Was the Kavanaugh Mess a Con or a Hit Job


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

I know we’re all sick and tired of hearing about this. He’s been confirmed and sits on the Supreme Court.

But, what about Blasey Ford? Where is she and what’s going on?

Seems there’s an investigation far, far from media scrutiny on here and her lawyers.

Michael Bromwich and Debra Katz seem to have some very close dealings with various resist Trump efforts
() Katz serves as vice chair of the Project on Government Oversight, a “core grantee” of George Soros’s Open Society Foundation, which also funded some 20 of the largest groups that led the anti-Kavanaugh protests.

What’s more vital to contemplate and support is that at least one grand jury is currently hearing testimony far from the media’s klieg lights from various individuals associated with the known cast-of-characters behind the rigged Hillary Clinton investigation and Robert Mueller’s dubious Russian collusion inquiry. And one can find encouragement that much more truth will be forthcoming as the unsealing of many thousands more indictment widens the scope of grand jury inquiries.

Very much more about this @ Whether a Con or a Hit Job, the Kavanaugh Saga is Revealing

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