Was It Right To Interrupt Obama?

Okay, small words for the people who play attorneys on teh interwebz.

Black men get pulled over for driving while black. You can deny it, but there is proof that this is a reality. SO: Mud can't really say he knows what it's like, based on that experiment, because as I said, yada-yada and of course blah-blah.
Okay, small words for the people who play attorneys on teh interwebz.

Black men get pulled over for driving while black. You can deny it, but there is proof that this is a reality. SO: Mud can't really say he knows what it's like, based on that experiment, because as I said, yada-yada and of course blah-blah.

Incoherence is Boop's native tongue!
Okay, small words for the people who play attorneys on teh interwebz.

Black men get pulled over for driving while black. You can deny it, but there is proof that this is a reality. SO: Mud can't really say he knows what it's like, based on that experiment, because as I said, yada-yada and of course blah-blah.

My wife used to get pulled over all of the time. They always asked her if the nice car she was driving belongs to her.

We were followed half way across the state of Louisiana once by a state trooper. Guess he was wondering why a mixed couple from out of state dared to drive through his jurisdiction.

I've been told through 3rd persons that because I was married to a black that means I'm black. I'm not to be associated with. They'd rather kill their kids than allow them to date a black.
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"LIAR" - Conservative GOP Congressman Disgracing US House


Obama has this crazy habit of....

"LIAR" - Conservative GOP Congressman Disgracing US House

Now we have conservative nitwits posing as representatives of the people - reporters -- and insult the Office of the President of the United States, as well as the person of the President, during an invitation to attend a press statement where it was agreed there would be no questions asked. :mad:

Obama interrupted by conservative reporter during immigration remarks, responds angrily - The Washington Post

Barack Obama news: A Living Diary of the Obama Presidency - POLITICO44 - POLITICO.com

Rude and pathetic conservatives now act like Crazy Arab 'News' Reporters in Iraq

"LIAR" - Conservative GOP Congressman Disgracing US House


Obama has this crazy habit of....

"LIAR" - Conservative GOP Congressman Disgracing US House

Now we have conservative nitwits posing as representatives of the people - reporters -- and insult the Office of the President of the United States, as well as the person of the President, during an invitation to attend a press statement where it was agreed there would be no questions asked. :mad:

Obama interrupted by conservative reporter during immigration remarks, responds angrily - The Washington Post

Barack Obama news: A Living Diary of the Obama Presidency - POLITICO44 - POLITICO.com

Rude and pathetic conservatives now act like Crazy Arab 'News' Reporters in Iraq


Notice how the WashingtonCompost had to point out Conservative...you ever seen them write about a liberal did this or a liberal did that?

but hey, no bias folks
Bush was a workaholic? Seriously? He was more like The Vacation President.

George W. Bush's vacation time (grand total)

487 days at Camp David
490 days at Crawford Ranch
43 days at Kennebunkport Compound

Total: 1020 days, more than 1/3rd of his presidency. Bush set the record for most vacation time taken by president.

Carter took 79 days in 4 years.
Clinton took 152 days in 8 years.

Reagan took 335 days in 8 years.
Bush Sr. took 543 days in 4 years!

So much for the mythological Republican hard worth ethic.

jonox: George W. Bush's vacation time (grand total)
Is that WHY you are here?

Get lost assclown.
What was that? You want me to stick around and get a little more comfortable? Don't mind if I do!

I ain't going anywhere. When someone asks me to leave, I stay. When some big-mouth prick tells me to do something, I do the exact opposite (in a big way).

I don't know why they consistently try to shove liberals out the door. How boring would this place be without us? ;)
Well most liberals dont see it your way. They attacked him every chance they got.
I attacked those policies I disagreed with then; and I attack the policies I disagree with now. Although I voted for Obama, it's been almost 2 years since I officially removed my support for his actions in office. Some of which, include continuing the policies of the former administration, others including expanding on them and making them worse.

As soon as Obama comes up with a decent plan, I'm all ears, but socialist crap policies and anti buisness rhetoric are not the answer.
He's not a socialist and he's certainly not anti-business. If he was really a socialist, there would be no $2 trillion dollar a year healthcare industry, because it would all be government subsidized. Even if he wanted too, the healthcare lobby would just say no.

And it's not possible for him to be anti-business when corporations are sitting on $6 trillion dollars in record profits and paying less in taxes, than practically any other country on earth.

We started criticism when he got the Nobel Peace Prize , BEFORE he was even in office. What a political POS that award has become.
Yeah, I thought that was a joke too! You don't continue 2 BS wars that killed over a million people and be for peace. That award was a little too Orwellian for me.

