Was Obama ever a member of the Muslim faith ??

All I'm sayin' is why would somebody named Barry Soltero officially change his name in his adult college years to the Islamic Barack Hussein Obama?

What was his birth name?
hell nobady is even sure of where he was born much less what his birth name is !!

A lie. That he was born Barack Hussein Obama is not disputed by anyone.

Just keep making shit up and demonstrating what a gullible, zero-resistance creduloid you are. I could get so rich off people like you, I often wonder why I stop myself.
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The more the birfers yell, the more folks shift to obama.

Shut up, birfers!
Hey Pale Retard,I see that your back with your pathetic garbage of anybody other than Obama to be the next president.People like yo are what is wrong with america because you let your racist hatred for blacks fool you into believing that anything will change once Obama is out when nothing will.

All the other candidates except Ron Paul,are here to serve the establishment and spit on the constitution just like Obama and his predecessor Bush and his buddy Clinton did.

Oh and love you hysterical logic of when you whine about Obama lying to the american people and not upholding the constitution when every president since nov 22nd 1963 has done the exact same thing.Its okay for them to do so though since they were white folks.
the name you identify your self with on this board shows you are an idiot !!

this post of yours show that you slept through junior high school science classes and are afraid of the truth.:clap2:

Posters like you and Pale Retard only hurt the efforts of the Obama truthers seeking justice in putting him behind bars where he belongs.Pale Retard once made a thread called The Obama Deception.Obviously not watching one minute of it.I have that video in my sig under MUST SEE VIDEO.

If he had bothered watching it,he would have noticed that Alex Jones the narrater of that video goes on to say in it the truth that our last real president we had that was here to serve the people and uphold the constituiton and not be a puppet for the establishment was John F Kennedy.which is why he was assassinated.

Pale Retard,for years always called Alex Jones a loony for saying that my user name was the truth.NOW all of a sudden that he makes a video shitting on Obama,all of a sudden Pale Retard says Alex Jones is a credible person because since he is now shitting on his beloved Obama that he has nothing but hate for. great logic there.:lol: Sorry, you two idiots cant have it both ways that Jones is right about Obama not being a us citizen but wrong about 9/11.Thats being a hypocrite.

Anytime i point that out to Pale he runs off and wont address it because it shows what a hypocrite he is.I even made a thread trying to get him to answer that question once but like the coward he is,he never posted on it.I actually hate call out threads like that one I made but I had to because he will never address it anytime I ask him that.He just runs off just like he is doing right now all the time.

are you going to show off what a hypocrite you are as well and say that Jones is right about Obama but wrong about Bush? if you do,then again,you are a hypocrite as well because you cant have it both ways.

Either Jones is wrong about both storys or he is right about both.again you cant have it both ways the way Pale Retard wants to have it.so since I can never get HIM to answer that question.I will try and ask you that.which one is it,is Jones right about both or wrong about both,it has to be one or the other,cant have it both ways like you and Pale Retard wants it:lol:

If you hold the same logic that Pale does toward then like him,your even more stupid than the Obama apologists in denial over this all are.:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:

so you are going to do the same thing Pale Retard always does I see.run off.nice.:clap2:

Like Pale,you know you cant have it BOTH ways like you want to have it that Jones is wrong about 9/11 but right about Obama not being a us citizen in that it just proves that your being a hypocrite if you say that.So to avoid showing off what a hyppocrite you are,you also wont address it since you know that you have to admit like Pale would have to ,that it Jones is right about Obama,then he is right about my user name as well since he is either wrong about both or right about both.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: cant have it both ways,wrong about Bush,but right about Obama.

again its people like you and Pale that hurt the cause of people who want to see justice done and have Obama impeached.congrats.:clap2:
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Not by someone like you, Yidnar. You are a coward, after all. You folks are moving voters to Obama with your stupidities.
Ok people here it is flat! Even if he isn't a muslim he most certainly is not a christian! What christian would be all for the murdering of unborn children, and homosexuality?
This country was founded on Christianity! Countless people gave thier lives to escape oppression in england, to come to America so they could worship God! In recent times has come about the seperation of church and state! This is not the direction our country, that was founded on the belief, and Love of God should be headed! If anything we should encourage our children to believe in God and to worship,and love Him! After 9/11 everyone turned to God and we almost had a nation wide revival. We should not only turn to God when we are in times of trouble. He should be a part of our every day lives! Folks we need to repent as a nation and build our foundation on God! Not on the men, and economy of the world! It is our only hope!
Ok people here it is flat! Even if he isn't a muslim he most certainly is not a christian! What christian would be all for the murdering of unborn children, and homosexuality?
This country was founded on Christianity! Countless people gave thier lives to escape oppression in england, to come to America so they could worship God! In recent times has come about the seperation of church and state! This is not the direction our country, that was founded on the belief, and Love of God should be headed! If anything we should encourage our children to believe in God and to worship,and love Him! After 9/11 everyone turned to God and we almost had a nation wide revival. We should not only turn to God when we are in times of trouble. He should be a part of our every day lives! Folks we need to repent as a nation and build our foundation on God! Not on the men, and economy of the world! It is our only hope!

You are a liar.

The Constitution is very clear on separation of church and state. Very few actually came over for religious freedom, some were even given territorial land grants by the King. The country was founded on being a sovereign nation, not on christian rule.

Why the hell am I arguing with you, you know everything you posted is untrue.

Suggesting that 9/11 incited a national christian revival is obnoxious.
The far Christian right endangers America with its wild man and wild woman nonsense.
...time to stop this Obamination (killing/destruction of the youngest breed/race of Americans, the Babies... (3 times vote of this man for partial-birth-abortion), rejection of talks with the Prime Minister of Israel several times, crippling & destruction of the economy of the US and worldwide, destruction of the moral and biblical foundations of America (cancelling the day of prayer while celebrating Ramadan in the white house..., & the other time of the year B.Hussein Obama wearing a ring with "Allah u akhbar" (the moon-God Allah is greater... than who? (greater than Jesus & His father??) being engraved) & denouncing in his Homeland-Security-Papers people, who made the US great as terrorists (bible-believing Christians, 2nd amendment-groups & Veterans(!)) & then insulting candidate Romney, calling him a a "bullshitter" etc.; oh Bummer, this shameful policy has got 2 stop...

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