Was Russia just bombed because Russia kills children in Syria?

Hello. As you may have heard, today a terrorist attack occurred in the subway of Saint Petersburg, Russia.
The culprits have not been identified yet, so let's be cautious. Anyway, I'd like to know if you think the fact that Russia has been killing lots of civilians in Syria (including children) has anything to do with their being targeted by terrorists. Thanks in advance.
‘Russian‘ bomb attacks kill 22 kids in Northern Syria as UK-funded schools are hit

Muslims are noted for their propensity to surround themselves with children and get them killed just for the photo ops, so it's highly unlikely they give a crap about that, certainly not enough to attack anybody over. They've also been caught using 'dead children' pics taken in other countries and years earlier and handing them to some hack news outlets like Reuters and Al Jareeza who dutifully publish them unquestioningly as 'real' and 'current'.
Here is a prime example of why we have Trump.
Low information fuckwit.

Well Tommy when you write someone is a fuckwit it should be taken as a compliment from you... I mean you whine about Trump but I bet you had no problem with Obama usage of drones on innocent civilians which also mean kids being killed!

Tommy's just your typical 'progressive' fraud, is all. he just repeats what he thinks all the cool kids want to hear.
The US by far kills more civilians around the world. Does that justify Terrorist attacks against it? Americans really can be so arrogant and ignorant.
Some of the residents of this board cannot connect the two. This is why we had Bush and now we have Trump.
So explain how the inability to connect US foreign policy to domestic terrorism resulted in Trump?

Yes; that should be entertaining. lol
The US by far kills more civilians around the world. Does that justify Terrorist attacks against it? Americans really can be so arrogant and ignorant.

lol the problem with that silly narrative is too many Americans have been to Europe and know this is exactly the opposite of reality, dummy.

How is it the 'opposite of reality?' Most Americans have no idea how many innocent civilians have been slaughtered by their Government in Iraq alone. Russia and Iran couldn't come close to the shocking numbers even if they tried. So, does all that slaughtering justify attacks against the US? More Americans should contemplate that question.

More Americans should contemplate how inept and dishonest people like yourself are, and laugh you out of existence.
Hello. As you may have heard, today a terrorist attack occurred in the subway of Saint Petersburg, Russia.
The culprits have not been identified yet, so let's be cautious. Anyway, I'd like to know if you think the fact that Russia has been killing lots of civilians in Syria (including children) has anything to do with their being targeted by terrorists. Thanks in advance.
‘Russian‘ bomb attacks kill 22 kids in Northern Syria as UK-funded schools are hit

Muslims are noted for their propensity to surround themselves with children and get them killed just for the photo ops, so it's highly unlikely they give a crap about that, certainly not enough to attack anybody over. They've also been caught using 'dead children' pics taken in other countries and years earlier and handing them to some hack news outlets like Reuters and Al Jareeza who dutifully publish them unquestioningly as 'real' and 'current'.
Here is a prime example of why we have Trump.
Low information fuckwit.

Well Tommy when you write someone is a fuckwit it should be taken as a compliment from you... I mean you whine about Trump but I bet you had no problem with Obama usage of drones on innocent civilians which also mean kids being killed!

You assume too much. Obama did himself no favours at all. But apparently the US slaughter of innocents has increased markedly under the orange rodent.

The other concern is that he has no plan for when Isis is beaten.

That will happen soon and so it is a worry that there is no plan.
Hello. As you may have heard, today a terrorist attack occurred in the subway of Saint Petersburg, Russia.
The culprits have not been identified yet, so let's be cautious. Anyway, I'd like to know if you think the fact that Russia has been killing lots of civilians in Syria (including children) has anything to do with their being targeted by terrorists. Thanks in advance.
‘Russian‘ bomb attacks kill 22 kids in Northern Syria as UK-funded schools are hit

Muslims are noted for their propensity to surround themselves with children and get them killed just for the photo ops, so it's highly unlikely they give a crap about that, certainly not enough to attack anybody over. They've also been caught using 'dead children' pics taken in other countries and years earlier and handing them to some hack news outlets like Reuters and Al Jareeza who dutifully publish them unquestioningly as 'real' and 'current'.
Here is a prime example of why we have Trump.
Low information fuckwit.

