Was It Right To Interrupt Obama?

Really? At least Obama doesn't have free speech zones like Bush.

That must be one of those Media Matters secret stories.

Where have you been living that you hadn't heard about Bush's "protest zones"?

Quarantining dissent


That's the PAST - and if right wingers had to be held responsible for their past, well heck, none of them would ever get elected. Just remember, EVERYTHING is Obama's fault.
hey, you can't blame the reporters, Obama holds a press conference than walks off, he is above answering their questions.
It's a nasty pattern of his

Show us one case of the president holding a press conference, that was represented in advance as a press conference, where he did not take any questions.

he feels press conference are beneath him too, he hasn't had very many..he would rather hold these silly tv interviews with his adoring media drooling at his every word


Columnist: President Obama has done away with press conferences

Columnist: President Obama has done away with press conferences - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

and many more if you just google it

So your answer to my question is,

None. I can't name any. I was full of shit to say that he holds press conferences where he doesn't answer questions.
That's funny. Obama changed that. Wherever he is located is from now on considered a no freedom of speech zone. You can be arrested for speaking up within so many hundred feet of Obama. So the zone seems to float with him.....sort of like a moving "Cone of silence".

This is a fact.

Bush started that shit for brains.
You know how STUPID you people look at this point when you bring up BOOOOOOSSSSH.... ???


Stupid is ignoring history. "Real" Stupid is ignoring recent history.
Show us one case of the president holding a press conference, that was represented in advance as a press conference, where he did not take any questions.

he feels press conference are beneath him too, he hasn't had very many..he would rather hold these silly tv interviews with his adoring media drooling at his every word


Columnist: President Obama has done away with press conferences

Columnist: President Obama has done away with press conferences - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

and many more if you just google it

So your answer to my question is,

None. I can't name any. I was full of shit to say that he holds press conferences where he doesn't answer questions.

I gave you an answer, too bad you don't like it.
the PRESS is frustrated with Obama for not holding press conferences...
Bush started that shit for brains.
You know how STUPID you people look at this point when you bring up BOOOOOOSSSSH.... ???


Oh, that's right, I forget, when someone blames a policy of Bush on Obama, I'm the stupid one when I point out they are wrong.

My bad.

The blaming Bush is old, tired and worn out. The kenyan owns what he's done to this country and his junior hitler act. Anyone defending the turd at this point is as anti American as he is. A real POS.
Where have you been living that you hadn't heard about Bush's "protest zones"?

Quarantining dissent

That's funny. Obama changed that. Wherever he is located is from now on considered a no freedom of speech zone. You can be arrested for speaking up within so many hundred feet of Obama. So the zone seems to float with him.....sort of like a moving "Cone of silence".

This is a fact.

Bush started that shit for brains.

Bush's security detail started it. They felt they couldn't keep order without keeping the nonsense from disrupting everything.

Obama simply took it a step further and decided anyone who speaks up anywhere near him is put under arrest. I'm surprised that the reporter wasn't cuffed and stuffed.
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That's funny. Obama changed that. Wherever he is located is from now on considered a no freedom of speech zone. You can be arrested for speaking up within so many hundred feet of Obama. So the zone seems to float with him.....sort of like a moving "Cone of silence".

This is a fact.

Bush started that shit for brains.

Bush's security detail started it. They felt they couldn't keep order without keeping the nonsense from disrupting everything.

Obama simply took it a step further and decided anyone who speaks up anywhere near him is put under arrest. I'm surprise that the reporter wasn't cuffed and stuffed.

You know how STUPID you people look at this point when you bring up BOOOOOOSSSSH.... ???


Oh, that's right, I forget, when someone blames a policy of Bush on Obama, I'm the stupid one when I point out they are wrong.

My bad.

The blaming Bush is old, tired and worn out. The kenyan owns what he's done to this country and his junior hitler act. Anyone defending the turd at this point is as anti American as he is. A real POS.

You are so incredibly defensive about him, are you his secret lover?

I get your rules though:

if Obama did it - blame Obama
if Bush did it - blame Obama

is that how it works?
Oh, that's right, I forget, when someone blames a policy of Bush on Obama, I'm the stupid one when I point out they are wrong.

My bad.

The blaming Bush is old, tired and worn out. The kenyan owns what he's done to this country and his junior hitler act. Anyone defending the turd at this point is as anti American as he is. A real POS.

You are so incredibly defensive about him, are you his secret lover?

I get your rules though:

if Obama did it - blame Obama
if Bush did it - blame Obama

is that how it works?

so when you defend obama we can assume your sucking on his dick? Is that your logic?
Oh, that's right, I forget, when someone blames a policy of Bush on Obama, I'm the stupid one when I point out they are wrong.

My bad.

The blaming Bush is old, tired and worn out. The kenyan owns what he's done to this country and his junior hitler act. Anyone defending the turd at this point is as anti American as he is. A real POS.

You are so incredibly defensive about him, are you his secret lover?

I get your rules though:

if Obama did it - blame Obama
if Bush did it - blame Obama

is that how it works?

No.....reverse this post.....that's how it works. :cool:
Bush's security detail started it. They felt they couldn't keep order without keeping the nonsense from disrupting everything.

Obama simply took it a step further and decided anyone who speaks up anywhere near him is put under arrest. I'm surprise that the reporter wasn't cuffed and stuffed.


Obama Makes Free Speech A Felony - YouTube

You mean the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011? The one that was passed by a vote of 399-3 in the House and was sponsored by a Republican, Thomas Rooney of Florida? The one that passed the Senate with unanimous consent?

