Was Muhammad Really a Feminist?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Was Muhammad Really a Feminist?
The twisted world of leftist crusaders.
December 9, 2016
Jack Kerwick


Muhammad was a feminist.

Believe it or not, not too long ago the Huffington Post published a column that made this patently laughable claim.


With the greatest of ease we could cite from the ample supply of Quranic passages and hadiths, to say nothing of Muhammad’s own personal life and the history and culture that it inspired, to expose Garrison’s scandalously absurd claim for what it is.

Of course, Garrison is hardly unique among those of his ideological heir in affirming values that are radically incompatible with one another. Self-contradictions pervade the leftist consciousness.

On the one hand, leftists claim, as the writers at the Huffington Post claim, to value “gender equality” or “women’s rights.” Yet, on the other hand, they also decry “Islamophobia,” which they identify with any and every criticism of Islam, especially the objection that Islam is oppressive of women.

Leftists assert, on the one hand, to favor LGBT “rights.” On the other hand, they demand of those of us who convict Islam of homicidal violations of such rights that we stop “demonizing” Islam.

Those on the left are obsessed with combatting “racism”—but only when whites are alleged to be the perpetrators. However, when it comes to the enormous magnitude of black hostility toward non-blacks, they either remain silent or explain it away as an understandable, even justifiable, response to white racism or “white privilege.”

The left calls for “justice” for the environment while, like Hillary Clinton, crusading for the liberty of mothers to arrange for the deaths of their unborn and partially born children.

Leftists Social Justice crusaders wax indignant over a “rape culture”—but only when that rape culture is straight out of a Lifetime film, i.e. only when the perpetrators are affluent middle-class white males. When it comes to the astronomical rate of, say, black rape and domestic violence, or the rape crisis brought to European women courtesy of Islamic refugees fleeing North Africa and the Middle East, our self-avowed “feminists” say nothing.

We could continue endlessly in this same repetitive vein. While these patterns of thoughts reveal a glaring thoughtlessness, they may reflect more the leftist’s unwillingness to think rather than her inability to do so. In a future article, I will offer explanations as to how and why it is that otherwise ostensibly intelligent people routinely spout such self-evident foolishness.

Was Muhammad Really a Feminist?
Muhammad was a war mongering, perverted pedophile. It's hard to believe there are a billion and a half people who are gullible enough to believe he was a prophet.
Are domestic abuse and sex slavery more feminist than Israel?
March 23, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Linda Sarsour, an Islamist organizer of the Women’s March, announced that Jewish women couldn’t be feminists. At least not so long as they continued to be Zionists and believe that Jews have the right to a country. But a better question might be whether an Islamist like Linda Sarsour can be a feminist.

Sarsour had tweeted defenses of Saudi Arabia’s Islamic treatment of women. Worried about Saudi Arabia not letting women drive? “10 weeks of PAID maternity leave in Saudi Arabia. Yes PAID. And ur worrying about women driving. Puts us to shame.”

Maternity leave is a bad joke in an Islamic State where large numbers of jobs are closed to women. Even if they could drive to work or leave the house. Meanwhile in Zionist Israel, women have 14 weeks of paid maternity leave. And they can actually drive to work. They can even drive tanks and fly fighter jets.

Puts Linda Sarsour, her leftist enablers and Saudi Arabia to shame. Or least it ought to.


"Shariah law is reasonable and once u read into the details it makes a lot of sense. People just know the basics," Sarsour tweeted.

Some of the reasonable basics of Sharia law include beating women.


That is the ugly truth. It’s not about sexism. It’s about racism and anti-Semitism.

The left has discovered a newfound interest in using anti-Semitism as a talking point. Perhaps it will agree to unpack its own knapsack and discuss why it supports the racist Islamic war against the Jews.

Can Islamists Be Feminists?

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