Was Russia just bombed because Russia kills children in Syria?

You assume too much. Obama did himself no favours at all. But apparently the US slaughter of innocents has increased markedly under the orange rodent.

The other concern is that he has no plan for when Isis is beaten.

That will happen soon and so it is a worry that there is no plan.

Why should the U.S. have the damn plan?

Let the people figure out how they want to be govern and if they want ISIS or ISIL to fist fuck them daily then let'em. Just blow them up when they leave their region of the world but if they kill each other, well how am I to care one damn bit?

Also Tommy do not kid yourself Trump has been President only a few months and you believe in a few months he has killed more than Obama, well have the military do it for them seeing both were not man enough to serve!

The US invaded Iraq on a lie and the country hasnt been stable since then. Bush didnt have a clue and now the orange rodent is repeating this.

Is it just possible that after the bombing is over, and the oilfields have been secured,that a new mutation will appear once the Americans have gone home ?

Is it just fucking possible ?

Hey now, Tony Blair supported the Iraq invasion as well. So y'all in the UK have blood on your hands too. It isn't only about the US. The British Military engaged in civilian slaughters too.

It turns out, France was one of the very few brave countries in Western Europe. It opposed the Iraq invasion from beginning to end. I gotta give it some props for that. But some Brits and Americans did understand that it was a horrific blunder. Just not enough.
Absolutely. Blair lied us into it with his phoney dossier. The vote to bomb Syria shows us that the lessons of that have still not been taken on board.

Cameron told us that there were 70,000 Syrians waiting to join us against Assad. They are probably all dead now, if they ever existed.

So we carry on with this shite and then struggle to understand the human fallout when it washes up on our doorstep.

We deserve all we get.

I'm afraid the US and Great Britain are stuck on Imperialist policies. They're seeking world domination. And that's very sad. Our US Founding Fathers warned against 'Empire-Building.' All Empires collapse.

We're $20 Trillion in Debt and we're still spending astronomical amounts of Taxpayer money on maintaining over 700 bases worldwide and numerous endless wars. How can it be sustained? Something's gotta give eventually.
The UK has been a lapdog for the US for decades now.Even when the US used to finance the IRA.

The US can bomb the world a 100 times over and still needs more bombs ?

Its clear to see who calls the shots in Washington.
Why should the U.S. have the damn plan?

Let the people figure out how they want to be govern and if they want ISIS or ISIL to fist fuck them daily then let'em. Just blow them up when they leave their region of the world but if they kill each other, well how am I to care one damn bit?

Also Tommy do not kid yourself Trump has been President only a few months and you believe in a few months he has killed more than Obama, well have the military do it for them seeing both were not man enough to serve!

The US invaded Iraq on a lie and the country hasnt been stable since then. Bush didnt have a clue and now the orange rodent is repeating this.

Is it just possible that after the bombing is over, and the oilfields have been secured,that a new mutation will appear once the Americans have gone home ?

Is it just fucking possible ?

Hey now, Tony Blair supported the Iraq invasion as well. So y'all in the UK have blood on your hands too. It isn't only about the US. The British Military engaged in civilian slaughters too.

It turns out, France was one of the very few brave countries in Western Europe. It opposed the Iraq invasion from beginning to end. I gotta give it some props for that. But some Brits and Americans did understand that it was a horrific blunder. Just not enough.
Absolutely. Blair lied us into it with his phoney dossier. The vote to bomb Syria shows us that the lessons of that have still not been taken on board.

Cameron told us that there were 70,000 Syrians waiting to join us against Assad. They are probably all dead now, if they ever existed.

So we carry on with this shite and then struggle to understand the human fallout when it washes up on our doorstep.

We deserve all we get.

I'm afraid the US and Great Britain are stuck on Imperialist policies. They're seeking world domination. And that's very sad. Our US Founding Fathers warned against 'Empire-Building.' All Empires collapse.

We're $20 Trillion in Debt and we're still spending astronomical amounts of Taxpayer money on maintaining over 700 bases worldwide and numerous endless wars. How can it be sustained? Something's gotta give eventually.
The UK has been a lapdog for the US for decades now.Even when the US used to finance the IRA.

The US can bomb the world a 100 times over and still needs more bombs ?

Its clear to see who calls the shots in Washington.