Well Tommy when you write someone is a fuckwit it should be taken as a compliment from you... I mean you whine about Trump but I bet you had no problem with Obama usage of drones on innocent civilians which also mean kids being killed!

Tommy's just your typical 'progressive' fraud, is all. he just repeats what he thinks all the cool kids want to hear.

Tommy probably was the kid the Jocks, Skaters, and even Nerds would ignore and his only chance for a date, well never mind you can think of what his date life was like as a lad...
The US by far kills more civilians around the world. Does that justify Terrorist attacks against it? Americans really can be so arrogant and ignorant.

lol nonsense. You really are a mental case. You and Tommy share a padded room?

The US by far is doing most of the invading and killing in the world. When's the last time Iran invaded a country? If Russia 'deserves' to be attacked, the US deserves it ten-fold.

What planet are you from, again? You really think this stupid crap? The 'Ganjaweed' alone killed far more and are still killing more, and nobody attacked them, they;re just your average neighborhood Muslims. The U.S. didn't 'attack' anybody; some idiots attacked allies the U.S. had mutual defense agreements with, moron, and got their asses handed to them. I realize you're not honest enough to admit that, being a gimp with issues, but that is indeed the reality of it.

And, Iran has been attacking countries since the Mullahs took over, moron; they're just chickenshit about it and use proxies. You also support that, of course; you love it in fact.

Iran hasn't invaded a country in centuries. In contrast, how many countries has the US invaded in that time? Unfortunately, most Americans are completely ignorant to reality. They always see themselves as the 'Good Guys.' But in reality, they're often the 'Bad Guys.'
Hello. As you may have heard, today a terrorist attack occurred in the subway of Saint Petersburg, Russia.
The culprits have not been identified yet, so let's be cautious. Anyway, I'd like to know if you think the fact that Russia has been killing lots of civilians in Syria (including children) has anything to do with their being targeted by terrorists. Thanks in advance.
‘Russian‘ bomb attacks kill 22 kids in Northern Syria as UK-funded schools are hit

Muslims are noted for their propensity to surround themselves with children and get them killed just for the photo ops, so it's highly unlikely they give a crap about that, certainly not enough to attack anybody over. They've also been caught using 'dead children' pics taken in other countries and years earlier and handing them to some hack news outlets like Reuters and Al Jareeza who dutifully publish them unquestioningly as 'real' and 'current'.
Here is a prime example of why we have Trump.
Low information fuckwit.

Well Tommy when you write someone is a fuckwit it should be taken as a compliment from you... I mean you whine about Trump but I bet you had no problem with Obama usage of drones on innocent civilians which also mean kids being killed!

You assume too much. Obama did himself no favours at all. But apparently the US slaughter of innocents has increased markedly under the orange rodent.

The other concern is that he has no plan for when Isis is beaten.

That will happen soon and so it is a worry that there is no plan.

Why should the U.S. have the damn plan?

Let the people figure out how they want to be govern and if they want ISIS or ISIL to fist fuck them daily then let'em. Just blow them up when they leave their region of the world but if they kill each other, well how am I to care one damn bit?

Also Tommy do not kid yourself Trump has been President only a few months and you believe in a few months he has killed more than Obama, well have the military do it for them seeing both were not man enough to serve!
The US by far kills more civilians around the world. Does that justify Terrorist attacks against it? Americans really can be so arrogant and ignorant.

lol the problem with that silly narrative is too many Americans have been to Europe and know this is exactly the opposite of reality, dummy.

How is it the 'opposite of reality?' Most Americans have no idea how many innocent civilians have been slaughtered by their Government in Iraq alone. Russia and Iran couldn't come close to the shocking numbers even if they tried. So, does all that slaughtering justify attacks against the US? More Americans should contemplate that question.

