Was the Pandemic worth getting rid of Trump?

Agree, not looking good for Democrat's unless Republicans run Trump. Don't think that many people ( even those not that happy about Biden) have changed minds about keeping the former president out of the White house.

Problem is that Trump is the most popular Republican and will win the nomination if he runs the course.
Other Republicans will decline to run against him

But Trump is POISON
84 million voted against him and flocked to the polls to beat him. There are Republicans who wont vote for Trump. They showed that in 2020
Trumps negatives are so high that he can’t win if Biden runs
Problem is that Trump is the most popular Republican and will win the nomination if he runs the course.
Other Republicans will decline to run against him

But Trump is POISON
84 million voted against him and flocked to the polls to beat him
Trumps negatives are so high that he can’t win if Biden runs
You forgetting to figure the million and millions of Americans who are fed up with the crazy leftist agenda, and the idiot in office right now.
As compared the this?

Trumps biggest gaffe

Let's take a look at Trump's response to Covid shall we?

It looks like you are a true Hillbilly. Would you have been happier if your President did the chicken little routine and in a panic told the country that we were all gonna die? Like a true leader, Trump kept the country calm, assuring us all that it was not the end of the world. At the same time, he fast-tracked the vaccine, something Biden would never have been able to pull off because he is as incompetent as you are.
It looks like you are a true Hillbilly. Would you have been happier if your President did the chicken little routine and in a panic told the country that we were all gonna die? Like a true leader, Trump kept the country calm, assuring us all that it was not the end of the world. At the same time, he fast-tracked the vaccine, something Biden would never have been able to pull off because he is as incompetent as you are.
Ah but it was the end of the world for 500,000 Americans.
He lied.
What happens if Republicans run Trump for a third time

84 million Americans voted against Trump in 2020

Since then Trump has

Created a lie that he really won
Challenged the integrity of our Democracy
Sent a Mob to attack the Capitol
Been impeached
Called Putin a Genius for invading Ukraine

Do Republicans think these actions have convinced the 84 million to change their minds?
Ah but it was the end of the world for 500,000 Americans.
He lied.

Go ahead and try to convince yourself that Biden has not lied his ass off for the past year, while about 500k died too. All those deaths occurred while Biden should have known exactly what we were facing.

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