Was it right for Trump to use three Americans, falsely imprisoned and mistreated for a photo op?

You know, when Trump said that those three men were on their way home after being released from N. Korea, I thought, cool.............Trump has finally done something good while in office.

Too bad he had to screw up the moment by saying "I want to thank Kim Jong-un, who really was excellent to these three incredible people.", and then had to talk about how big he made the ratings for 3 am. because it was him. Hate to tell Trump, but the American people are always willing to watch when stuff like this happens. It's part of who we are.

Trump did a good thing, but he screwed it up with his stupid comments.
Perhaps he is intentionally praising Little Rocket Man in preparation for a successful summit meeting in Singapore next month.

Still.................saying that Un treated these hostages "excellent" is kinda tone deaf. Excellent treatment doesn't include forced labor prisons.
His comment may have been a beneficial lie to swell the head of Little Un. I have often given people insincere compliments to gain favor in future arguments. President Trump is certainly aware that KJU keeps up with what Trump says on TV and Twitter.

I could have done without the comment about high ratings at 3AM...but, that's Trump for you.
It is good that prisoners got released under Trump

But why, in hell, would he praise their captors?
Why the rambling BS about ratings?
You know, when Trump said that those three men were on their way home after being released from N. Korea, I thought, cool.............Trump has finally done something good while in office.

Too bad he had to screw up the moment by saying "I want to thank Kim Jong-un, who really was excellent to these three incredible people.", and then had to talk about how big he made the ratings for 3 am. because it was him. Hate to tell Trump, but the American people are always willing to watch when stuff like this happens. It's part of who we are.

Trump did a good thing, but he screwed it up with his stupid comments.
Perhaps he is intentionally praising Little Rocket Man in preparation for a successful summit meeting in Singapore next month.

Still.................saying that Un treated these hostages "excellent" is kinda tone deaf. Excellent treatment doesn't include forced labor prisons.

For a former PN, you sure cannot read very well. He meant that he treated them excellent by letting them go, dumbass!
It seems Trump is asking for a parade every time something goes well for him
It was a photo op

And that so offends you'd prefer they were still held hostage.

But naturally.....that shit is what liberals love. lIf they didn't then liberal presidents would do things to free Americans held captive. Great that we now have one who understands about that and gets them free.

Really pisses you off, doesn't it!
I tried to look up news that showed Obama did the same thing.

After all, ten were freed under Obama.

Trump Says Obama Administration Failed to Free Three American Hostages Held in North Korea

Trump says he beat Obama by getting three US prisoners ‘released by North Korea’ - even though two were jailed on his watch

And two of the three freed were arrested since Trump became president. Sad that Trump would lie about something like this again and again:


10 harrowing details about Jason Rezaian and Yeganeh Salehi’s imprisonment in Iran

So I was watching an interview with Jason Rezaian who was one of the hostages freed under Obama. He said when he was freed, he was allowed alone time with his family and it wasn't until weeks later that he actually met with Obama in an informal and low key setting. That's why I couldn't find such photo ops with Obama. And Obama had ten opportunities.

Everytime I see the kinds of things Trump does I wonder what kind of people Republicans are to follow him. I'm pretty sure, by now, I know.

Obama was too busy making it safe for D4E to pee in the little girls room.

Priorities, Deany
“Was it right for Trump to use three Americans, falsely imprisoned and mistreated for a photo op?”

Of course not.

Trump is a crass opportunist, narcissist, selfish, self-centered con man motivated solely by his own self-interests.
President Trump welcomes 3 Americans home after being held captive by NK at 3am... deanrd thinks it’s a photo op. lol

deanrd is the only person on this forum stupid enough to miss the significance of that. :laugh:
It was a photo op
After 8 years of Obama, I can understand why you would think that.

We now have a president who doesn't think twice about going out at 3am to show his love and support for these people. :)
you should be used to that by now....

Yeah, I know, he's made one stupid comment after the other, so I suppose that I should be used to it. But, I'm not. I believe that the person we put in charge of this country should be thoughtful and measured with their words, because EVERYONE on the planet is listening to what he says because of his position.

No, I'm never gonna get used to people in leadership positions acting stupid. Didn't like it when I was in the Navy, and I don't like it now. Matter of fact, I've actually seen what crappy leadership can do, and I've seen it sink a command because of the CO. If the CO has a crappy attitude, it will eventually rub off onto the people below them.

Case in point.................Trump thought it was okay to disparage McCain's service history. Because he did it, others have seemed to think it's okay for them to do it because their leader did it.
lots of people thought we would be in some kind of armed conflict with N.Korea too....funny how things work out aint it....