More Americans should contemplate how inept and dishonest people like yourself are, and laugh you out of existence.

You're a typical clueless arrogant American. You have no idea how many innocent civilians your Government slaughtered in just Iraq alone. If any nation on earth 'deserves' retaliation attacks, it would be the US.
Most Americans live in a permanent state of arrogant denial. They refuse to accept that their Government is doing most of the invading and killing in the world.

If only Americans actually knew what we were doing and why. Our press is more like the "warpigs of the oligarchy" rather than the "watchdogs of democracy".

Thanks to Thomas "Cakewalk" Friedman and his (((ilk))), most Americans at the time believed the attack on Iraq was in response to 9-11. And they are ignorant about this:

Something drastic must be done regarding the press or we will see another "kristalnacht".
Hello. As you may have heard, today a terrorist attack occurred in the subway of Saint Petersburg, Russia.
The culprits have not been identified yet, so let's be cautious. Anyway, I'd like to know if you think the fact that Russia has been killing lots of civilians in Syria (including children) has anything to do with their being targeted by terrorists. Thanks in advance.
‘Russian‘ bomb attacks kill 22 kids in Northern Syria as UK-funded schools are hit

Muslims are noted for their propensity to surround themselves with children and get them killed just for the photo ops, so it's highly unlikely they give a crap about that, certainly not enough to attack anybody over. They've also been caught using 'dead children' pics taken in other countries and years earlier and handing them to some hack news outlets like Reuters and Al Jareeza who dutifully publish them unquestioningly as 'real' and 'current'.
Here is a prime example of why we have Trump.
Low information fuckwit.

Well Tommy when you write someone is a fuckwit it should be taken as a compliment from you... I mean you whine about Trump but I bet you had no problem with Obama usage of drones on innocent civilians which also mean kids being killed!

You assume too much. Obama did himself no favours at all. But apparently the US slaughter of innocents has increased markedly under the orange rodent.

The other concern is that he has no plan for when Isis is beaten.

That will happen soon and so it is a worry that there is no plan.

Why should the U.S. have the damn plan?

Let the people figure out how they want to be govern and if they want ISIS or ISIL to fist fuck them daily then let'em. Just blow them up when they leave their region of the world but if they kill each other, well how am I to care one damn bit?

Also Tommy do not kid yourself Trump has been President only a few months and you believe in a few months he has killed more than Obama, well have the military do it for them seeing both were not man enough to serve!

There would be no Al Qaeda and ISIS in Iraq if not for the US Iraq invasion blunder. Hussein didn't tolerate religious fanatics. He killed them every chance he got. The US opened Pandora's Box in Iraq.
Attacks against civilians are never justified, even though Russia is doing that on a daily basis in Syria.
Attacks against civilians are never justified, even though Russia is doing that on a daily basis in Syria.

The US does it on a much bigger scale. But most Americans conveniently live in denial about it.
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Hello. As you may have heard, today a terrorist attack occurred in the subway of Saint Petersburg, Russia.
The culprits have not been identified yet, so let's be cautious. Anyway, I'd like to know if you think the fact that Russia has been killing lots of civilians in Syria (including children) has anything to do with their being targeted by terrorists. Thanks in advance.
‘Russian‘ bomb attacks kill 22 kids in Northern Syria as UK-funded schools are hit

Muslims are noted for their propensity to surround themselves with children and get them killed just for the photo ops, so it's highly unlikely they give a crap about that, certainly not enough to attack anybody over. They've also been caught using 'dead children' pics taken in other countries and years earlier and handing them to some hack news outlets like Reuters and Al Jareeza who dutifully publish them unquestioningly as 'real' and 'current'.
Here is a prime example of why we have Trump.
Low information fuckwit.

Well Tommy when you write someone is a fuckwit it should be taken as a compliment from you... I mean you whine about Trump but I bet you had no problem with Obama usage of drones on innocent civilians which also mean kids being killed!

You assume too much. Obama did himself no favours at all. But apparently the US slaughter of innocents has increased markedly under the orange rodent.