Yeah, it's about 'Empire-Building' now. It's exactly what our Founding Fathers warned against. It won't end well.
We deserve all we get.
The language of a slave. Men like you did not build the British Empire or the Industrial Revolution. The Iraq War was an Israeli-instigated war with overwhelming support from their willing allies in the Jewish dominated press. Go ahead and scream "Nazi" if you want. The truth is the truth, whether you have the brains to see it or the courage to acknowledge it, or not. And now, like a pathetic worm, you allow those same forces to flood your homeland with "refugees" while you bleat "we deserve it". Despicable.
We deserve all we get.
The language of a slave. Men like you did not build the British Empire or the Industrial Revolution. The Iraq War was an Israeli-instigated war with overwhelming support from their willing allies in the Jewish dominated press. Go ahead and scream "Nazi" if you want. The truth is the truth, whether you have the brains to see it or the courage to acknowledge it, or not. And now, like a pathetic worm, you allow those same forces to flood your homeland with "refugees" while you bleat "we deserve it". Despicable.
Oh lord. I lack the skills to untangle this gibberish.
The US by far kills more civilians around the world. Does that justify Terrorist attacks against it? Americans really can be so arrogant and ignorant.
Some of the residents of this board cannot connect the two. This is why we had Bush and now we have Trump.

The US is doing most of the invading and killing in the world. Countries like Russia and Iran aren't even close. Yet most Americans truly believe it's always someone else who's the 'Bad Guy.' They refuse to accept that much of the time their Government is the 'Bad Guy.' They live in arrogant denial.
Who has the US invaded? I cannot think of any time that has happened.
Attacks against civilians are never justified, even though Russia is doing that on a daily basis in Syria.

The US does it on a much bigger scale. But most Americans conveniently live in denial about it.
You piece of lying shit. Give me all of the things you are referring to asshole and don't give me the bullshit about poor little innocent saddam and Iraq being liberated from a tyrant.

Also, please don't give me your bullshit about the redskins having "their land" taken from them. As if being here first is an actual reason why they had this "mystical right" to the land.

What bullshit.

Give me your fucking list.
Here is a prime example of why we have Trump.
Low information fuckwit.

Well Tommy when you write someone is a fuckwit it should be taken as a compliment from you... I mean you whine about Trump but I bet you had no problem with Obama usage of drones on innocent civilians which also mean kids being killed!

You assume too much. Obama did himself no favours at all. But apparently the US slaughter of innocents has increased markedly under the orange rodent.

The other concern is that he has no plan for when Isis is beaten.

That will happen soon and so it is a worry that there is no plan.

Why should the U.S. have the damn plan?

Let the people figure out how they want to be govern and if they want ISIS or ISIL to fist fuck them daily then let'em. Just blow them up when they leave their region of the world but if they kill each other, well how am I to care one damn bit?

Also Tommy do not kid yourself Trump has been President only a few months and you believe in a few months he has killed more than Obama, well have the military do it for them seeing both were not man enough to serve!

The US invaded Iraq on a lie and the country hasnt been stable since then. Bush didnt have a clue and now the orange rodent is repeating this.

Is it just possible that after the bombing is over, and the oilfields have been secured,that a new mutation will appear once the Americans have gone home ?

Is it just fucking possible ?

Hey now, Tony Blair supported the Iraq invasion as well. So y'all in the UK have blood on your hands too. It isn't only about the US. The British Military engaged in civilian slaughters too.

It turns out, France was one of the very few brave countries in Western Europe. It opposed the Iraq invasion from beginning to end. I gotta give it some props for that. But some Brits and Americans did understand that it was a horrific blunder. Just not enough.
It was not a fucking invasion you moron. It was a fucking liberation from a tyrant.

What right did America have in WWII to "invade" Italy? Did they attack Pearl Harbor?

Deranged ass.
We deserve all we get.
The language of a slave. Men like you did not build the British Empire or the Industrial Revolution. The Iraq War was an Israeli-instigated war with overwhelming support from their willing allies in the Jewish dominated press. Go ahead and scream "Nazi" if you want. The truth is the truth, whether you have the brains to see it or the courage to acknowledge it, or not. And now, like a pathetic worm, you allow those same forces to flood your homeland with "refugees" while you bleat "we deserve it". Despicable.
Oh lord. I lack the skills to untangle this gibberish.
It's called the truth, you pathetic worm, and you lack the spine to face it.
Attacks against civilians are never justified, even though Russia is doing that on a daily basis in Syria.

The US does it on a much bigger scale. But most Americans conveniently live in denial about it.
You piece of lying shit. Give me all of the things you are referring to asshole and don't give me the bullshit about poor little innocent saddam and Iraq being liberated from a tyrant.

