Was It Right To Interrupt Obama?

President Obama was in the middle of giving a prepared speech when he was rudely interrupted.

Reporters Kicked Out Of Mitt Romney Event At Newseum

Yea, another prepared speech, meaning no room for questioning his authority. I am sick of this shit. This guy acts like a king, not an elected official. Unlike royalty, he can have his ass sent back home on election day. Try as he might to ensure those illegal votes, people are pissed and it is Obama who needs to explain his behavior, not the heckler. That reporter was doing what reporters are supposed to do, asking Obama to explain himself to the American people. And Obama rudely replied that he didn't ask for an argument. In other words, don't dare question him because he is the ruler. Bullshit.
President Obama was in the middle of giving a prepared speech when he was rudely interrupted.

Reporters Kicked Out Of Mitt Romney Event At Newseum

Yea, another prepared speech, meaning no room for questioning his authority. I am sick of this shit. This guy acts like a king, not an elected official. Unlike royalty, he can have his ass sent back home on election day. Try as he might to ensure those illegal votes, people are pissed and it was Obama who needs to explain his behavior, not the heckler. That reporter was doing what reporters are supposed to do, asking Obama to explain himself to the American people. And Obama rudely replied that he didn't ask for an argument. In other words, don't dare question him because he is the ruler. Bullshit.

Professional journalists waited until Obama had finished giving his prepared speech to ask questions.
President Obama was in the middle of giving a prepared speech when he was rudely interrupted.

Reporters Kicked Out Of Mitt Romney Event At Newseum

Yea, another prepared speech, meaning no room for questioning his authority. I am sick of this shit. This guy acts like a king, not an elected official. Unlike royalty, he can have his ass sent back home on election day. Try as he might to ensure those illegal votes, people are pissed and it was Obama who needs to explain his behavior, not the heckler. That reporter was doing what reporters are supposed to do, asking Obama to explain himself to the American people. And Obama rudely replied that he didn't ask for an argument. In other words, don't dare question him because he is the ruler. Bullshit.

Professional journalists waited until Obama had finished giving his prepared speech to ask questions.

yeah OBAMA, but not Bush, "professional" LOLOLOLOL you mean butt bummping commies.
Oh, seriously. Who fucking cares.

The thin-skinned pussy whined enough over it to rank as the #1 pussy at USMB this week.
It does show how mentally incapable the right is communicating with others. If you're gonna be that disrespectul to leaders of nations, then you got no business being anywhere near a public office.
My nephew and Obama have somewhat similar beginnings.

They both never knew their fathers. My nephew's father, who was Somali, split on him when he was a baby. I think it causes him a great deal of regret even now. To be honest, I think it screwed him up. Ali, my nephew often lied about his family so he wouldn't have to explain things to others, why his Dad was gone, why he was married several times over. Why his father didn't really give a damn about him.

Taking into account Obama's background, he could have gone several directions. The direction he took was a result of the influences in his life. From early childhood he was influenced by communism. His mother and father met during a class on communism. His first adult male role-model was a Marxist. Obama is one screwed up kid. He has been rejected and mistreated. He didn't grow up in a loving household. This is not the kind of person you would want holding the kind of power he holds.
Was It Right To Interrupt Obama?

Oh, seriously. Who fucking cares.

The thin-skinned pussy whined enough over it to rank as the #1 pussy at USMB this week.
It does show how mentally incapable the right is communicating with others. If you're gonna be that disrespectul to leaders of nations, then you got no business being anywhere near a public office.

really? they are just PEOPLE, not Saints
good grief...
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really? they are just PEOPLE, not Saints
good grief...
If you can't be civil, in a civilized society, you shouldn't be in a position of representing that society in an official manner.

Being a dick to others, starts fights. When you do that as a leader of a nation, it's starts wars. And when a nation starts wars, it hurts that nations citizens. So if you value your citizenship of this country, don't elect fuckers!
My nephew and Obama have somewhat similar beginnings.

They both never knew their fathers. My nephew's father, who was Somali, split on him when he was a baby. I think it causes him a great deal of regret even now. To be honest, I think it screwed him up. Ali, my nephew often lied about his family so he wouldn't have to explain things to others, why his Dad was gone, why he was married several times over. Why his father didn't really give a damn about him.

Taking into account Obama's background, he could have gone several directions. The direction he took was a result of the influences in his life. From early childhood he was influenced by communism. His mother and father met during a class on communism. His first adult male role-model was a Marxist. Obama is one screwed up kid. He has been rejected and mistreated. He didn't grow up in a loving household. This is not the kind of person you would want holding the kind of power he holds.