The other concern is that he has no plan for when Isis is beaten.

That will happen soon and so it is a worry that there is no plan.

Why should the U.S. have the damn plan?

Let the people figure out how they want to be govern and if they want ISIS or ISIL to fist fuck them daily then let'em. Just blow them up when they leave their region of the world but if they kill each other, well how am I to care one damn bit?

Also Tommy do not kid yourself Trump has been President only a few months and you believe in a few months he has killed more than Obama, well have the military do it for them seeing both were not man enough to serve!

The US invaded Iraq on a lie and the country hasnt been stable since then. Bush didnt have a clue and now the orange rodent is repeating this.

Is it just possible that after the bombing is over, and the oilfields have been secured,that a new mutation will appear once the Americans have gone home ?

Is it just fucking possible ?
And, Iran has been attacking countries since the Mullahs took over, moron; they're just chickenshit about it and use proxies.

Do not fall for this lie. If an attack on any country can be justified by claiming that country is using "proxies" to attack you, then we are at the mercy of Intel, because that is where the proof would have to come from and they can provide "proof" of anything. If nothing else, Trump's election has shown us that patriotism is not the guiding principle when it comes to the actions of Intel. Recall, these are the same people who fed Bush II the phony intelligence that tricked George W Bush, may his name live in infamy, to launch the war on Iraq in the first place.
Muslims are noted for their propensity to surround themselves with children and get them killed just for the photo ops, so it's highly unlikely they give a crap about that, certainly not enough to attack anybody over. They've also been caught using 'dead children' pics taken in other countries and years earlier and handing them to some hack news outlets like Reuters and Al Jareeza who dutifully publish them unquestioningly as 'real' and 'current'.
Here is a prime example of why we have Trump.
Low information fuckwit.

Well Tommy when you write someone is a fuckwit it should be taken as a compliment from you... I mean you whine about Trump but I bet you had no problem with Obama usage of drones on innocent civilians which also mean kids being killed!

You assume too much. Obama did himself no favours at all. But apparently the US slaughter of innocents has increased markedly under the orange rodent.

The other concern is that he has no plan for when Isis is beaten.

That will happen soon and so it is a worry that there is no plan.

Why should the U.S. have the damn plan?

Let the people figure out how they want to be govern and if they want ISIS or ISIL to fist fuck them daily then let'em. Just blow them up when they leave their region of the world but if they kill each other, well how am I to care one damn bit?

Also Tommy do not kid yourself Trump has been President only a few months and you believe in a few months he has killed more than Obama, well have the military do it for them seeing both were not man enough to serve!

The US invaded Iraq on a lie and the country hasnt been stable since then. Bush didnt have a clue and now the orange rodent is repeating this.

Is it just possible that after the bombing is over, and the oilfields have been secured,that a new mutation will appear once the Americans have gone home ?

Is it just fucking possible ?

Hey now, Tony Blair supported the Iraq invasion as well. So y'all in the UK have blood on your hands too. It isn't only about the US. The British Military engaged in civilian slaughters too.

It turns out, France was one of the very few brave countries in Western Europe. It opposed the Iraq invasion from beginning to end. I gotta give it some props for that. But some Brits and Americans did understand that it was a horrific blunder. Just not enough.
And, Iran has been attacking countries since the Mullahs took over, moron; they're just chickenshit about it and use proxies.

Do not fall for this lie. If an attack on any country can be justified by claiming that country is using "proxies" to attack you, then we are at the mercy of Intel, because that is where the proof would have to come from and they can provide "proof" of anything. If nothing else, Trump's election has shown us that patriotism is not the guiding principle when it comes to the actions of Intel. Recall, these are the same people who fed Bush II the phony intelligence that tricked George W Bush, may his name live in infamy, to launch the war on Iraq in the first place.

Iran hasn't invaded a nation in centuries. The 'Proxy' argument' is ridiculous. The US routinely engages in that too.
Here is a prime example of why we have Trump.
Low information fuckwit.