Also, please don't give me your bullshit about the redskins having "their land" taken from them. As if being here first is an actual reason why they had this "mystical right" to the land.

What bullshit.

Give me your fucking list.

The US by far kills more civilians than any other nation on earth. Most Americans live in complete denial about it, but it is the ugly reality. In just Iraq alone, the US has killed far more innocents than Russia, Iran, and any other nations combined have in recent decades. You're just a typical arrogant ignorant American. You only see what you wanna see.
Well Tommy when you write someone is a fuckwit it should be taken as a compliment from you... I mean you whine about Trump but I bet you had no problem with Obama usage of drones on innocent civilians which also mean kids being killed!

You assume too much. Obama did himself no favours at all. But apparently the US slaughter of innocents has increased markedly under the orange rodent.

The other concern is that he has no plan for when Isis is beaten.

That will happen soon and so it is a worry that there is no plan.

Why should the U.S. have the damn plan?

Let the people figure out how they want to be govern and if they want ISIS or ISIL to fist fuck them daily then let'em. Just blow them up when they leave their region of the world but if they kill each other, well how am I to care one damn bit?

Also Tommy do not kid yourself Trump has been President only a few months and you believe in a few months he has killed more than Obama, well have the military do it for them seeing both were not man enough to serve!

The US invaded Iraq on a lie and the country hasnt been stable since then. Bush didnt have a clue and now the orange rodent is repeating this.

Is it just possible that after the bombing is over, and the oilfields have been secured,that a new mutation will appear once the Americans have gone home ?

Is it just fucking possible ?

Hey now, Tony Blair supported the Iraq invasion as well. So y'all in the UK have blood on your hands too. It isn't only about the US. The British Military engaged in civilian slaughters too.

It turns out, France was one of the very few brave countries in Western Europe. It opposed the Iraq invasion from beginning to end. I gotta give it some props for that. But some Brits and Americans did understand that it was a horrific blunder. Just not enough.
It was not a fucking invasion you moron. It was a fucking liberation from a tyrant.

What right did America have in WWII to "invade" Italy? Did they attack Pearl Harbor?

Deranged ass.

You're delusional. Of course it was an invasion. And it wasn't justified. Iraq was not a threat to the US. We had no right to invade and 'Liberate' Iraqis. And it was a horrific blunder as well. All the US did was slaughter Thousands of innocents and hand the country over to the Shiites who are aligned with Shiite Iran. That war should have never happened. Period, end of story.
Attacks against civilians are never justified, even though Russia is doing that on a daily basis in Syria.

The US does it on a much bigger scale. But most Americans conveniently live in denial about it.
You piece of lying shit. Give me all of the things you are referring to asshole and don't give me the bullshit about poor little innocent saddam and Iraq being liberated from a tyrant.

Also, please don't give me your bullshit about the redskins having "their land" taken from them. As if being here first is an actual reason why they had this "mystical right" to the land.

What bullshit.

Give me your fucking list.

The US by far kills more civilians than any other nation on earth. Most Americans live in complete denial about it, but it is the ugly reality. In just Iraq alone, the US has killed far more innocents than Russia, Iran, and any other nations combined have in recent decades. You're just a typical arrogant ignorant American. You only see what you wanna see.
On ignore you pathetic fucking liar. I love the links you provided you piece of shit.
Attacks against civilians are never justified, even though Russia is doing that on a daily basis in Syria.

The US does it on a much bigger scale. But most Americans conveniently live in denial about it.
You piece of lying shit. Give me all of the things you are referring to asshole and don't give me the bullshit about poor little innocent saddam and Iraq being liberated from a tyrant.

Also, please don't give me your bullshit about the redskins having "their land" taken from them. As if being here first is an actual reason why they had this "mystical right" to the land.

What bullshit.

Give me your fucking list.

The US by far kills more civilians than any other nation on earth. Most Americans live in complete denial about it, but it is the ugly reality. In just Iraq alone, the US has killed far more innocents than Russia, Iran, and any other nations combined have in recent decades. You're just a typical arrogant ignorant American. You only see what you wanna see.
On ignore you pathetic fucking liar. I love the links you provided you piece of shit.

Just look at Iraq alone. The US slaughtered Thousands & Thousands there. And that's not even counting the years of sanctions it imposed on Iraq. Those sanctions led to mass starvation and death by disease.

