Was Russia just bombed because Russia kills children in Syria?

There is a conflict of cultures but it is not and existential struggle. If the people planting the bombs, detonating himself in this case, believe these acts will change anything in the world, then they are either stupid or crazy. It they are not stupid or crazy, then they can only be motivated by hate and not any expectation of achieving a political goal.

You don't know whether this is an existential or not. But the people planting the bombs might reply, "If the Americans dropping the bombs and invading our countries think killing millions of us will make us embrace their ways and welcome them as liberating heros, or can't see they are being led around by the nose by Zionist Jews then they are either stupid or crazy. If they are not stupid or crazy, then they can only be motivated by hate and not any expectation of achieving a political goal.
That may be your take, but the people placing the bombs don't believe they can achieve no real end. And if Islam and the West are locked in an existential struggle, Islam with its terrorism is closer to eradicating the West than the West is to eradicating Islam.

That's a dubious claim.
France is gone. Much of England is gone. Sweden is gone. Canada is gone. Germany, Denmark, The Netherlands, Italy, Greece, and Belgium are nearly gone. Meanwhile, Islam grows stronger everywhere, and we still demonstrate against efforts to impose the merest whisper of a curtailing, our treasonous judiciary is throwing open the city gates while we sleep, our treasonous media outright lies to us to keep those gates open, and our stealth enemies in Hollywood poison our people with a false history and a false religion and a false culture to the point we can't even resist anymore. Yeah, if I had to bet, my money is on Islam.

OK I see. You're a crazy person.

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