Was Obama ever a member of the Muslim faith ??

Proof please that "we know he was a Muslim in his younger years".

NYT.com Removes Article Mentioning Obama's Muslim Roots | NewsBusters.org

That help?

The NYTimes tired to bury their own article

Perhaps the NYT removed it because they couldn't PROVE the assertions? Something I am sure "Newsbusters" cares little about...

Yeah, where's the PROOF?

I attended church school when I was a kid. Does that prove I practice or believe that religion today?

In point of fact, every indication is that the president is a Christian but, of course, that doesn't matter to the lying rw.
Yes ... Facts.

Prove your accusation. Links to those "few dozen" jihad attempts.

I know it's sometimes hard to read on the internet, but i have no idea how no one detected sarcasm in my post.

Probably because rw's still spout this stupid stuff and they're serious about it. And, as we see every day, they passing on their lies as though they are true.

Newsflash for ya bud...

This site is by no means a crosss section of America. Those of us on this site, myself included, are very enthusiastic about politics and our positions....most Americans only care about their families, friends and reltives....and politics comes around 1 month every 4 years....

RW's, as you so eloquently put it, are those with an ideology....most dont give a crap about Obamas faith....

I certainly dont care what his faith is...I wouldnt care if Romney were an atheist....if I felt he will help my family frineds and relatives while preserving the constitution, I would vote for him.


Lou Alcindor was an outstanding basketball player. So was Kareem Abdul Jabaar.

Cascious Clay (sp?) was a great boxer. So was Mohammed Ali.

Take it from there.
I know it's sometimes hard to read on the internet, but i have no idea how no one detected sarcasm in my post.

Probably because rw's still spout this stupid stuff and they're serious about it. And, as we see every day, they passing on their lies as though they are true.

Newsflash for ya bud...

This site is by no means a crosss section of America. Those of us on this site, myself included, are very enthusiastic about politics and our positions....most Americans only care about their families, friends and reltives....and politics comes around 1 month every 4 years....

RW's, as you so eloquently put it, are those with an ideology....most dont give a crap about Obamas faith....

I certainly dont care what his faith is...I wouldnt care if Romney were an atheist....if I felt he will help my family frineds and relatives while preserving the constitution, I would vote for him.


Lou Alcindor was an outstanding basketball player. So was Kareem Abdul Jabaar.

Cascious Clay (sp?) was a great boxer. So was Mohammed Ali.
Take it from there.

I had to snicker about this highlighted part a bit. Sorta reminds me of those types that defend their real thoughts with "Oh, but I have many black friends"....
Probably because rw's still spout this stupid stuff and they're serious about it. And, as we see every day, they passing on their lies as though they are true.

Newsflash for ya bud...

This site is by no means a crosss section of America. Those of us on this site, myself included, are very enthusiastic about politics and our positions....most Americans only care about their families, friends and reltives....and politics comes around 1 month every 4 years....

RW's, as you so eloquently put it, are those with an ideology....most dont give a crap about Obamas faith....

I certainly dont care what his faith is...I wouldnt care if Romney were an atheist....if I felt he will help my family frineds and relatives while preserving the constitution, I would vote for him.


Lou Alcindor was an outstanding basketball player. So was Kareem Abdul Jabaar.

Cascious Clay (sp?) was a great boxer. So was Mohammed Ali.
Take it from there.

I had to snicker about this highlighted part a bit. Sorta reminds me of those types that defend their real thoughts with "Oh, but I have many black friends"....

Dont ya just love that line?

When people say that to my face, I say to them...Really? Name two.

They usually do it...one is a guy they see on the train and the other is a guy from work...another a friend from high school or college...etc etc etc.....

Where do they live I ask them?
Are they married?
Any kids?

Usually by the 4th or 5th question they call me a racist and walk away.

You do realize, of course...that was not the point I was making......yeah...you do.....never mind.
Newsflash for ya bud...

This site is by no means a crosss section of America. Those of us on this site, myself included, are very enthusiastic about politics and our positions....most Americans only care about their families, friends and reltives....and politics comes around 1 month every 4 years....

RW's, as you so eloquently put it, are those with an ideology....most dont give a crap about Obamas faith....

I certainly dont care what his faith is...I wouldnt care if Romney were an atheist....if I felt he will help my family frineds and relatives while preserving the constitution, I would vote for him.


Lou Alcindor was an outstanding basketball player. So was Kareem Abdul Jabaar.

Cascious Clay (sp?) was a great boxer. So was Mohammed Ali.
Take it from there.

I had to snicker about this highlighted part a bit. Sorta reminds me of those types that defend their real thoughts with "Oh, but I have many black friends"....

Dont ya just love that line?

When people say that to my face, I say to them...Really? Name two.

They usually do it...one is a guy they see on the train and the other is a guy from work...another a friend from high school or college...etc etc etc.....

Where do they live I ask them?
Are they married?
Any kids?

Usually by the 4th or 5th question they call me a racist and walk away.

You do realize, of course...that was not the point I was making......yeah...you do.....never mind.

