Was Scalia murdered? Please read

Huh, whaaa?

No we didn't. If that were the case, Bush would have been successful at something, and we all know that's just not true.

Go to our own conspiracy boards. Its liberals debunking the truther batshit and conservatives desperately trying to prop that horseshit up. I've been popping truther disinformation cysts for years. Along with flushing the birther batshit.

And its the same conspiracy addled gibberish used here.

I've been there. You can't win against bat shit crazy. There's no hope for those people.

Oh, sure you can. You just use better evidence, better reasoning and demonstrate the absurdity of their conspiracies. You can't convince the gullible idiots who gobble this conspiracy horseshit down. But you can use them as tools to demonstrate just how much of your brain you have to shut down for their conspiracies to start making sense.

"Systematic racism" is a conspiracy too. Somehow all 10,000 American police departments had this big ole meeting and agreed to do it right??

Laughing......the old 911 conspiracy not working out for you, huh? You checked our conspiracy forums and found your conservative ilk propagating there the same kind of conspiracy horseshit used here in this thread?

No I didn't look. I remember the Bush years and what you lefties said and did. People on both sides were/are truthers. I don't know where a strictly liberal forum would be anyway other than trannybuttsex dot com.
Well, if Ruth Ginsberg had died alone in a hotel room, the liberals would have already screamed that she had been murdered and Michael Moore would make a movie about it, with Keira Knightly chosen to play the part of Ruth Ginsberg.
There's absolutely nothing to back the narrative. While both Occam's Razor and physicans contradict it.

But see how easily such batshit fits into the conservative mindset? See how naturally your ilk gobble such nonsense. You're been trained to accept accusations as evidence, belief as facts, and emotion as proof.

And its the GOP that has trained you.
Project much?
My understanding is the guy who ran the ranch and talked to the police was a huge Obama supporter as well. Not only that why NOT allow an autopsy? His family wanted one and its normal for one.

About 3:30 a.m. Sunday, Scalia’s family declined to have an autopsy performed, Lujan said, so the body was being prepared for Scalia’s funeral and was expected to be transported to Washington on Monday.

The death of Antonin Scalia: Chaos, confusion and conflicting reports


So, his family is in on it too?


Anyone who doesn't ape the conspiracy must be part of it, remember?

When it comes to the kind of conservatives that would buy this kind of conspiracy horseshit, you're not exactly dealing with folks that have much need for evidence. Nor think too hard about it.

The number of people who buy into this crap is certainly disturbing.
The true conspiracy theorists here are the liberals who are saying that all conservatives think Scalia was murdered.
Given the fact that a conservative win in November will pretty much guarantee that all the royal edicts issued during the Obama administration will be negated, it would not surprise me that history revealed that, in a last ditch effort to effect some sort of legacy, a level of unprecedented legerdemain permitted Obama to stack the Supreme Court so that his ideology would be forced upon the nation.

It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that you would accept a baseless, batshit conspiracy theory backed by nothing and contradicted by overwhelming evidence as a plausible.

Its how conservatives have been trained to be: Accept emotion as evidence, belief as proof, and accusation as fact.

You idiots thought Bush did 9/11. Case closed.

No he could of never planned something so huge, he basically sat back and watched.
My understanding is the guy who ran the ranch and talked to the police was a huge Obama supporter as well. Not only that why NOT allow an autopsy? His family wanted one and its normal for one.

About 3:30 a.m. Sunday, Scalia’s family declined to have an autopsy performed, Lujan said, so the body was being prepared for Scalia’s funeral and was expected to be transported to Washington on Monday.

The death of Antonin Scalia: Chaos, confusion and conflicting reports


So, his family is in on it too?


Anyone who doesn't ape the conspiracy must be part of it, remember?

When it comes to the kind of conservatives that would buy this kind of conspiracy horseshit, you're not exactly dealing with folks that have much need for evidence. Nor think too hard about it.

The number of people who buy into this crap is certainly disturbing.
The true conspiracy theorists here are the liberals who are saying that all conservatives think Scalia was murdered.

And no one has said that.
About 3:30 a.m. Sunday, Scalia’s family declined to have an autopsy performed, Lujan said, so the body was being prepared for Scalia’s funeral and was expected to be transported to Washington on Monday.

The death of Antonin Scalia: Chaos, confusion and conflicting reports


So, his family is in on it too?


Anyone who doesn't ape the conspiracy must be part of it, remember?

When it comes to the kind of conservatives that would buy this kind of conspiracy horseshit, you're not exactly dealing with folks that have much need for evidence. Nor think too hard about it.

The number of people who buy into this crap is certainly disturbing.
The true conspiracy theorists here are the liberals who are saying that all conservatives think Scalia was murdered.

And no one has said that.

Trivial detail. Hardly worth mentioning.

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