Well Tommy when you write someone is a fuckwit it should be taken as a compliment from you... I mean you whine about Trump but I bet you had no problem with Obama usage of drones on innocent civilians which also mean kids being killed!

You assume too much. Obama did himself no favours at all. But apparently the US slaughter of innocents has increased markedly under the orange rodent.

The other concern is that he has no plan for when Isis is beaten.

That will happen soon and so it is a worry that there is no plan.

Why should the U.S. have the damn plan?

Let the people figure out how they want to be govern and if they want ISIS or ISIL to fist fuck them daily then let'em. Just blow them up when they leave their region of the world but if they kill each other, well how am I to care one damn bit?

Also Tommy do not kid yourself Trump has been President only a few months and you believe in a few months he has killed more than Obama, well have the military do it for them seeing both were not man enough to serve!

The US invaded Iraq on a lie and the country hasnt been stable since then. Bush didnt have a clue and now the orange rodent is repeating this.

Is it just possible that after the bombing is over, and the oilfields have been secured,that a new mutation will appear once the Americans have gone home ?

Is it just fucking possible ?

Hey now, Tony Blair supported the Iraq invasion as well. So y'all in the UK have blood on your hands too. It isn't only about the US. The British Military engaged in civilian slaughters too.

It turns out, France was one of the very few brave countries in Western Europe. It opposed the Iraq invasion from beginning to end. I gotta give it some props for that. But some Brits and Americans did understand that it was a horrific blunder. Just not enough.
Absolutely. Blair lied us into it with his phoney dossier. The vote to bomb Syria shows us that the lessons of that have still not been taken on board.

Cameron told us that there were 70,000 Syrians waiting to join us against Assad. They are probably all dead now, if they ever existed.

So we carry on with this shite and then struggle to understand the human fallout when it washes up on our doorstep.

We deserve all we get.
Well Tommy when you write someone is a fuckwit it should be taken as a compliment from you... I mean you whine about Trump but I bet you had no problem with Obama usage of drones on innocent civilians which also mean kids being killed!

You assume too much. Obama did himself no favours at all. But apparently the US slaughter of innocents has increased markedly under the orange rodent.

The other concern is that he has no plan for when Isis is beaten.

That will happen soon and so it is a worry that there is no plan.

Why should the U.S. have the damn plan?

Let the people figure out how they want to be govern and if they want ISIS or ISIL to fist fuck them daily then let'em. Just blow them up when they leave their region of the world but if they kill each other, well how am I to care one damn bit?

Also Tommy do not kid yourself Trump has been President only a few months and you believe in a few months he has killed more than Obama, well have the military do it for them seeing both were not man enough to serve!

The US invaded Iraq on a lie and the country hasnt been stable since then. Bush didnt have a clue and now the orange rodent is repeating this.

Is it just possible that after the bombing is over, and the oilfields have been secured,that a new mutation will appear once the Americans have gone home ?

Is it just fucking possible ?

Hey now, Tony Blair supported the Iraq invasion as well. So y'all in the UK have blood on your hands too. It isn't only about the US. The British Military engaged in civilian slaughters too.

It turns out, France was one of the very few brave countries in Western Europe. It opposed the Iraq invasion from beginning to end. I gotta give it some props for that. But some Brits and Americans did understand that it was a horrific blunder. Just not enough.
Absolutely. Blair lied us into it with his phoney dossier. The vote to bomb Syria shows us that the lessons of that have still not been taken on board.

Cameron told us that there were 70,000 Syrians waiting to join us against Assad. They are probably all dead now, if they ever existed.

So we carry on with this shite and then struggle to understand the human fallout when it washes up on our doorstep.

We deserve all we get.

I'm afraid the US and Great Britain are stuck on Imperialist policies. They're seeking world domination. And that's very sad. Our US Founding Fathers warned against 'Empire-Building.' All Empires collapse.

We're $20 Trillion in Debt and we're still spending astronomical amounts of Taxpayer money on maintaining over 700 bases worldwide and numerous endless wars. How can it be sustained? Something's gotta give eventually.

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