!!! So the United States sided with the Jewish Khazar Bolsheviks of Russia, who murdered 66 million Russian Christians starting in 1917--long before Hitler came to power--and dwarfed the Nazis in every category of atrocity--against the Germans who were intent on stopping the murderous Bolshevik Khazars. We sided with the Jews against the Chrtistians, just as we are doing today in Ukraine. A big reason wy is all the dumb Gentiles who think the word aaaaantiiiiisemmmmmitismmm is a fucking word. Who cower like little mice anytime some Jew shrieks it out loud. People need to stop being so fucking ignorant. Have the fucking balls to name the Jew, for fuck's sake. Do you think iRosie is anytrhing but a hideous parasite filled with hatred for you? She would pay money to see your children tortured to death.

READ for the ;love of God.
I read-----the juice-of-the-gutter ----still celebrates may 7 each year as
a holy christian holiday
another way of saying that: "after once again being the source of strife and bloodshed" -- you make it sound as if the Jewish role was something like a gambler at a horse race, when, in fact, anyone who has seen the non-stop effort by Jews to instigate a race war in this country knows better. Just look at the racial hatred Hollywood puts out.

They switched sides in at least one instance, around 1098, somewhere in there, some 40,000 sided with the Christians trying to retake the country, but yeah, the myth that they were just poor hapless victims who just helpless against Da Evul Xian Bigots is just a load of rubbish, true.
After the pharisee Jews betrayed the Christian majority by secretly abetting the Muslim invasion

That was in 694 or so, if you believe Graetz's History of the Jews and read between the lines if his propaganda, and he also fails to leave out the local Jews opening the gates of cities to Muslim surprise attacks in the 700's, and of course the Jewish soldiers who accompanied the Muslim armies and the Jewish bureaucrats who managed the conquered cities and helped plunder the locals for next 700 years or so.
"Protestant Orthodox"? No such thing.

Russian Orthodox are considered 'Protestant' by Catholics; they broke away in the 11th or 12th Century along with the Eastern Orthodox, iirc.

The Polish aristocracy turned a blind eye toward Khazar depredations against the Polish people--tax farming, liquor monopoly,

Dont know if they were Khazars or not; the Spanish Jews would have been Sephardics and North African converts.
They switched sides in at least one instance, around 1098, somewhere in there, some 40,000 sided with the Christians trying to retake the country, but yeah, the myth that they were just poor hapless victims who just helpless against Da Evul Xian Bigots is just a load of rubbish, true.

That was in 694 or so, if you believe Graetz's History of the Jews and read between the lines if his propaganda, and he also fails to leave out the local Jews opening the gates of cities to Muslim surprise attacks in the 700's, and of course the Jewish soldiers who accompanied the Muslim armies and the Jewish bureaucrats who managed the conquered cities and helped plunder the locals for next 700 years or so.

Russian Orthodox are considered 'Protestant' by Catholics; they broke away in the 11th or 12th Century along with the Eastern Orthodox, iirc.

Dont know if they were Khazars or not; the Spanish Jews would have been Sephardics and North African converts.
your sunday school teacher deprived you of jelly beans?
Well, there's what you say and then there's what the man himself says:

The International Jew

I've read several biographies; they all agree he cheated his early business partners. The Dodge brothers in particular sued him and won in court over his cheating. There were two or three other 'Ford' companies before he formed the last one in order to extort concessions from his partners in the last one before the new one. Like I said, he was a decent engineer but not the brightest tool in the shed when it came to politics, and like most sociopaths liked to control his employees' entire lives 24/7.
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There were several big time Jewish baseball players and boxers, so I guess they played that or some version of soccer maybe.
When I was a kid they just played only basketball and if you touch one then they call foul
When I was a kid they just played only basketball and if you touch one then they call foul

Yes, that would in the '40's and '50's, I would guess. Most Jews, Italians, and Poles don't live in ghettos any more, they live where there are parks and schools with athletic fields and gyms now.
Apparently his car was never attended to move folks with ease but for an entirely different purpose

Anyways how did he become so hateful yet so brilliant

He was most definitely anti-semitic. That's why Dearborn has a large muslim population.....brought in by Ford a few generations back to work in the Ford factory.....fellow anti-semitic............er................semites.
He was most definitely anti-semitic. That's why Dearborn has a large muslim population.....brought in by Ford a few generations back to work in the Ford factory.....fellow anti-semitic............er................semites.
Yes, he told the truth about Jews. So, definitely an antisemite. hahaha