We didnt outsource, liberals labor practices were stupid and unions lost. They thought they could strike, stop work, ect ect and the businesses said ok, we'll find someone else. Kinda like the air traffic controllers, you dont show up to work, you get fired, How hard is that to understand?
Sad, but true.

and we blame Obama for not creating jobs,
I don't see how you could say that when the GOP spent all of it's time blocking his jobs bills and fillibustering everything he was trying to do to jumpstart the economy. At the very least, you can't say he didn't try. The GOP, on the other hand, didn't try at all.

BECAUSE he doesnt want any private sector jobs and taxes and regulates buisnesses so it's HARDER to COMPETE. I love liberals, they bitch about outsourcing, then want MORE regulation and taxes, uh not logical captain.
If we don't have regulations, then there is nothing protecting the citizens of this country from corporations that don't give a shit about the health and welfare of the country. There isn't a single corporation around that has pledged an allegeince to the United States. So their goals, are not to make this a better country; their goals are to have a better profit margin for their stockholders. And if that means polluting our gulf with a bunch of oil as a result of not fixing safety practices they were in violation of, so be it.

Keep in mind, our whole economy took a crap in 2008, as a result of deregulation. After the crash in '29, Glass-Steigall made it illegal for businesses to do the things it did to cause the first crash. Which was basically prohibiting investment banks and savings banks, from doing business under the same roof. For 50 years, we had no such crash in the economy. And low and behold, what happened just a few years after it was repealed, thus allowing those businesses to resurrect casino capitolism, we have another crash.
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I don't know why they consistently try to shove liberals out the door. How boring would this place be without us? ;)
For the same reason children growing up in abusive homes, whind up with abusive mates when they get older. Have you ever heard of Imago Therapy? Basically, the reason they do it, is because it's "familiar". That's all they know! And things that aren't familiar, are scary.

And I don't want them out the door, many of them are more entertaining than a beer and a movie. Plus, at the very least, they can always serve as a bad example.
I attacked those policies I disagreed with then; and I attack the policies I disagree with now. Although I voted for Obama, it's been almost 2 years since I officially removed my support for his actions in office. Some of which, include continuing the policies of the former administration, others including expanding on them and making them worse.
Hardly any Liberal will admit this.

If we don't have regulations, then there is nothing protecting the citizens of this country from corporations that don't give a shit about the health and welfare of the country. There isn't a single corporation around that has pledged an allegeince to the United States. So their goals, are not to make this a better country; their goals are to have a better profit margin for their stockholders. And if that means polluting our gulf with a bunch of oil as a result of not fixing safety practices they were in violation of, so be it.
Interesting point, they're all allowed to be Globalists but not us.

Keep in mind, our whole economy took a crap in 2008, as a result of deregulation. After the crash in '29, Glass-Steigall made it illegal for businesses to do the things it did to cause the first crash. Which was basically prohibiting investment banks and savings banks, from doing business under the same roof. For 50 years, we had no such crash in the economy. And low and behold, what happened just a few years after it was repealed, thus allowing those businesses to resurrect casino capitolism, we have another crash.
Very interesting points all.
Was It Right To Interrupt Obama?

No, but in this age of instant news and blogs our politicians need to make themselves more accessible. Including POTUS, a weekly Q&A session or the like
Hardly any Liberal will admit this.
Like on the issue of illegal wire-tapping, Bush just said they weren't doing it. Then we found out later they were getting the phone records of 200 million American's. But Obama, not only expanded on that program, he's trying to make it illegal for anyone to sue the government for damages as a result.

He is authorizing the assasination of American's without due process of law.

He's conducting a war against whistle-blowers, because to him, reporting a crime by the government, is just criminal. Which makes what Nixon said, right. "When the President does it, it's not a crime!"

And his latest one, is making it legal for government to BS the population with untrue propaganda in order to sell certain policies to American citizens. Kind of like what company's do on billboards and commericals to sell a product. Basically, making it legal to lie.

You know, I really hated Bush! And I do think Obama is a better overall President. But the one thing I wish Obama had more of, was Bush's balls. Even though Bush was wrong most of the time, at least he had balls big enough to not back down to detractors and make no bones about where he was coming from.

And lastly, even though my hatred for Bush ran pretty deep, I was still outraged over that fucking movie depicting his assasination. I didn't find that funny in the least. I still remember where I was when Kennedy was shot, which is not something I ever want to go through again.

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