Don't start counting on N. Korea getting rid of their weapons until after the talks Harry. I still think that Un is using Trump as a way to get recognition from the world that they are a nuclear power. Not gonna start cheering for peace until after they have met a time or two to see what the mood is.

And, Trump still has 2 years to go in this term. Anything can happen.
this is true, but i am actually of the thought that China has had a lot to do with all this,i am sure they think the best fed person in N.Korea is a pain in their ass too....

Actually, I see this as more of Un getting cozy with China prior to negotiating with Trump. I'd be willing to bet that China is gonna back N. Korea.
they have been backing them for years....
I tried to look up news that showed Obama did the same thing.

After all, ten were freed under Obama.

Trump Says Obama Administration Failed to Free Three American Hostages Held in North Korea

Trump says he beat Obama by getting three US prisoners ‘released by North Korea’ - even though two were jailed on his watch

And two of the three freed were arrested since Trump became president. Sad that Trump would lie about something like this again and again:


10 harrowing details about Jason Rezaian and Yeganeh Salehi’s imprisonment in Iran

So I was watching an interview with Jason Rezaian who was one of the hostages freed under Obama. He said when he was freed, he was allowed alone time with his family and it wasn't until weeks later that he actually met with Obama in an informal and low key setting. That's why I couldn't find such photo ops with Obama. And Obama had ten opportunities.

Everytime I see the kinds of things Trump does I wonder what kind of people Republicans are to follow him. I'm pretty sure, by now, I know.
many here wonder what kind of a person does thread after thread of the same old type of shit....and im pretty sure by now i know....
How can you start a thread about Trump without mentioning lies? I'm pretty sure it's not possible.

Notice they totally ignore the blatent lies. Every time. Trump claimed Obama had tried for years to get these men released. Then the facts emerge that oops - two were captured under Trump, and one in the latter part of Obama's Administration.

Anyone have anything to say on these lies?
One of the three had been held hostage for three years...taken during Obozo's reign. Otto Warbier had been arrested in January 2016...and came home essentially already dead.

Otto's injuries came about soon after his capture - they were long standing. What's your point? That it's great that Trunp lied? Why did he?
I tried to look up news that showed Obama did the same thing.

After all, ten were freed under Obama.

Trump Says Obama Administration Failed to Free Three American Hostages Held in North Korea

Trump says he beat Obama by getting three US prisoners ‘released by North Korea’ - even though two were jailed on his watch

And two of the three freed were arrested since Trump became president. Sad that Trump would lie about something like this again and again:


10 harrowing details about Jason Rezaian and Yeganeh Salehi’s imprisonment in Iran

So I was watching an interview with Jason Rezaian who was one of the hostages freed under Obama. He said when he was freed, he was allowed alone time with his family and it wasn't until weeks later that he actually met with Obama in an informal and low key setting. That's why I couldn't find such photo ops with Obama. And Obama had ten opportunities.

Everytime I see the kinds of things Trump does I wonder what kind of people Republicans are to follow him. I'm pretty sure, by now, I know.
many here wonder what kind of a person does thread after thread of the same old type of shit....and im pretty sure by now i know....
How can you start a thread about Trump without mentioning lies? I'm pretty sure it's not possible.

Notice they totally ignore the blatent lies. Every time. Trump claimed Obama had tried for years to get these men released. Then the facts emerge that oops - two were captured under Trump, and one in the latter part of Obama's Administration.

Anyone have anything to say on these lies?
One of the three had been held hostage for three years...taken during Obozo's reign. Otto Warbier had been arrested in January 2016...and came home essentially already dead.

Otto's injuries came about soon after his capture - they were long standing. What's your point? That it's great that Trunp lied? Why did he?
No, it's not great that he lied. It was not fully a lie anyway. Obama did nothing to get Warmbier or the first of the 3 hostages out. Perhaps he was busy conjuring up an appeasing, meaningless nuclear deal with NK like his predecessors had done.

How is it that you know Warmbier's injuries came soon after his capture?
A good Democrat President wouldn't have to do anything about a photo op. He/She/It would just leave them to rot.
Obama liberated 10.
Oh look at that. Trump lied. In his own tweet. And he lied.

many here wonder what kind of a person does thread after thread of the same old type of shit....and im pretty sure by now i know....
How can you start a thread about Trump without mentioning lies? I'm pretty sure it's not possible.

Notice they totally ignore the blatent lies. Every time. Trump claimed Obama had tried for years to get these men released. Then the facts emerge that oops - two were captured under Trump, and one in the latter part of Obama's Administration.