I can't even imagine living Obama's life from childhood through adulthood. One thing I've known for most of my adult life - I'm not strong enough to be a black man. I would have been killed or imprisoned long ago.
really? they are just PEOPLE, not Saints
good grief...
If you can't be civil, in a civilized society, you shouldn't be in a position of representing that society in an official manner.

Being a dick to others, starts fights. When you do that as a leader of a nation, it's starts wars. And when a nation starts wars, it hurts that nations citizens. So if you value your citizenship of this country, don't elect fuckers!

Is that WHY you are here?

Get lost assclown.

Normally I would say NO. But since libtards had an ejaculation when the shoe was thrown at President Bush I'll say today it was A okay and the damn question hit a deep exposed nerve in obama.. it was priceless.
In the words of Bill O'Reilly, "you respect the office, not the man". If I was President, I would've given him 10 seconds to shut is fuckin' mouth, before I'd have the Secret Service take him into custody and remove his big-mouth ass from the press conference. I would let him know, you'd better be respectful when talking to the big dog on campus, or you're gonna get bit!

BTW, I'm a liberal and I didn't care for that guy in Iraq throwing a shoe at my President. Here at home, my objections to GW's policies are between him and me; over there, whether I voted for him or not, he's my President and I don't appreciate people throwing things at the leader of my nation.

You couldn't get anymore opposed to Bush legally, than me. But at least I waited a couple of years into his first term, before I started criticizing his policies. And when he did things that I agreed with, I made it a point to give him credit for it.

Too bad you fuckers on the right can't reciprocate with Obama. You started criticizing him less than 10 days into his Presidency and give him credit for absolutely nothing. And you go out of your way to say the most ridiculous accusations about him. Like saying the government can't create jobs, then turning right around and blaming Obama for the economy. Well, which is it? It's either one or the other, you can't have both!

why do libtards favor foreign workers over Americans?
Why did conservatives outsource our manufacturing jobs overseas, thus denying American's the job opportunities they've been depending on for almost a half-century?

Well most liberals dont see it your way. They attacked him every chance they got. As soon as Obama comes up with a decent plan, I'm all ears, but socialist crap policies and anti buisness rhetoric are not the answer.

We started criticism when he got the Nobel Peace Prize , BEFORE he was even in office. What a political POS that award has become.

We didnt outsource, liberals labor practices were stupid and unions lost. They thought they could strike, stop work, ect ect and the businesses said ok, we'll find someone else. Kinda like the air traffic controllers, you dont show up to work, you get fired, How hard is that to understand?

and we blame Obama for not creating jobs, BECAUSE he doesnt want any private sector jobs and taxes and regulates buisnesses so it's HARDER to COMPETE. I love liberals, they bitch about outsourcing, then want MORE regulation and taxes, uh not logical captain.
really? they are just PEOPLE, not Saints
good grief...
If you can't be civil, in a civilized society, you shouldn't be in a position of representing that society in an official manner.

Being a dick to others, starts fights. When you do that as a leader of a nation, it's starts wars. And when a nation starts wars, it hurts that nations citizens. So if you value your citizenship of this country, don't elect fuckers!

alright then, that was damn straight civil..:eusa_shifty:
My nephew and Obama have somewhat similar beginnings.

They both never knew their fathers. My nephew's father, who was Somali, split on him when he was a baby. I think it causes him a great deal of regret even now. To be honest, I think it screwed him up. Ali, my nephew often lied about his family so he wouldn't have to explain things to others, why his Dad was gone, why he was married several times over. Why his father didn't really give a damn about him.

Taking into account Obama's background, he could have gone several directions. The direction he took was a result of the influences in his life. From early childhood he was influenced by communism. His mother and father met during a class on communism. His first adult male role-model was a Marxist. Obama is one screwed up kid. He has been rejected and mistreated. He didn't grow up in a loving household. This is not the kind of person you would want holding the kind of power he holds.

I can't even imagine living Obama's life from childhood through adulthood. One thing I've known for most of my adult life - I'm not strong enough to be a black man. I would have been killed or imprisoned long ago.

To give us a taste of what it's like during my junior year in h.s. our Social Studies teacher went around measuring our ears. He separated us into two groups and seated us together.

He told us that scientific studies had discovered that the size of the ears could tell us how much intelligence we had. So the kids with smaller ears, my group, were the dumb ones, and the bigger eared kids were the smart ones. For a week we had to sit on different sides of the classroom. He conducted class but never showed us any consideration. He allowed the big-eared kids to make fun of us. Let them leave class 10 mins early. It cause a lot of resentment. Some of the kids carried it outside the classroom and it almost caused fights.

On Friday he said he had made a mistake and he discovered the findings were totally ass-backwards. The people with small ears were smarter. He allowed us free reign to make fun of the big-ears but every one of us refused.

People may treat you like shit, but it's up to you if you want to return the favor.

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