Was It Right To Interrupt Obama?

The interruption shows poor taste, plain and simple... :omg: :omg: :omg:

Yet the announcement is A OK... :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

:eek: :eek: :eek: He should have yelled is ass down...

When in the hell is the Republican party going to hit back???

The time for polite response is over, slam this SOB while you can...

They won't on this issue. They'll yell over-reach, but won't say a word about the policy (which is very similar to the scaled down Dream Act the Republicans proposed). The good news for the Democrats is the extremist right will be bitching and moaning about the policy itself, while the establishment Republicans will try to dance around it.

I don't know the protocol at these things, nor do I really care, but this kind of behavior helps no one, advances nothing, and just adds to the shit hole status of our political environment. I'd think conservatives would not be thrilled because it could easily make Obama look like the victim - on the other hand, all they care about is attack, attack, attack, damn the consequences, because that's what Rush and Sean do.

The reporter guy got lots of publicity for it, and let's face it, that's all that currently matters.

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Getting back to work, or 'bolting' to some, is unusual after 8 years of the lounger in Chief, yes. (The worst thing about Romney is....................many of his supporters.)

Bush was a workaholic......so you know where you can put that notion.


He liked working on his golf game. Even after terrorists attacked us.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WMnI6kGXOQ]"Watch this drive" - YouTube[/ame]

I don't know the protocol at these things, nor do I really care, but this kind of behavior helps no one, advances nothing, and just adds to the shit hole status of our political environment. I'd think conservatives would not be thrilled because it could easily make Obama look like the victim - on the other hand, all they care about is attack, attack, attack, damn the consequences, because that's what Rush and Sean do.

The reporter guy got lots of publicity for it, and let's face it, that's all that currently matters.


The protocol that conservatives follow..it that it is their White House. No one else can have it. Same with congress..

And when someone else has it..it must have been done by fraud..or someone must have cheated..because god would not allow it.

Power..for conservatives..is god given. Which is why they are replused by the notion of the popular vote. Or even popular representation. The only point of view that a conservative thinks is valid..is his or her own.
Getting back to work, or 'bolting' to some, is unusual after 8 years of the lounger in Chief, yes. (The worst thing about Romney is....................many of his supporters.)

Bush was a workaholic......so you know where you can put that notion.


He liked working on his golf game. Even after terrorists attacked us.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WMnI6kGXOQ]"Watch this drive" - YouTube[/ame]

ah, so now President's shouldn't have time off, isn't that what you all say about all the golf and Obama attending the MOST fundraisers of any President?

I don't know the protocol at these things, nor do I really care, but this kind of behavior helps no one, advances nothing, and just adds to the shit hole status of our political environment. I'd think conservatives would not be thrilled because it could easily make Obama look like the victim - on the other hand, all they care about is attack, attack, attack, damn the consequences, because that's what Rush and Sean do.

The reporter guy got lots of publicity for it, and let's face it, that's all that currently matters.


The protocol that conservatives follow..it that it is their White House. No one else can have it. Same with congress..

And when someone else has it..it must have been done by fraud..or someone must have cheated..because god would not allow it.

Power..for conservatives..is god given. Which is why they are replused by the notion of the popular vote. Or even popular representation. The only point of view that a conservative thinks is valid..is his or her own.

well for sure you liberals just sat back and went with the flow while Bush was in office..
Really? Cuz when I was the age he spoke of, I was sleeping with everything that moved and a few things that didn't, while drinking like a fish.

P.S.: Did he try it a few times? Or was he Amy Winehouse, part deux? Because it feels like there's a pretty major amount of using his own words to beat the shit out of him.

i used to look for girls like you......and when i found you i was to shy to make a move....:(

Lucky you never found me, man. I got told more than once that my theme song was "Cold as Ice."

yea but at that age as long as we did the deed,i may not have cared.....you cry until the next one....
Really? Cuz when I was the age he spoke of, I was sleeping with everything that moved and a few things that didn't, while drinking like a fish.

P.S.: Did he try it a few times? Or was he Amy Winehouse, part deux? Because it feels like there's a pretty major amount of using his own words to beat the shit out of him.

i used to look for girls like you......and when i found you i was to shy to make a move....:(


hey that was it.....:eusa_eh:

Obama has this crazy habit of bolting once he makes an announcement. I think it was okay to interrupt him because chances are he was gonna leave as soon as he was done.

Even Fox cut out the angry exchange that took place, which really surprised me.

Obama lost his cool and I think that questions should be asked about his essentially unilaterally granting amnesty.

Obama is the first Black to ever get close to the presidency much less win. All the racist, asshole, MF's in this country have gone ape shit. That's where you stack up in my book....ape shit.

Obama has this crazy habit of bolting once he makes an announcement. I think it was okay to interrupt him because chances are he was gonna leave as soon as he was done.

Even Fox cut out the angry exchange that took place, which really surprised me.

Obama lost his cool and I think that questions should be asked about his essentially unilaterally granting amnesty.