Anyone have anything to say on these lies?
One of the three had been held hostage for three years...taken during Obozo's reign. Otto Warbier had been arrested in January 2016...and came home essentially already dead.

Otto's injuries came about soon after his capture - they were long standing. What's your point? That it's great that Trunp lied? Why did he?
No, it's not great that he lied. It was not fully a lie anyway. Obama did nothing to get Warmbier or the first of the 3 hostages out. Perhaps he was busy conjuring up an appeasing, meaningless nuclear deal with NK like his predecessors had done.

How is it that you know Warmbier's injuries came soon after his capture?

That is total bull. Their efforts got ten Americans released, QUIETLY, I might add, without lying and blaming the prior Administration. Presidents care about these things. They don’t use them as a means of public bragging like Trump.

It was a photo op

And that so offends you'd prefer they were still held hostage.

But naturally.....that shit is what liberals love. lIif they didn't then liberal presidents would do things to free Americans held captive. Great that we now have one who understands about that and gets them free.

Really pisses you off, doesn't it!

They do. Why do you lie?
Just try to imagine the outcry from the lefty stooges in here, the lamestream media, and the DC dimocrat pukes if the administration had kept quiet about the 3 a.m. arrival and only the president and first lady and other administrative officials had been on hand to greet these 3 Americans? They’d all be friggin’ apoplectic about it while peeing their pants and further losing their minds.
You know, when Trump said that those three men were on their way home after being released from N. Korea, I thought, cool.............Trump has finally done something good while in office.

Too bad he had to screw up the moment by saying "I want to thank Kim Jong-un, who really was excellent to these three incredible people.", and then had to talk about how big he made the ratings for 3 am. because it was him. Hate to tell Trump, but the American people are always willing to watch when stuff like this happens. It's part of who we are.

Trump did a good thing, but he screwed it up with his stupid comments.
Perhaps he is intentionally praising Little Rocket Man in preparation for a successful summit meeting in Singapore next month.

Still.................saying that Un treated these hostages "excellent" is kinda tone deaf. Excellent treatment doesn't include forced labor prisons.
His comment may have been a beneficial lie to swell the head of Little Un. I have often given people insincere compliments to gain favor in future arguments. President Trump is certainly aware that KJU keeps up with what Trump says on TV and Twitter.

I could have done without the comment about high ratings at 3AM...but, that's Trump for you.

A beneficial lie at the expense of the hostages? If I had been one of the hostages, I'd have been pissed that Trump was using me as a political pawn and calling the labor camp I'd just left "excellent treatment".
You know, when Trump said that those three men were on their way home after being released from N. Korea, I thought, cool.............Trump has finally done something good while in office.

Too bad he had to screw up the moment by saying "I want to thank Kim Jong-un, who really was excellent to these three incredible people.", and then had to talk about how big he made the ratings for 3 am. because it was him. Hate to tell Trump, but the American people are always willing to watch when stuff like this happens. It's part of who we are.

Trump did a good thing, but he screwed it up with his stupid comments.
Perhaps he is intentionally praising Little Rocket Man in preparation for a successful summit meeting in Singapore next month.

Still.................saying that Un treated these hostages "excellent" is kinda tone deaf. Excellent treatment doesn't include forced labor prisons.

For a former PN, you sure cannot read very well. He meant that he treated them excellent by letting them go, dumbass!

If he had meant that, then he should have said that. But, he didn't say Un gave them excellent treatment by letting them go, he just said that Un gave them excellent treatment, no qualifiers at all.
You know, when Trump said that those three men were on their way home after being released from N. Korea, I thought, cool.............Trump has finally done something good while in office.

Too bad he had to screw up the moment by saying "I want to thank Kim Jong-un, who really was excellent to these three incredible people.", and then had to talk about how big he made the ratings for 3 am. because it was him. Hate to tell Trump, but the American people are always willing to watch when stuff like this happens. It's part of who we are.

Trump did a good thing, but he screwed it up with his stupid comments.
Perhaps he is intentionally praising Little Rocket Man in preparation for a successful summit meeting in Singapore next month.

Still.................saying that Un treated these hostages "excellent" is kinda tone deaf. Excellent treatment doesn't include forced labor prisons.

For a former PN, you sure cannot read very well. He meant that he treated them excellent by letting them go, dumbass!

If he had meant that, then he should have said that. But, he didn't say Un gave them excellent treatment by letting them go, he just said that Un gave them excellent treatment, no qualifiers at all.

You are the one ASSUMING. It's on you, dumbass!

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