EDIT- my bad, the final vote in the House was a mere 388-3.

I just wanna make sure we're talking about the same law before I continue.
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You mean the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011? The one that was passed by a vote of 399-3 in the House and was sponsored by a Republican, Thomas Rooney of Florida? The one that passed the Senate with unanimous consent?

I just wanna make sure we're talking about the same law before I continue.

well how wonderful

You mean the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011? The one that was passed by a vote of 399-3 in the House and was sponsored by a Republican, Thomas Rooney of Florida? The one that passed the Senate with unanimous consent?

I just wanna make sure we're talking about the same law before I continue.

well how wonderful

What's so wonderful?

You mean the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011? The one that was passed by a vote of 399-3 in the House and was sponsored by a Republican, Thomas Rooney of Florida? The one that passed the Senate with unanimous consent?

EDIT- my bad, the final vote in the House was a mere 388-3.

I just wanna make sure we're talking about the same law before I continue.

No......HR 347.

It's clear you're ether stupid or you didn't watch the video. It spells it out.

Here's a pdf copy of the bill. http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-112hr347enr/pdf/BILLS-112hr347enr.pdf

You mean the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011? The one that was passed by a vote of 399-3 in the House and was sponsored by a Republican, Thomas Rooney of Florida? The one that passed the Senate with unanimous consent?

EDIT- my bad, the final vote in the House was a mere 388-3.

I just wanna make sure we're talking about the same law before I continue.

No......HR 347.

That's the same law shit for brains. Jesus Christ you are stupid.

It's clear you're ether stupid or you didn't watch the video. It spells it out.

No, I didn't watch the video, unlike you and your ilk, I don't need some douchebag on FOX Opinions to tell me what to think. I actually looked the law up and found out it that it was sponsored by a Republican and passed 388-3 in the House. I also found out it imposes no new criminal penalties whatsoever and is only an amendment to a law that's been on the books since
1971, signed by Nixon.

Great. Which part makes it a felony to exercise free speech?
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You mean the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011? The one that was passed by a vote of 399-3 in the House and was sponsored by a Republican, Thomas Rooney of Florida? The one that passed the Senate with unanimous consent?

EDIT- my bad, the final vote in the House was a mere 388-3.

I just wanna make sure we're talking about the same law before I continue.

No......HR 347.

That's the same law shit for brains. Jesus Christ you are stupid.

It's clear you're ether stupid or you didn't watch the video. It spells it out.

No, I didn't watch the video, I don't need some douchebag on FOX News to tell me what to think. I actually looked the law up and found out it that it was sponsored by a Republican and passed 388-3 in the House. I also found out it imposes no new criminal penalties whatsoever and is only an amendment to a law that's been on the books since
1971, signed by Nixon.

Great. Which part makes it a felony to exercise free speech?

This bill is an amendment to Section 1752 of title 18, United States Code annotated.

It is only two pages......so even you might be able to retain enough attention span to focus.

‘‘(2) a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more
than one year, or both,
in any other case.
‘‘(c) In this section—

‘‘(1) the term ‘restricted buildings or grounds’ means any
posted, cordoned off, or otherwise restricted area—
‘‘(A) of the White House or its grounds, or the Vice
President’s official residence or its grounds;
‘‘(B) of a building or grounds where the President or
other person protected by the Secret Service is or will
be temporarily visiting; or

‘‘(C) of a building or grounds so restricted in conjunction
with an event designated as a special event of national
significance; and
‘‘(2) the term ‘other person protected by the Secret Service’
means any person whom the United States Secret Service is
authorized to protect under section 3056 of this title or by
Presidential memorandum, when such person has not declined
such protection.’’
No......HR 347.

That's the same law shit for brains. Jesus Christ you are stupid.

No, I didn't watch the video, I don't need some douchebag on FOX News to tell me what to think. I actually looked the law up and found out it that it was sponsored by a Republican and passed 388-3 in the House. I also found out it imposes no new criminal penalties whatsoever and is only an amendment to a law that's been on the books since
1971, signed by Nixon.

Great. Which part makes it a felony to exercise free speech?

This bill is an amendment to Section 1752 of title 18, United States Code annotated.

Yep. It was also passed with only 3 dissenting votes in the House and none in the Senate. So even if Obama has vetoed it, its very unlikely it would not have passed over his veto, considering nearly 100% of both parties were in favor of it. And if Obama had vetoed it FOX Opinions would have whined like whiny bitches about how he was wasting our time by vetoing a law that was passed nearly unanimously.

It is only two pages......so even you might be able to retain enough attention span to focus.

‘‘(2) a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more
than one year, or both,
in any other case.
‘‘(c) In this section—

‘‘(1) the term ‘restricted buildings or grounds’ means any
posted, cordoned off, or otherwise restricted area—
‘‘(A) of the White House or its grounds, or the Vice
President’s official residence or its grounds;
‘‘(B) of a building or grounds where the President or
other person protected by the Secret Service is or will
be temporarily visiting; or

‘‘(C) of a building or grounds so restricted in conjunction
with an event designated as a special event of national
significance; and
‘‘(2) the term ‘other person protected by the Secret Service’
means any person whom the United States Secret Service is
authorized to protect under section 3056 of this title or by
Presidential memorandum, when such person has not declined
such protection.’’

And which part of it makes free speech a felony?

Sorry, but does "free speech" mean I can enter the White House whenever I damn well please it?
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