Was the Pandemic worth getting rid of Trump?

On second thought, let's make this easy for you. Name just 1/10th of 1% of them. That's 500 people.
500,000 Americans died from Covid while trump was president.
I believe that your figure of 500K for trump is overstated. Your GD asshole Biden has fumbled the ball while 559k souls have been lost to the virus, So, if my understanding of the true numbers lost is correct, Biden has mishandled the virus after stating in a debate that he would prevail. Lier, Lier, tails on fire.
Are you referring to Operation Warp Speed or some other imagined mishandling of the the virus?

Do you understand the concept of answering a yes/no question?
No, he doesn't. He is what was talked about in that old saying, "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit". Someplace in his warped small mind, what he says makes sense, believe it or not. This is why he is in my timeout corner almost all the time.
Trump will ensure a Biden second term

If Republicans are dumb enough to run Trump a third time, they deserve what they get. Biden is beatable, but not by Trump

If this were true and you really believed it you, Nancy Chuckie CNN and the MSM would be hammering Foreign Affairs World Wide Disater *Joe on a daily basis because his numbers are much worse than Trumps even with the vaccine handed to him along with over a year of scientific knowledge.
More proof leftists are lying POS.
Pathetic. Every one of you.
If this were true and you really believed it you, Nancy Chuckie CNN and the MSM would be hammering Foreign Affairs World Wide Disater *Joe on a daily basis because his numbers are much worse than Trumps even with the vaccine handed to him along with over a year of scientific knowledge.
More proof leftists are lying POS.
Pathetic. Every one of you.

Trump is POISON outside of MAGA
Republicans fear him and will not run against him

84 million voted against him
Trump will have to answer for his behavior after the election, lying about it being stolen, the Jan 6 insurrection, the resulting impeachment and now calling Putin a Genius

How does Trump think he has changed anyones mind about him
Trump is POISON outside of MAGA
Republicans fear him and will not run against him

84 million voted against him
Trump will have to answer for his behavior after the election, lying about it being stolen, the Jan 6 insurrection, the resulting impeachment and now calling Putin a Genius

How does Trump think he has changed anyones mind about him
Nice spittle.
"Name 1% of them. If you can't name them, they don't exist."

If you can't name someone dead from Covid.....then there were no Covid dead?
I love this bar.
It is LooneyTunes on the world wide web.

Good poster "JustQuit"...please, please, do not quit this chatroom.
You are one of the reasons I occasionally visit here.
You are a good example of a bad example.
But still entertaining. I luv it!

"....admit that those 500,000 people died of COVID only in his mind.
And the good gurl, JustQuit, doubles down!!
Waytogo, mi amiga! You be you!

Just a reminder of the day after Trump lost

Thank you, poster 'skews13'.
I had forgotten about those video clips.
Now THAT was entertaining.
I remember them well....after your reminder.

"Hint to the Clueful: "When people dance in the street because you got fired."

This is a question for you Anti/Never Trumpers: If you could go back and prevent the Covid pandemic, knowing that President Trump would be reelected to a second term (with GOP congressional majorities), would you do so?

This may be a difficult question, but please refrain from answering if you can't preface your response with a "Yes" or "No."
Lol, lying ass pathetic right wing losers still throwing a tantrum like the fat ass bitch Trump. Hilarious 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
Maybe quit chasing giant Jewish space lasers, pedophile vampire lizard people, and other crazy tin hat conspiracy crap and learn how to govern then things might get better for you. You dumb ducks are nothing but a pathetic joke these days.
Maybe quit chasing giant Jewish space lasers, pedophile vampire lizard people, and other crazy tin hat conspiracy crap and learn how to govern then things might get better for you. You dumb ducks are nothing but a pathetic joke these days.

Well, while I can take note of the poster 'evenflow's' passion and sincereity......I'm not ready to be so emphatic.

However, I can see how an argument can be made in support of poster 'evenflow'.
Getting rid of Trump was worth getting rid of Trump – having nothing to do with the pandemic.

Trump was a dreadful ‘president’ – the worst in US history.

Completely unfit to hold public office, comprehensively wrong on the issues, a racist, bigot, misogynist, and compulsive liar, Trump was voted out of office as a consequence, reflecting the will of the majority of the people – and thankfully so.
Trump had his short comings but was a far better President than the Thief in Chief where your head is so far up his ass you don't where his starts and yours leaves off.
This is a question for you Anti/Never Trumpers: If you could go back and prevent the Covid pandemic, knowing that President Trump would be reelected to a second term (with GOP congressional majorities), would you do so?

This may be a difficult question, but please refrain from answering if you can't preface your response with a "Yes" or "No."
Trump wanted Putin's job, but in the U.S. You have serious issues with morality if you would consider Trump today.

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