Was the Pandemic worth getting rid of Trump?

Democrats did not have such a useful cheating tool as the absentee ballot in 2004

and they could not have beaten trump without it in 2020
Sorry, Skippy

But I don’t engage in Stolen Election Fantasies
Why? You wouldn't accept it.
Because your a leftist. You don't have it to show. Just words as always. Your media never gives you the facts so you don't know how to respond with facts. That's that simple! That's why when a discussion breaks down you guys resort to "I don't like what he tweets." Orange man bad."
There is a documentary coming out from Dinesh D'souza Called "2000 Mules", which show 2000 people stuffing ballot boxes on camera. Will you watch? Or just another hypocrite?
I don’t watch Propaganda videos

If it came from a credible source, I would pay attention
Because your a leftist. You don't have it to show. Just words as always. Your media never gives you the facts so you don't know how to respond with facts. That's that simple! That's why when a discussion breaks down you guys resort to "I don't like what he tweets." Orange man bad."
It's so simple... I won't waste my time.
This is a question for you Anti/Never Trumpers: If you could go back and prevent the Covid pandemic, knowing that President Trump would be reelected to a second term (with GOP congressional majorities), would you do so?
He was the potus and should be cut no slack for his pathetic handling of the virus. There's nothing to indicate he would be re elected nor congress would be controlled by republicans. Thats wishful thinking.
He was ousted because he was a complete narcissistic fool and the result is because millions of repigs changed their vote to democrats.
They made their decision based on his failures. Covid is just one of them
This may be a difficult question, but please refrain from answering if you can't preface your response with a "Yes" or "No."
Dont arrogantly instruct anyone how to answer your question to suit you. You don't have that right.
You put yourself on here so your fair game. Cop it sweet or stay away.v
I don’t watch Propaganda videos

If it came from a credible source, I would pay attention
It is being said that the Vegas shooter or shooters were Antifa. And the federal government is keeping it under wraps.

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