And hey, more good news for ya. After your Government gets done decimating Mosul, guess who gets to pay to rebuild it?... You. Enjoy.
And, Iran has been attacking countries since the Mullahs took over, moron; they're just chickenshit about it and use proxies.

Do not fall for this lie. If an attack on any country can be justified by claiming that country is using "proxies" to attack you, then we are at the mercy of Intel, because that is where the proof would have to come from and they can provide "proof" of anything. If nothing else, Trump's election has shown us that patriotism is not the guiding principle when it comes to the actions of Intel. Recall, these are the same people who fed Bush II the phony intelligence that tricked George W Bush, may his name live in infamy, to launch the war on Iraq in the first place.

Hezbollah is Iranian funded and trained. Iranian officers are stationed permanently and liaisons and advisors with them, and also with various Shia gangs in Iraq, so no, it isn't a lie, it's a certainty has has been for for at least 20 years. As for Bush, he did make a mistake looking around for some reason to finish off the Saddam animal, but he didn't need one, since Saddam violated the cease fire agreements almost daily for years, far more than enough reason to crush the vermin, so the 'fake intel' is a moot issue. A better CinC would have crushed him on the second violation if not the first.
Attacks against civilians are never justified, even though Russia is doing that on a daily basis in Syria.

The US does it on a much bigger scale. But most Americans conveniently live in denial about it.
You piece of lying shit. Give me all of the things you are referring to asshole and don't give me the bullshit about poor little innocent saddam and Iraq being liberated from a tyrant.

Also, please don't give me your bullshit about the redskins having "their land" taken from them. As if being here first is an actual reason why they had this "mystical right" to the land.

What bullshit.

Give me your fucking list.

The US by far kills more civilians than any other nation on earth. Most Americans live in complete denial about it, but it is the ugly reality. In just Iraq alone, the US has killed far more innocents than Russia, Iran, and any other nations combined have in recent decades. You're just a typical arrogant ignorant American. You only see what you wanna see.
On ignore you pathetic fucking liar. I love the links you provided you piece of shit.

Just look at Iraq alone. The US slaughtered Thousands & Thousands there. And that's not even counting the years of sanctions it imposed on Iraq. Those sanctions led to mass starvation and death by disease.

And hey, more good news for ya. After your Government gets done decimating Mosul, guess who gets to pay to rebuild it?... You. Enjoy.

So what's your problem? You left wing gimps masturbate over dead babies bodies anyway, so why the fake moralizing here, vermin? If you want to know who is really to blame for the chaos, look in the mirror, at the gimps who encourage these animals' terrorism and Islamic 'culture'.
Hello. As you may have heard, today a terrorist attack occurred in the subway of Saint Petersburg, Russia.
The culprits have not been identified yet, so let's be cautious. Anyway, I'd like to know if you think the fact that Russia has been killing lots of civilians in Syria (including children) has anything to do with their being targeted by terrorists. Thanks in advance.
‘Russian‘ bomb attacks kill 22 kids in Northern Syria as UK-funded schools are hit

In order to attack the terrorists, some civilians will be killed. It's sad but mostly the fault of terrorists who deliberately use them as human shields. It's also important to note that ISIS and other radical Muslims have made killing civilians, particularly Christians, a priority. Radical Muslims are the only ones targeting civilians specifically so the loss of innocent lives is not what angers them. It's the fact that countries call their bluff and attack the militant radicals despite their efforts to spare themselves by hiding under women's skirts. They use innocents as shields for the specific purpose of being able to accuse others of being heartless. It wouldn't work if not for media helping them to push this propaganda.
It turns out, France was one of the very few brave countries in Western Europe. It opposed the Iraq invasion from beginning to end. I gotta give it some props for that.

The war interrupted some arms deals; they wanted to sell the vermin some missiles and other ordnance. Besides, they couldn't get there if they wanted to; they could barely get to Mali, and that was because the U.S. had to give them a free ride to get there, Tommy.

Cameron told us that there were 70,000 Syrians waiting to join us against Assad. They are probably all dead now, if they ever existed.

Good that they're dead; the vast majority of Arab Muslims are terrorist fans or terrorists themselves, so good riddance. But hey, Pacifist Anti-War'Tommy is now using 'us' re invading some country. lol what a phony you are.

So we carry on with this shite and then struggle to understand the human fallout when it washes up on our doorstep.

We deserve all we get.