Anyone can see for himself

The International Jew

The vehemence with which the Yids smear a Gentile is directly proportional to the accuracy with which the Gentile describes the Yids.
the writings of that idiot are RIFE with obvious anachronisms. His analysis of the
song ELI ELI is so funny that I am still giggling. That the JERK refers to Psalm 22
as the "psalm of jesus" ------is beyond stupidity------
In the meantime, a random exerpt:

Chapter 23 • Jew Versus Non-Jew in New York Finance

THE DEARBORN INDEPENDENT, issue of 13 November 1920

The Jewish problem in the United States is essentially a city problem. It is characteristic of the Jew to gather in numbers, not where land is open nor where raw materials are found, but where the greatest number of people abide. This is a noteworthy fact when considered alongside the Jews’ claim that the Gentiles have ostracized them; the Jews congregate in their greatest numbers in those places and among those people where they complain they are least wanted. The explanation most frequently given is this; the genius of the Jew is to live off people; not off land, nor off the production of commodities from raw material, but off people. Let other people till the soil; the Jew, if he can, will live off the tiller. Let other people toil at trades and manufacture; the Jew will exploit the fruits of their work. That is his peculiar genius. If this genius be described as parasitic, the term would seem to be justified by a certain fitness.

In no other city of the United States can the Jewish Problem be studied with greater profit than in the city of New York. There are more Jews in New York than in all Palestine. The communal register of the Jewish Kehillah (or Kahal) of New York sets the population at about 1,527,778. “The next largest Jewish community in the world, that of the city of Warsaw, is estimated to have been between 300,000 and 330,000 Jews, about one-fifth as many as we estimate for New York.” (Communal Register, 1917-1918.) “If we accept the estimate of the number of Jews in the world as about 14,000,000, one Jew out of every ten resides in New York.”

As a population, the Jews exert more power in New York than they have ever exerted during the Christian Era in any place, with the exception of the present Russia. The Jewish Revolution in Russia was manned from New York. The present government of Russia was transported almost as a unit from the lower East Side of New York. The New York Ghetto has long since overflowed the lower East Side. Brownsville, Brooklyn, is a Jewish town, with its own language, theaters and press. The upper East Side of New York is practically in large sections a Jewish Ghetto. The prosperous West Side and the middle class section of the city north of Central Park are practically Jewish.

With the exception of one great department store and a few lesser ones, all the large department stores in New York are Jewish. Men and women’s ready-to-wear apparel, laundries, furriers, the general run of shopkeeping is practically monopolized by Jews. The legal profession is predominantly Jewish. It is estimated that of the 27,000 news stands that control the distribution of New York’s reading matter, 25,000 are in the hands of Jews. There are 360 synagogues on the East Side of New York alone.

The New York Kehillah is a very powerful organization, whose membership strength is not accurately known. It may be described as the Jewish government of that city. It was organized in 1908 as the result of a statement by General Bingham, then police commissioner of New York, that the Jewish population, which then amounted to 600,000, contributed 50 per cent of the criminals of the city. The Kehillah is the bar before which the authorities must answer for statements or acts touching the Jewish community. Its power is very great and its methods far reaching.

Politically, while the rest of the country is entertained with the fiction that Tammany Hall rules the politics of New York, the fact is rarely published that the Jews rule Tammany.

But it is not the possession of power that constitutes an indictment of any people, it is their use or misuse of it. And if the fact of power is established, no misuse of it being found, the fact has a commendatory side. If the Jews who flock to New York become American, and if they do not work ceaselessly to twist Americanism into something else; if they strengthen the principles and traditions of America, and do not cease to vitiate the one and abolish the other, the judgement upon them must be one of friendship.

However, to establish the fact of Jewish power, one need not remain in the ghetto, nor in the mercantile districts. There are higher fields awaiting survey.

In Wall Street, the Jewish element is both numerous and powerful, as might be expected of a race which from early days has played an important part in the financial operations of the world.
This is not to say, however, that Jewish influence in American financial affairs is paramount. At one time it threatened to be, but American financiers have always been silently aware of the International Jewish Financier, and have endeavored quietly to block his game. Time and again the contest seemed to turn in favor of the Jew, but when the widespread secret wrestlings of the two powers have been suspended for a moment, it has been found that American finance has maintained its superiority, if only in a slight degree. The Rothschilds were the first to be beaten on American soil; the story of their hidden hand in American finance, politics and diplomacy is a voluminous one; but even their finesse did not avail against the sterling worth of American Business—not “American business” as it has come to be known, now that thousands of Jews are scattered about the world, representing themselves to be “American business men” although they can scarcely speak English!—but American Business as represented by the combination of American ability and American conscience. If the reputation of American business has suffered, it is because something other than American methods have been used under the American name.

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