Was the Pandemic worth getting rid of Trump?

Lol, lying ass pathetic right wing losers still throwing a tantrum like the fat ass bitch Trump. Hilarious ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€
Maybe quit chasing giant Jewish space lasers, pedophile vampire lizard people, and other crazy tin hat conspiracy crap and learn how to govern then things might get better for you. You dumb ducks are nothing but a pathetic joke these days.

Learn how to govern? You support Stolen Election *Joes governance?
If trump had taken responsibility, he would still be president.
Trump.is not responsible for that. Those western parties who do business with and enable China as a global power are. The ones who benefitted politically from the pandemic have a business relationship with China that is bigger than the sun. To aquit them of that responsibility which has been mounting for decades is like aquitting OJ Simpson. Trump could have played the hand he was dealt better than he did....but the entire thing was scripted since Obama was in office. Of course those traitors need a scapegoat.
Are you referring to Operation Warp Speed or some other imagined mishandling of the the virus?

Do you understand the concept of answering a yes/no question?
Do you understand you cannot demand anyone to respond how you want.
You don't own the forum.
This is a question for you Anti/Never Trumpers: If you could go back and prevent the Covid pandemic, knowing that President Trump would be reelected to a second term (with GOP congressional majorities), would you do so?

This may be a difficult question, but please refrain from answering if you can't preface your response with a "Yes" or "No."
Who said Trump is not the President now?
Seems he did

Wasnโ€™t a BLM Mob
Wasnt an Antifa Mob
Wasnt a Biden Mob

It was a TRUMPmob
Again, Trump didnโ€™t attack the capitol. American citizens protested the fraudulent election. A few bad elements instigated some property vandalism. Trumpโ€™s message was to peacefully protest. You can try to rewrite history, but honest adults will slap you down every time, kid.
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This is a question for you Anti/Never Trumpers: If you could go back and prevent the Covid pandemic, knowing that President Trump would be reelected to a second term (with GOP congressional majorities), would you do so?

This may be a difficult question, but please refrain from answering if you can't preface your response with a "Yes" or "No."
I rarely reply in such a manner but I'll make a special exception in this case.

What an utterly retarded loaded question.

Do you often walk into a room insulting people leading with your chin and puffing your chest out like you're somebody special?

No I still wouldn't have voted for him because no matter what my vote didn't matter since he was easily going to carry my state.
Again, Trump didnโ€™t attack the capitol. American citizens protested the fraudulent election. A few bad elenents instigated some property vandalism. Trumpโ€™s message was to peacefully protest. You can try to rewrite history, but honest adults will slap you down every time, kid.
Afraid he did

He created the BIG LIE
Called his TRUMPmob to DC
Told them they had to do something to stop Congress
Sent the TRUMPmob after Mike Pence
Stood back and watched as the TRUMPmob attacked our Capitol
Afraid he did
Donโ€™t be frightened, little one.
He created the BIG LIE
Called his TRUMPmob to DC
Told them they had to do something to stop Congress
Sent the TRUMPmob after Mike Pence
Stood back and watched as the TRUMPmob attacked our
Again, Trump did not attack the capitol. He gave a speech and encouraged peaceful protest. Only useful idiots contend otherwise. Are you a useful idiot?
It would have been a significant accomplishment if only Trump followers agreed to be vaccinated
"Trump followers" lol

You do realize plenty of the unvaccinated are black and inner city, right?

Part of it is because the vaccine doesn't get to them. That's one thing Biden had been very good about, he's really made an effort.

But some of those inner city black folks trust the government even less than the "Trump followers" as you say.

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