Who is 'we' and 'us', Tommy? You claiming to be a patriot or something? That's laughable; you would rather sit in a jail than be drafted or join up.
Hello. As you may have heard, today a terrorist attack occurred in the subway of Saint Petersburg, Russia.
The culprits have not been identified yet, so let's be cautious. Anyway, I'd like to know if you think the fact that Russia has been killing lots of civilians in Syria (including children) has anything to do with their being targeted by terrorists. Thanks in advance.
‘Russian‘ bomb attacks kill 22 kids in Northern Syria as UK-funded schools are hit

Muslims are noted for their propensity to surround themselves with children and get them killed just for the photo ops, so it's highly unlikely they give a crap about that, certainly not enough to attack anybody over. They've also been caught using 'dead children' pics taken in other countries and years earlier and handing them to some hack news outlets like Reuters and Al Jareeza who dutifully publish them unquestioningly as 'real' and 'current'.
Here is a prime example of why we have Trump.
Low information fuckwit.

Well Tommy when you write someone is a fuckwit it should be taken as a compliment from you... I mean you whine about Trump but I bet you had no problem with Obama usage of drones on innocent civilians which also mean kids being killed!

Tommy's just your typical 'progressive' fraud, is all. he just repeats what he thinks all the cool kids want to hear.

Tommy probably was the kid the Jocks, Skaters, and even Nerds would ignore and his only chance for a date, well never mind you can think of what his date life was like as a lad...

He was that 6th grader all the 2nd graders could beat up.
The US does it on a much bigger scale. But most Americans conveniently live in denial about it.
You piece of lying shit. Give me all of the things you are referring to asshole and don't give me the bullshit about poor little innocent saddam and Iraq being liberated from a tyrant.

Also, please don't give me your bullshit about the redskins having "their land" taken from them. As if being here first is an actual reason why they had this "mystical right" to the land.

What bullshit.

Give me your fucking list.

The US by far kills more civilians than any other nation on earth. Most Americans live in complete denial about it, but it is the ugly reality. In just Iraq alone, the US has killed far more innocents than Russia, Iran, and any other nations combined have in recent decades. You're just a typical arrogant ignorant American. You only see what you wanna see.
On ignore you pathetic fucking liar. I love the links you provided you piece of shit.

Just look at Iraq alone. The US slaughtered Thousands & Thousands there. And that's not even counting the years of sanctions it imposed on Iraq. Those sanctions led to mass starvation and death by disease.

And hey, more good news for ya. After your Government gets done decimating Mosul, guess who gets to pay to rebuild it?... You. Enjoy.

So what's your problem? You left wing gimps masturbate over dead babies bodies anyway, so why the fake moralizing here, vermin? If you want to know who is really to blame for the chaos, look in the mirror, at the gimps who encourage these animals' terrorism and Islamic 'culture'.

You may enjoy paying for your endless war quagmires, but i don't. We're $20 Trillion in Debt for God's sake. And now we're gonna be forced to pay for rebuilding another bombed-out hellhole. Who did you think was gonna pay for the Mosul debacle? I've had enough of your costly Iraq War blunder. 14yrs is absurd. It's time to get the hell outta there.
And, Iran has been attacking countries since the Mullahs took over, moron; they're just chickenshit about it and use proxies.

Do not fall for this lie. If an attack on any country can be justified by claiming that country is using "proxies" to attack you, then we are at the mercy of Intel, because that is where the proof would have to come from and they can provide "proof" of anything. If nothing else, Trump's election has shown us that patriotism is not the guiding principle when it comes to the actions of Intel. Recall, these are the same people who fed Bush II the phony intelligence that tricked George W Bush, may his name live in infamy, to launch the war on Iraq in the first place.

Hezbollah is Iranian funded and trained. Iranian officers are stationed permanently and liaisons and advisors with them, and also with various Shia gangs in Iraq, so no, it isn't a lie, it's a certainty has has been for for at least 20 years. As for Bush, he did make a mistake looking around for some reason to finish off the Saddam animal, but he didn't need one, since Saddam violated the cease fire agreements almost daily for years, far more than enough reason to crush the vermin, so the 'fake intel' is a moot issue. A better CinC would have crushed him on the second violation if not the first.
Fake intel is not a moot issue. Fake intel is what was given to the dupe, Colin Powell, with which he gave the speech before the UN, which launched the war. Even if it weren't crucial to the declaration of war, the fact that our so-called ally, Israel, was behind it is enough to prove to any American with the integrity to look that there is a fox in the hen house.

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