Of course I do...I just got a little chuckle out of it, through no intention of your own, and I chose to share...
Yes ... Facts.

Prove your accusation. Links to those "few dozen" jihad attempts.

I know it's sometimes hard to read on the internet, but i have no idea how no one detected sarcasm in my post.

Probably because rw's still spout this stupid stuff and they're serious about it. And, as we see every day, they passing on their lies as though they are true.

This is what happens when you know your POTUS candidate sucks...
....meanwhile, in other threads started today, fellow GOP operatives have started throwing out the "birth certificate" claim AGAIN. What part of the 2008 trouncing didn't you Pubs understand? Before you know it, the RNC will convince Mitt to pick a female as his VP candidate. If they play the 2008 strategery, they will pick a female, ANY female will do...
wait for the October surprise !!
OH Shit, We are digging this horse's old bones up and beating them all over again?
What part of he was raised by a white athiest mother and a white midwest protestant grand parents do you not under stand? His father left when he was TWO. Went to a public school in Indonesia.
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Muslim brother hood allowed in the front door and Israel's prime minister in the back door !!he certainly shows more respect to muslims than the evil Jews !!


  • $6a00d8341c630a53ef012875a01896970c-300wi.jpg
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  • $Obama-Is-A-Muslim.jpg
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OH Shit, We are digging this horse's old bones up and beating them all over again?
What part of he was raised by a white athiest mother and a white midwest protestant grand parents do you not under stand? His father left when he was TWO. Went to a public school in Indonesia.

Did he go to a public school in Indonesia? Only citizens of Indonesia can attend public school. Islam is taught in public school in Indonesia as it is an islamic nation. If you are correct and obama went to public school in Indonesia, he was a citizen of Indonesia and a muslim.
OH Shit, We are digging this horse's old bones up and beating them all over again?
What part of he was raised by a white athiest mother and a white midwest protestant grand parents do you not under stand? His father left when he was TWO. Went to a public school in Indonesia.

Did he go to a public school in Indonesia? Only citizens of Indonesia can attend public school. Islam is taught in public school in Indonesia as it is an islamic nation. If you are correct and obama went to public school in Indonesia, he was a citizen of Indonesia and a muslim.
Just because you are a citizen of Indonesia does not mean that you are a muslim.

Muslim 86.1%, Protestant 5.7%, Roman Catholic 3%, Hindu 1.8%, other or unspecified 3.4% (2000 census)

Muslim brother hood allowed in the front door and Israel's prime minister in the back door !!he certainly shows more respect to muslims than the evil Jews !!
I see no problem with that; in fact Obama should be applauded for having his priorities in order. :clap2:
and the reson he is not for cheaper fuel prices [under my administration energy costs will necessarily sky rocket is to keep pumping money to his muslim brothers overseas !!
Muslim brother hood allowed in the front door and Israel's prime minister in the back door !!he certainly shows more respect to muslims than the evil Jews !!
I see no problem with that; in fact Obama should be applauded for having his priorities in order. :clap2:
and the reson he is not for cheaper fuel prices [under my administration energy costs will necessarily sky rocket is to keep pumping money to his muslim brothers overseas !!
So the International free market economy has nothing to do with rising gas prices? :doubt:
OH Shit, We are digging this horse's old bones up and beating them all over again?
What part of he was raised by a white athiest mother and a white midwest protestant grand parents do you not under stand? His father left when he was TWO. Went to a public school in Indonesia.

Did he go to a public school in Indonesia? Only citizens of Indonesia can attend public school. Islam is taught in public school in Indonesia as it is an islamic nation. If you are correct and obama went to public school in Indonesia, he was a citizen of Indonesia and a muslim.
Just because you are a citizen of Indonesia does not mean that you are a muslim.

Muslim 86.1%, Protestant 5.7%, Roman Catholic 3%, Hindu 1.8%, other or unspecified 3.4% (2000 census)


The PUBLIC schools are religious and under the authority of the Ministry of Religious Affairs.

Education in Indonesia is under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan or Kemdikbud) and the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kementerian Agama or Kemenag). In Indonesia, all citizens must undertake nine years of compulsory education, six years at elementary level and three in junior high school. Islamic schools are the responsibility of the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
We know he was a muslim in his younger years. That has nothing to do with the current democratic war on women. Plenty of non muslim men don't believe in equal rights for women. If the question is does obama really believe in equality, the answer has to be no. If he did believe in equal rights for women, then women in the white house staff wouldn't be making 18% less pay than male white house staff.

We do NOT know he was a Muslim at a younger age. We know he had a father who practiceds the religion.....but that is about it.

Besides....what the hell difference does it make. His lack of leadereship skills and his failed policies and his uncontrollable urge to spin history to benefit his agenda has nothing to do with his faith as a child or as an adult.

Actually, his father, and his step father were both Muslim. It is, therefore, reasonable to assume that - at some stage (likely during his time living in Indonesia).... he was involved in the Muslim faith. Is that a big deal? Not to anyone of normal intellect.... however, to the fucking morons... yea, it's a 'Biden'.

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