Obama is the first Black to ever get close to the presidency much less win. All the racist, asshole, MF's in this country have gone ape shit. That's where you stack up in my book....ape shit.

oh get a grip, we know you people have to throw up the "skin color" but we lived through the eight year of the Bush administration..and you on the left weren't exactly pretty..
so give us all a break

I don't know the protocol at these things, nor do I really care, but this kind of behavior helps no one, advances nothing, and just adds to the shit hole status of our political environment. I'd think conservatives would not be thrilled because it could easily make Obama look like the victim - on the other hand, all they care about is attack, attack, attack, damn the consequences, because that's what Rush and Sean do.

The reporter guy got lots of publicity for it, and let's face it, that's all that currently matters.


Yet that was the primary reason Obama went around congress to do this rather than actually make a genuine attempt to work with them.

He intentionally screwed with them last year over the debt ceiling negotiations just so he could say they won't work with him. The Dems in the Senate won't do their jobs and the only people that are can't get anything done because of the obstructionists in the Senate and the White House. That is where the obstruction is going on, not the GOP.

A good president works within the government, not outside of it. Obama won't work inside it because for one, it's just too difficult. For another, most of his ideas are bad for the economy and bad for workers. He does nothing to help private job creation. He only talks about job creation in government. Cops, teachers, and firefighters. None of these positions creates one cent that pays down debt, only increases it.

Obama put off dealing with immigration intentionally so he could make a big splash this way during an election year. The GOP tried to tackle this issue 5 years ago and all they got was pilloried in the press.
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Obama has no balls at all, He only wants to talk to People who support him. Why else do you think he only speaks before Union or College Crowds? He Can not stand seeing people not love him.

I say if the Son of a bitch thinks he is King, and Can rule by edict, Call reporters to announce it, then Bail with out taking Questions, I say Interrupt his ass every chance you get.

If I had been there, I would have asked why he said in 2011 that He was Bound By law, and could not just do it himself, and now he is doing it.

Was he just lying when he said he could not do it alone?


Really? At least Obama doesn't have free speech zones like Bush.

That must be one of those Media Matters secret stories.

Where have you been living that you hadn't heard about Bush's "protest zones"?

Quarantining dissent
   [am-nuh-stee] Show IPA noun, plural am·nes·ties, verb, am·nes·tied, am·nes·ty·ing.
a general pardon for offenses, especially political offenses, against a government, often granted before any trial or conviction.
Law . an act of forgiveness for past offenses, especially to a class of persons as a whole.
a forgetting or overlooking of any past offense.

Sure sounds like amnesty to me.

Except there is no past offense they can be prosecuted for, moron.

Under the new policy, effective immediately, immigrants who arrived in the U.S. illegally before they turned 16 and are under the age of 30 will be allowed to apply for work permits as long as they have no criminal history and meet other criteria, administration officials said.

In election-year shift, Obama announces 'mend' to immigration policy - latimes.com

Except being illegally in this country moron.

What a putz.

There is no federal law which imposes criminal penalties for residing in the country without papers, MORON.

Since they were brought here as minors, in most cases in the custody of a parent or other legal guardian, they are not liable for the crime of illegal entry, either.

And since to enter the program they must be free of a criminal past - the only folks that are eligible are people who have committed no crime.
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I don't know the protocol at these things, nor do I really care, but this kind of behavior helps no one, advances nothing, and just adds to the shit hole status of our political environment. I'd think conservatives would not be thrilled because it could easily make Obama look like the victim - on the other hand, all they care about is attack, attack, attack, damn the consequences, because that's what Rush and Sean do.

The reporter guy got lots of publicity for it, and let's face it, that's all that currently matters.


Yet that was the primary reason Obama went around congress to do this rather than actually make a genuine attempt to work with them.

He intentionally screwed with them last year over the debt ceiling negotiations just so he could say they won't work with him. The Dems in the Senate won't do their jobs and the only people that are can't get anything done because of the obstructionists in the Senate and the White House. That is where the obstruction is going on, not the GOP.

A good president works within the government, not outside of it. Obama won't work inside it because for one, it's just too difficult. For another, most of his ideas are bad for the economy and bad for workers. He does nothing to help private job creation. He only talks about job creation in government. Cops, teachers, and firefighters. None of these positions creates one cent that pays down debt, only increases it.

Obama put off dealing with immigration intentionally so he could make a big splash this way during an election year. The GOP tried to tackle this issue 5 years ago and all they got was pilloried in the press.

Bovine feces. Surely you've heard of the filibuster? It was used on the Dream Act. That's right...not even allowed to have a discussion on it thanks to the filibuster...

Dream Act students sue to stop Senate filibuster
Except there is no past offense they can be prosecuted for, moron.

In election-year shift, Obama announces 'mend' to immigration policy - latimes.com

Except being illegally in this country moron.

What a putz.

There is no federal law which imposes criminal penalties for residing in the country without papers, MORON.

Since they were brought here as minors, in most cases in the custody of a parent or other legal guardian, they are not liable for the crime of illegal entry, either.

And since to enter the program they must be free of a criminal past - the only folks that are eligible are people who have committed no crime.

Not to mention the fact that we are required, BY LAW, to give them an education.

So, these people are brought here as children, attend American schools and are immersed in American culture. They ARE Americans in all but one sense of the word and some here want to "send them back". Send them back where? This is their home.

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